...and for extra marks (especially if you're putting your money on it!), let's see what currency or precious metal looks like the best store of the value of your dollars.
Warren Buffett recently revealed he's hedged against the greenback, and gold and silver bugs are contesting the merits of their respective hoards. If your preference is for currency but you wonder about the backing, remember that Germany has the world's second-largest stock of gold, whereas Switzerland and the UK have been persuaded to get rid of about half their gold holdings since 2000.
Meanwhile, Japan and China are both struggling to hold their currencies down, to protect their export markets. Russia seems keen on claiming half the Polar region and is already able to use its energy supplies as an economic weapon. India is developing fast, and may turn out to be an interesting rival for China.
Here's our starting point today, using the figures from the Currency Converter widget on the sidebar. $1,000 will currently buy:
729.74 Euros
1,427.25 German Marks
(there's a glitch in the currency converter, so I've done this in two stages)
119,080 Japanese Yen
7,581.23 Chinese Yuan or Renminbi
492.40 British Pounds
40,383 Indian Rupees
25,548.20 Russian Roubles
1,203.70 Swiss Francs
An ounce of gold costs $665.03
An ounce of silver costs $12.92
Where would
you hold your savings until the New Year?