Keyboard worrier

Friday, March 15, 2019

FRIDAY MUSIC: Waiting for St Patrick, by JD

It is St Patrick's Day this coming Sunday so for this year's musical celebration, something slightly different. All of the music here is impromptu, unplanned, occasionally slightly chaotic but all are an illustration of the inherent music in the Irish soul looking for any excuse to burst forth into an unsuspecting world.

And the world responds with great joy as this selection of comments appended to the videos shows:-

"They say an Irish Funeral is more fun than an English wedding..."

"These are the people who keep our traditions going. Other nationalities look on and wonder 'where did we lose it all'."

"Fantastic musicians. They put sunshine into peoples' hearts, and smiles on their faces."

"It's really fantastic seeing people of all the ages playing and dancing the traditional songs of their country. I've only see this in irish people and its something fantastic, the love that they have to their traditional folk is really really amazing."

....and the final video here is a delight (it takes about 8 minutes before the music begins) but you may need to turn up the volume because it was impromptu and the recording was not 'professional'

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