Showing posts with label natural resources. Show all posts
Showing posts with label natural resources. Show all posts

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Decoding the peak resources panic

Occupy Transylvania protests in Mel Brooks' "Young Frankenstein"

John Michael Greer (The Archdruid) repeats his familiar message this week: we are in slow decline (what James Howard Kunstler calls "The Long Emergency") now that energy sources are becoming scarcer and more expensive. The latest twist in his ever-elegant sermon is the general breakdown of respect for our superiors, so that they cease to serve as exemplars for the underclass, who have set up their own anti-heroes as models of behaviour.

Well, I agree, but only up to a point. The British working class was rioting away at various times in the eighteenth century, over bread shortages and fears of Papism, so social unrest and the celebration of highwaymen are nothing new.

Doubtless there will be resource crises from time to time, and surely oil, gas and coal will not last forever. It must also be a concern that the world's population has boomed and some parts - including the UK - have become hostages to fortune because they cannot feed all their people from their own lands. Age imbalance is a worry, too, with a growing proportion of oldies who can't work - or don't expect to - and who cost so much in personal attention and medical treatment.

It was The Ecologist magazine that first drew my attention to eco-issues, with its call for a demographically-planned reduction in population so that we could climb down the ladder rather than fall off it. A sharp drop in the birth-rate would be a catastrophe for society, argued "Blueprint For Survival" in 1972. Since then, the global headcount has risen from 3.8 to 7.2 billions.

But we haven't hit the buffers of resource constraints yet; that's not what is causing our societal tensions now; at least, not directly. AK Haart argues that behind public fretting about the environment is the anxiety of the Western middle class, concerned for its own material prosperity and social status.

It's now generally known that the real income per hour of the American middle class has stalled since The Ecologist's article was published, largely because the moneyed class used globalisation to undercut them. In the nineteenth century, Chinese workers built railroads in California; now, Asian workers make things for us but in their own countries, and international firms and dark pools of cash in the Caribbean reap the benefits without having to accept the usual lifelong obligations of master to servant. The circle has been squared by debt, at first through issuing Treasury bonds and latterly through reinvestment in the USA - real estate, equities. It's selling the family silver to maintain an unrealistic standard of living.

It's not just the chippy Occupy Wall Street crowd that points out how the rich have become incredibly richer under this scheme - and how the socio-economic crisis threatens to overwhelm even the privileged. In an essay for Politico Magazine (htp: Paddington), billionaire Nick Hanauer argues the case for increasing the minimum wage so that, as Henry Ford understood, a wealthier workforce can stop claiming benefits, pay more in taxes, spend more and create more employment. Unlike some of his fellows, he is not planning to purchase posterity's good opinion (or forgiveness) with charitable donations; he seeks to fix the broken machine.

Whether this is possible in the context of untrammelled free trade is questionable. The drive for ever-closer economic union seems relentless; when the WTO stalled at Doha, the Trans-Pacific Partnership forged ahead. Now the tanks of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership are crushing sovereign powers under their tracks and threaten to roll right over the National Health Service.

Perhaps nothing can stop the megalomaniac folly except full-scale disaster and the pitchfork army that Hanuaer envisages.


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Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Water wars

James Quinn raises another critical resource issue, namely, water.

Taking his list "Total Renewable Freshwater Supply, by Country" (which excludes Australia, though the situation there could easily become much more challenging), I divided the figures by population size to obtain a per capita water supply, as follows:

From this we note that Canada may have something to offer the USA (Al Capone would be into mineral water now, I guess), and that India may face an even more desperate shortage than China, unless and until desalination plants take off. And parts of South America may have their attractions.

But the Congo: no. I once taught a lad whose family trekked 1,000 miles to the coast to get away from the civil war, and he very nearly didn't make it, because of a blood-thirsty armed patrol. His father nominated him for the chop rather than the favourite son, but they eventually relented.

Any views from survivalists as to where to move the family for a long-term future?

Sunday, September 02, 2007

The outlook from Financial Sense

Some voices and topics from Financial Sense, 25 August:

inflation, deflation, gold, cash...

Jim Puplava: ...I've had Bob Prechter on this program and Bob is a deflationist and Bob believes that we get deflation first and then hyperinflation where I guess my views are we get hyperinflation and then what follows will be deflation. And that's the way it has unfolded with great debtor nations. And I think history will repeat itself here with the US. There is too much debt here and it has to be inflated away...

...I really believe that the full force of these storms aren't going to hit until somewhere between 2009 and 2010 when this really comes home to roost. And all of these debt problems, the problems that we have with energy today, availability, peak oil, the geopolitical problems in the Middle East – I do not expect the next decade to be a pleasant one, John. I wish I could say otherwise because as a father with three children, one to get married shortly and looking forward to grandchildren, you know, this is something that you don't like to think about...

credit bubble, credit crunch, commodities, East delinking from West...

Doug Noland: ...the economy is much more vulnerable than many believe because of the credit that was going to the upper end; and I think the upper end mortgage area is where we had the greatest excesses.

So I think when all is said and done, subprime losses are going to be small compared to the losses we see in jumbo and Alt-A, and especially, unfortunately out in California...

...there’s desperation out there to find buyers for mortgages... Washington generally doesn’t understand the risk of Fannie and Freddie [US government-sponsored entities - "GSEs" - that offer mortgages], so of course they would think it’s their role to step in and provide the liquidity.

But... their total exposure is over 4 trillion dollars now. And this is a huge problem, and I fully expect down the road these institutions to be nationalized. And I think the US taxpayer is going to pay a huge bill for this... To be honest, I don’t mind the GSEs if they want to play a role in affordable housing; if they wanted to try to rectify some of the problems at the lower end because of the lack of the availability of credit in subprime. But to think that the GSEs should start doing jumbo mortgages, to try to be the buyer of last resort for California mortgages, my God, it’s hard to believe that makes sense to anyone because that’s just a potential disaster. It’s also reminiscent of the S&L – the Savings and Loan problem that, you know, was a several billion dollar problem during the 80s that they allowed to grow to several hundred billion by the early 90s. And definitely, the tab of the GSEs is growing rapidly right now...

...even if the central banks add a trillion dollars of liquidity to help out this deleveraging we still have this issue of how are we going to generate the trillions of additional credit going forward to keep incomes levitated, to keep corporation earnings levitated, to keep asset prices levitated, to keep the global economy chugging along...

...The global economy may be something of a different story because we have credit bubbles all over the world. Like the Chinese bubble right now is pretty much oblivious to what’s going on in the US and in Europe. You can see a scenario where, you know, you have serious credit breakdown but let’s say Chinese demand keeps energy and resource prices higher than one would expect. So I’m going to be watching this very carefully because we’re going to see some very unusual dynamics as far as liquidity and inflation effects between different asset classes and different types of price levels throughout the economy.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Out and in

Another quote, this time from Ludwig von Mises (via the Daily Reckoning Australia):

"There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as a result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved."

Like any sane person, my preference is the first option.

I have no idea how much longer this expansion will continue, but we've asked to take our modest holdings today. Maybe we'll miss out on a further commodity boom in the next few weeks, though it seems that when the market gets skittish gold runs with the herd for a while. We plan to come back in soon enough, on a regular premium basis; but unless Monday sees a significant drop, we've done all right over the last couple of years. Thank you, Mogambo Guru and others.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Puru Saxena: natural resources at bargain prices

Like Jim Puplava, Puru Saxena (yesterday) sees a bull market in commodities, not merely on account of monetary inflation but also in view of increasing demand.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Peak oil, commodity prices, globalisation, back to the land

An interesting article from Tom Stevenson in Britain's Daily Telegraph, on oil. He reaches two conclusions:

1. it's good news for the commodity investor
2. when supply hits its limit, demand will have to change, and so will our lives

The second is far more interesting. I think we will eventually start listening to the dreamers who are even now formulating new currency systems for localised commerce. And we'll need to unwind our dependence on the car. Think of the implications.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Energy crunch = higher food costs

Continuing the theme of energy demands, the Contrarian Investors' Journal comments that the search for alternatives to oil is causing inflation in food prices.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Railroads: further details

Chris Mayer writes about railroads in today's Daily Reckoning Australia. After describing Chinese technical feats, he looks at factors that make railways more attractive in today's America:

- Container transportation is booming as America imports more of its non-perishable goods. But fuel costs are rising. The energy-efficiency of rail is an advantage over trucking.

- The US population continues to move to the cities, where land is at a premium. Rail is more space-efficient, and less polluting than cars or planes.

So Buffett is doing his customary thing, of backing dull, dependable, comprehensible business that's going with the flow.

Looking at wider issues, maybe a highly concentrated population implies not only highly-capitalised amenities, but centralised power. How will America change as urbanisation continues? Will the internalised society (life governed by shared expectations of decent behaviour, liberty, egalitariansm) become a society of rule imposed from outside and above?

As it happens, I am reading Bill Bryson's childhood memoir of Des Moines, Iowa and the Fifties ("The life and times of the Thunderbolt Kid"), and he remembers when America had millions of small, family-owned farms and the Midwest was dotted with thriving little towns. When the farm went, what went with it?

And coming back to the resource-efficiency/sustainability arguments, I have an idea that although cities seem to be more efficient (because people are closer to each other), they are highly entropic - it takes a lot of work to stop them falling apart in all sorts of ways. Maybe the more distant future is back out on the prairies, with a return to localised production and self-government.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Not yet, the crash - Puru Saxena

Puru Saxena submits "The Solitary Bear" in today's Daily Reckoning Australia. He agrees with Marc Faber that there's bubbles in equities and commodities, but thinks we have some years yet before the crisis hits.

This is because he can't see central bankers having the virility to raise interest rates sufficiently to curb inflation, which is rotting savers' money (the "solitary bear" market being cash). Why the reluctance? "The central banks know full well that with debt at its current level, such drastic measures would probably cause a global depression, widespread unemployment and social unrest. So, they will try and avoid or delay this outcome as much as possible..."

We're practically forced to invest in something. The danger, particularly for small guys, is not knowing when to head for the exit, ahead of the rest of the panicky crowd. It's a tough one:

"...investors will have to become more selective when making decisions and deploying their capital. For maximum success and safety, I would urge you to invest your capital during pullbacks whilst avoiding overstretched markets. Despite all the talk of "doom and gloom", this strategy should continue to deliver reasonable returns in the period ahead."

I wonder whether the "gloom and doom" is in part an oblique reference to Marc Faber, whose website is self-deprecatingly named See Faber's comments in the Market Oracle round-table discussion yesterday (previous post) - he, too, admits he can't call the turn but forecasts a continuing rise in equities (except maybe emerging markets) relative to cash - but not a rise in real terms. Faber is looking, I suspect, for quiet bargains in commodities and resources, e.g. low-priced agricultural land.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

The natural resources chorus

Doug Casey at "Financial Sense" today reviews asset classes and considers all of them over-valued, excepting natural resources. On Monday, The Mogambo Guru repeated his refrain of "gold, oil and silver", and in an old article of 2005 maintained that even though there may be fluctuations, gold will win against paper. A couple of weeks ago, Antal Fekete noted that physical gold was disappearing fast into private hoards, as it did before the fall of the Roman Empire. Today's Daily Mail article already cited re Diana Choyleva, quotes Julien Garran at Legal & General saying that the "infectious growth environment" of Russia and the Middle East "will, in due course, strain the world's resources and cause inflationary pressure to build."

So how should we bet? Can we beat the mathematics-trained investment gunslingers who are superglued to their computer screens and supported by their massive commercial databases? Perhaps we shouldn't try to get the timing perfect, and instead, work out what asset/s are likely to preserve the value of our savings in the medium to long term. But the answer may not be entirely conventional, in these interesting times.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

What a bear!

I am reading Richard Duncan's book "The Dollar Crisis" and plan to review it in detail here soon.
Meanwhile, searching for information on him, I stumbled across a different, but similarly-named author, Richard C. Duncan, who propounds what he calls "Olduvai Theory". This is a real spine-tingler. It looks at the history of world energy consumption per capita and concludes that we passed the peak a generation ago. He says industrial society is a unique and unrepeatable period, has a life-span of some 100 years, and will decline fast, starting in 2008. I hope he's wrong, but it gives us a terrific motive to look after the world much more carefully.

But instead of concentrating on the fear, which is how journalists sell their papers, let's look at the themes this throws up: increasing world population and everyone's aspiration for a higher standard of living. So there are very powerful driving forces pushing up the demand for food, water, land, metals, and energy sources. This is why the Daily Reckoning says commodities are an asset class that will dominate investment for the next 15 years.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The plain truth about investment

Dan Denning in The Daily Reckoning Australia says today:

"Studies show being in the right asset class accounts for over 90% of your total return in any given investment.

--This happens to be why we are still bullish on Aussie resource stocks despite the China melt-up. Resource stocks are the right asset class to be in right now, and probably for the next 15 years. There will be dips and potholes. But if the asset class is right (and resource stocks made a 200-year low in 2000, so they are still very cheap in historic terms), then the investment maths is really simple."

That's it, unless you're a gunslinger investor and fancy your chances against people who stare at computer screens all day, all week. The world's governments can print all the money they like, but they can't print the resources that turn into things money buys. This is where most bears are bulls.