Keyboard worrier

Friday, June 21, 2024

FRIDAY MUSIC: The Basque Country (Euskadi) by JD

Continuing the 'tour' of the northern Spanish regions along the coast of the Bay of Biscay and their distinctive traditions. The Basque Country (Euskadi) is an autonomous community in northern Spain with strong cultural traditions, a celebrated cuisine and a distinct language that pre-dates the Romance languages. 

The Basque Autonomous Community (7,234 km²) consists of three provinces, specifically designated "historical territories":

Álava (capital: Vitoria-Gasteiz)
Biscay (capital: Bilbao)
Gipuzkoa (capital: Donostia-San Sebastián)

The Chartered Community of Navarre (10,391 km²)[12] is a single-province autonomous community. Its name refers to the charters, the Fueros of Navarre. The Spanish Constitution of 1978 states that Navarre may become a part of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country if it is so decided by its people and institutions (the Disposicion transitoria cuarta or "Fourth Transitory Provision").

ERRE ZENITUZTEN (Xabi Solano) - Bizkargi Dantza Elkartea

Basque Dances (Dantza zati bat Idiazabalen - Euskal Herriko dantzak)

HUNTZA- Buruz Behera (Official video)


Huntza - Aldapan Gora (Bideoklip ofiziala - Official video)

"Ikusi Mendizaleak" - Basque Patriotic Song

There is a lot more that could be said about how different it is from the usual stereotypical image of Spain. It is very very green for example and did you know it has the world's first transporter bridge built in 1893 -

I spent three months working there in 1985 and loved it!

1 comment:

Doonhamer said...

About that time I started working, intermittantly, just North of the border in Les Landes. Also Basque. Rugby nutters. Lovely people. The did like the Parisiennes. Best food in the world. Beautiful towns. Sense of humour and love of wine, Armagnac and good whisky (Scots) all matched mine.
One morning went into work and a few of the younger men were missing. When I asked about them I was told, " Ah, the surf, it is over five metres. " Nuff said.