Monday, November 10, 2008

Gordon Brown and the New World Order

"...we can together seize this moment of change in our world to create a truly global society..."

Does he know what he is saying? How would one vote out, or flee, a world government?

As Huckleberry Finn says,"I reckon I got to light out for the Territory ahead of the rest, because Aunt Sally she's going to adopt me and sivilize me, and I can't stand it."

Any suggestions as to good places left to flee to?


Steven_L said...

Merthyr Tydfil?

Sackerson said...

Why Merthyr? In your profile, you say you're a Northumbrian lad.

But mountainous country is good for defence (no-one has ever really subdued tha Afghans, not even Alexander the Great); and I have a very soft spot for the Welsh, especially the south Welsh (the North Walians look down their noses at them).


hatfield girl said...

What scares me is that it's his world order he intends to build. Now if it were my world order you would all be happy and advantageously employed.

Anonymous said...

After man years being harassed by the tax man I decided to adopt the lowest profile possible. I no longer pay any income tax, keep my capital gains below the tax threshold, and invest in hard assets wherever possible.

I call this stealth citizenship, and come world government the plan is that I will be seen by big brother as a totally insignificant nonentity not worth bothering with.

Anonymous said...

west coast of canada. pick an island. low population, lower rain avg. than inland, fishing and farming

Sackerson said...

Now I have to learn how to fish. And farm (though it seems even HG has started).

Nick Drew said...

yes indeed: and we have a pretty shrewd idea how we'd be happily employed under the HG regime !