Wednesday, February 20, 2019

THAT worked well! (Sanctions on Russia)

OK, we backed Russia into a corner. Now the country is in a position to cover all its debts:

Just wait till the world's central banks confiscate and revalue gold to make themselves whole!

I guess we can consider two ways forward:

1. Pray that the West imposes sanctions on the UK (the EU is keen to help, I think), or

2. Start a war with Russia*, to prove that There Is No Alternative to globalist crony capitalism

*(in the Ukraine, which is not Russian sovereign territory, so we don't trigger the general nuclear exchange.)


James Higham said...

Of course, this is the Russian govt reporting this.

Sackerson said...

Of course. But we have something of a record of pushing other countries into extremism.

And, of course, the UK is overpopulated, its economy has been sold to multinationals, and it is bust.