Keyboard worrier

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Safety first

Dan Denning comments on the recent rush for cash and safe bonds in The Daily Reckoning Australia today. He also repeats Marc Faber's point about an "earnings bubble" that skews p/e ratios:

Be careful about using low P/E ratios as a buying indicator. We read in this morning's paper that the average P/E on the ASX 200 is the lowest its been in 12 months. That doesn't automatically mean stocks are "good value." In fact, in the past, low P/E ratios have been a sign of the market top. Why?

At the height of an economic cycle, corporate earnings are high. When earnings rise faster than share prices, the P/E ratio will look low, flashing a "buy" signal. But this may be just the time that earnings themselves have peaked. That's definitely not the time to buy a stock.

And even commodity shares have to be chosen with care, when you factor-in rising costs.

Twang money

Richard Daughty (aka The Mogambo Guru) writes in The Daily Reckoning (21 August):

The big, big problem with the whole subprime/CDO/Armageddon market thing is that while the values on these assets can go down, the debts incurred to buy the assets don't.

Quite so. And since much of our money has been created ex nihilo by banks, then presumably it can also be reduced quickly by a credit crunch, so we have potential volatility in the money supply as in other things. Assessing things in money terms now seems to be like going to a tailor who makes all his measurements with an elastic band.

David Tice bearish on commodities

Prudent Bear's boss is cautious about natural resources - though still in the market for energy and precious metals (see page 2) - Institutional Investor article dated 14 August.

Marc Faber profile

Marc Faber at home in Chiangmai, Thailand (from Asia Inc profile - see below)

Marc Faber is a very highly respected financial analyst and commentator. Listed below are some items by him, or about him, that may help you to get a sense of his character, outlook and opinions. I shall update this page from time to time.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007




May 22, 2007: Professor Antal E. Fekete (exchange of letters in The Market Oracle)


September 30, 2007: World Children's Fund - questions about value for money


Sept 25, 2007: China's growing class of advertising and media professionals
Sept 23, 2007: China may use its trade surplus for political/military advantage
Aug 09, 2007: Growing inequality of income in China
Aug 06, 2007: China's near-$1 trillion ownership of US assets
July 18, 2007: James Kynge (my review of his book, "China Shakes The World")
June 19, 2007: James Kynge (article in The Alchemist, November 2004)
May 23, 2007: Intellectual property rights in China
May 21, 2007: China's sovereign wealth fund


Aug 31, 2007: Maastricht provisions for the European Central Bank, post-EMU
Aug 16, 2007: The weakness of the British pound, in gold terms
Aug 15, 2007: The German DM stronger than the dollar, in gold terms
Aug 14, 2007: The weakness of the dollar compared to gold
Aug 03, 2007: The Euro as a possible international reserve currency
July 31, 2007: Mike Hewitt (article on global money supply in The Market Oracle)
May 28, 2007: Richard Duncan (interview on
May 11, 2007: Peter Schiff (my review of his book, "Crash Proof")
May 10, 2007: Michael Panzner (my review of his book, "Financial Armageddon")


Aug 30, 2007: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (USA)
Aug 23, 2007: Financial Services Compensation Scheme (UK)


July 31, 2007: Richard Bookstaber (interview on Financial Sense, July 21 2007)


Sept 16, 2007: Jim Puplava sees crisis in 2009: Peak Oil and other factors
July 27, 2007: Kress cycles
June 28, 2007: Hindenburg omens
May 23, 2007: Olduvai theory
May 16, 2007: the Kondratieff cycle


Sept 23, 2007: My view that Western economies are facing inflation and recession
Aug 09, 2007: Globalisation and competition from the Far East
July 28, 2007: Thomas Friedman (interview on Yale Global Online, 18 April 2005)
July 28, 2007: Paul Romer (interview on Reason Online, 2001)
July 27, 2007: Wikipedia / Gladys We on New Growth Theory, aka Endogenous Growth Theory July 07, 2007: Thomas Friedman (Edward Leamer's critique)
May 20, 2007: Jim Willie on unemployment caused by globalisation


Sept 27, 2007: Marc Faber sees bubbles everywhere, but recommends gold
Sept 25, 2007: More from Frank Veneroso on gold reserves and speculation
Sept 24, 2007: Frank Veneroso thinks speculation has created a bubble in gold
Aug 16, 2007: Mike Hewitt's essay on the global money supply, and gold
Aug 15, 2007: The surreptitious depletion of central bank gold reserves
Aug 07, 2007: The case for owning gold
Aug 02, 2007: The postwar rise and fall of central bank reserves of gold


Aug 24, 2007: Enduring Power of Attorney / Lasting Power of Attorney


September 29, 2007: Mortgage lending a key factor in high property costs


Faber, Marc (Dr)


Aug 09, 2007: Tips from the Daily Reckoning on defensive investment
June 21, 2007: Nassim Taleb's "Black Swans"
June 15, 2007: Harold Markowitz (inventor of Modern Portfolio Theory)
June 06, 2007: Asset classes
May 11, 2007: Peter Schiff (my review of his book, "Crash Proof")
May 10, 2007: Michael Panzner (my review of his book, "Financial Armageddon")


Sept 26, 2007: Sovereign wealth funds expected to boost markets - but a threat to Western economies
Sept 22, 2007: Creditor economies switching from bonds to equities
May 21, 2007: China's sovereign wealth fund


Aug 31, 2007: Robert McHugh's "Dow 9,000" prediction - with updates
Aug 09, 2007: Is the Dow more overvalued than the FTSE?
June 20, 2007: Dow and FTSE past falls


The chef eats his own cooking

News: Indochina Capital Vietnam Holdings Limited is the largest (and LSE quoted) managed fund of Indochina Capital, whose non-executive chairman is Dr Marc Faber. It has just announced that it bought 60,000 of its own shares on Friday. That looks like putting your money where your mouth is.

Monday, August 20, 2007

More on Faber and Vietnam

Marc Faber is, it seems, chairman of a company called Indochina Capital and this report of a meeting in Ho Chi Minh City in April quotes him as saying, "Among emerging economies, Vietnam has the most potential for development."

In an edition of his GloomBoomDoom report dated May 2003 he remarked, "Vietnam... is developing rapidly and will, in my opinion, with its 80 million very hard-working and thrifty people, overtake Thailand economically within the next ten years or so." For those who may be considering subscribing to his newletters, it's interesting to see an example of his reporting style.