Friday, October 23, 2020

FRIDAY MUSIC: Ivor Cutler, by JD

Ivor Cutler (1923-2006) was an eccentric Scottish poet, singer, musician, songwriter and storyteller. He appealed to successive generations with his offbeat sense of humour and wonder at the world. In more than four decades of performing he attracted a band of admirers and followers that included such luminaries as philosopher Bertrand Russell, Beatles John and Paul, DJ John Peel and comedian Billy Connolly. 

The scope of his appeal was reflected in his dedicated following on BBC Radios 1, 2, 3 and 4 - and many stations beyond. He appeared on the BBC television arts programme Late Night Line Up. Among the viewers that evening was Paul Mc Cartney who invited Cutler to appear in the Beatles' film Magical Mystery Tour (1967). Cutler duly found himself playing Buster Bloodvessel, the bus conductor who announces to his passengers, "I am concerned for you to enjoy yourselves within the limits of British decency" and then develops a passion for Ringo's large aunt Jessie. His first record, "Ludo" was produced by George Martin at Abbey Road studios.

"Imperfection is an end; perfection is only an aim." He believed that art was therapy. As a creator of work that was bizarre, unique, sinister, bleak, funny, touching - and sometimes achingly moving - it proved to be therapeutic as much for his fans as for its creator.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Trump is going to lose, by Sackerson

 How do I know? By listening to Scott Adams, who spotted him as a winner early in 2016 and up till now has been ready to spin events and statements in DJT's favour. Now, I feel, he's sidling away, dissociating himself, giving reasons to which, if he thought the tide was still running in Trump's direction, he would find counters.

The resistance to Trump has come from both sides, relentlessly, for four years, despite the fact that Orange Man Bad has not initiated and prosecuted wars like previous incumbents, and seems to have been instrumental in fostering a rapprochement between various Islamic states and Israel, for which he has been nominated three times for the Nobel Peace Prize (which the committee was never, never going to award him.) Oh, and Trump's understanding of how globalism oppresses the workers (how was it that the Russians abandoned Communism in 1989 yet the Western élite continued to cast them as the villains while handing the West's economies to the largest Communist state in the world?)

DJT's personal faults are on the surface for all to see, and it drives many peple mad to see how unapologetic he is. There is also - though this doesn't get much play in the personal abuse sh*tstorm heaped on him via social media and the largely Democrat-supporting news establishment - the traditional Republican right-wing agenda that to British eyes looks like the hard-heartedness of our eighteenth century aristos. 

Having said that, the Left has a stake in never improving the lives of the working class too much, lest the latter get on in life and become independent of their political semi-benefactors (remember how the Labour Party targeted grammar schools rather than private schools?)

Now here comes Biden, with his TV compère's grin; and an element in the Democratic Party that is looking to pack the Supreme Court and cancel the Electoral College, anything to perpetuate the rule of their faction, at whatever cost to the constitutional fabric of the country.

As HL Mencken said, 'Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.'

Friday, October 16, 2020

FRIDAY MUSIC: Dianne Reeves, by JD

Dianne Reeves is a multiple Grammy Award winning jazz singer and a comment beneath one of the videos here describes her as a worthy successor to Sarah Vaughan. High praise and deserved in my view as she has a beautiful voice. She does not limit her repertoire to 'pure' jazz, Bob Marley's "Waiting in Vain" has been given a jazzy makeover to good effect. Final video here is a very rowdy and tongue in cheek version of "Stormy Monday" with David Peaston.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Rupert Murdoch: quote of the day

Harold Evans, former Times / Sunday Times editor, giving evidence to Lord Leveson in 2012, admitted having privately described Murdoch as..

'evil incarnate, the very personification of it. He's had his heart removed long ago, together with all his moral faculties and his human sensibility.'

Murdoch had bought both papers in 1981 and moved Evans across from editing the Sunday title to heading the daily, but sacked him after twelve months. Even so, the above description feels like much more than simple long-standing resentment.

News Corp, of which Murdoch has been Executive Chairman since 2013, owns (among many other things) UK papers The Sun, The Times, The Sunday Times and The Times Literary Supplement and is a shareholder in the Press Association. In the US it owns the New York Post and Wall Street Journal.

Quite a lot to entrust to 'evil incarnate.'

Quotation found in Private Eye number 1532, page 13.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Roboteacher? That's not how people learn... by Paddington

In my 39 years of professional teaching and even longer coaching the martial arts, I experienced several 'innovations' in teaching, and observed many different styles of teaching, leading to some of the following thoughts:

There is such a thing as talent, whether or not it matches intelligence in academia. You cannot coach talent into someone. (Slide 9)

Ideas such as 'bug-in-ear' teaching (working from a script and pre-set collection of responses), or the 'flipped classroom' (watching videos at home, then coming to school to work with a teacher on problems) will never beat actual interactive teaching, which is a very human process.

There is a reason why we put the teacher at the front of the room, with the students facing them. They are, relatively speaking, the experts, and do know better. We are also a pecking-order species and respond to authority.

“Those who can't do, teach” is a crass way of expressing a small truth. Very often, those to whom a subject or skill comes naturally very often have no way to communicate that skill to others, because they have not struggled with learning it.

Many of the people that I worked with spent far more time in preparation for lectures than I did, presenting polished material in a clear way. I developed and scribbled on the board, making mistakes as I went. My students often did much better, and I was certainly faster, often completing the full semester of material a couple of week early. Many of my colleagues kept trying to have every student catch up, and ended up boring the accomplished ones, and still not educating the others.

Most of what is taught in Colleges of Education is pedagogy, with the concept that a well-trained teacher can teach anything, including material that they don't know. This is plainly ludicrous.

See also:

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Covid Update, by Sackerson

There is debate about strategies to deal with the coronavirus, but there is also debate about the facts. Obviously the more we test the more we are likely to find cases of infection; and then there is the question of which cases are to be regarded as serious, and in fatal cases how to decide what the main cause was. It may take a long time for experts to agree on how to interpret the data.

But it may be possible to get some indirect indication of the impact of the pandemic in England and Wales, where we now have ONS fatalities data up to Week 40 this year (2 October).

The average total of deaths from all causes in 2020 so far is 463,748; in the same period for the years 2014-2019 it was 409,438. That is, the excess mortality this year - the difference between the two - is 54,310. 

Within the weekly data, the ONS has been counting cases where Covid-19 was mentioned on the death certificate. That doesn't necessarily mean that CV was the principal cause, or even the trigger (as it were); but it's interesting to see that 52,592 certificates did mention CV, which is not far off the total notional 'excess deaths' - in fact about 97% of the latter figure.

There is a meme that doctors have been under pressure to put CV on the certificate to bolster the government's claims as to the threat of the virus; I don't buy that story as a general explanation of these figures. Ordinary flu outbreaks are already included in the 5-year averages; this excess is so large that it stretches credulity to claim that CV deaths are simply flu by another name.

Another way to look at the information is to see what proportion of deaths, week by week, have been certified as CV-related:

We all know that the UK government has had to balance disease prevention against the need to keep our economy going, and despite the measures it has taken there does indeed seem to be a possible early indication of a 'second spike' in CV-related deaths. 

The highest proportion of CV-related fatalities was in the week ending 17 April - just over 39%; this fell steadily to w/e 4 September (1.01%) and has now risen again to 3.23% for week 40 - the first week of the official 'flu season' that runs to week 20 of the following calendar year.

The c. 54,000 extra deaths so far are less than one-thousandth (0.097%) of the total population of England and Wales, so it is tempting (because of the inconvenience of health precautions) to minimise their importance; but that is to think like Stalin, who is alleged to have said:

'The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic.'

What price are we prepared to pay to hold on to our concept of the value of human life?

Sunday, October 11, 2020

SOMETHING FOR THE WEEKEND: How charities skim donations and skimp on results, by Wiggia

The world of quangos:

  • revolving-door public and private senior positions
  • elevations to the Lords
  • placement MPs - ministerial jobs for MPs that have escalated in recent years, giving those so poorly paid a boost in income
  • the industry around enquiries, often described as Britain's fastest growing sector and ‘something we lead the world in’
  • the expansion in non jobs, diversity officers and the like which no self respecting outfit dare go without

... are all part of job expansion that produces little but keeps the unemployment figures down, at a financial cost.

All this is still going on: adverts in the press for these jobs in the public sector abound at a time when thousands elsewhere are losing their jobs through no fault of their own other than not being feather-bedded by tax payer money and public sector security.

Yet one sector has been hit by the Corona virus and its effects on the way people live and spend: the charity sector.

The charity sector has for many years now morphed from well-meaning ladies in village halls raising money from coffee mornings and individuals raising money by walking backwards to John o’Groats to raise funds to get treatment for an ailing child for example, into a multinational business intent on separating the individual from his well-earned crust under the guise of charity.

More, indeed - but not for the intended recipients

Very few of us do not give willingly to certain charities that we know about and support their aims, many even of the larger ones still operate as charities should with a basic workforce and the bulk of gifts going to the cause they support.

Sorting the real from the huge financial empires that so many charities have become is ever more fraught. Cynic though I am, I still left some money in my will to a couple of local charities that relied on direct giving to survive and did a great job with people who worked there for the satisfaction of doing a good job for those less fortunate. 

But even there you have to keep an eye on the way they develop - one I had bookmarked in my will was a small specialist local hospice that for years did wonders with what it gathered from the public and larger donations from local business and individuals. Until one day I saw that they had amalgamated with a much larger outfit that received lottery money and financial support from the government and local government, and of course with all that, under the umbrella slogan of 'bigger is better and we now have access to more funds and can give a better service', came the inevitable CEO  and entourage on salaries the previous incumbents could only dream of. How true the claims of improved service are is open to question as once again the business model puts positions with inflated salaries at the top of the agenda alongside the service provided.

Anytime that happens, I don’t give. So many of the big charities have extended well beyond their remit, and have political overtones. Charities like the RNLI  never had trouble raising funds for an outfit that had staff that crewed the boats for free, they always had sufficient reserves for any eventuality, yet even they could not be left alone: an opportunity was seized and the usual cabal of operating officers on big salaries moved into what must have seemed easy pickings, and with them came a political agenda that included teaching people to swim in Bangladesh - you can have an opinion either way on that but there is no way that is what the majority of donors want the RNLI to spend their donations on; but the RNLI took a predictable route in defending the millions now spent this way by inferring that anyone objecting was racist.

That alone would put me off donating but they compounded that by several incidents of applying rules on boat crews and a sacking in one case that were PC directives; this, on people the that crew the boats for free and know what the job is really about, not about the wishes of abacus operatives.

Many other charities have gone down similar routes. The scandal with the Save The Children charity in recent memory should have finished them, yet the size of the operation means they survive virtually unscathed (as have Christian Aid, Oxfam and Red Cross, to name just a few of the big charities that have been involved in scandals against the person in forms of sex abuse and the failure to use raised funds appropriately, either by directing them elsewhere or using them internally.) Despite the gravity of the charges, all they will admit to is a short-term moral blip; but again it did bring to light not just the odious nature of operatives living the good life and exploiting their positions, but also how far down the greasy pole the positions of largesse on public funds and donations have travelled: the number of employees on six figure salaries was staggering. This is still nominally a charity, yet now this one and so many others look like a branch of government, as indeed many now are, with the funding to match.

£20 billion is channelled into charities in this country through funding by government or as I like to call it involuntary taxpayer theft.

The UN itself is a charity sponsored by governments worldwide using taxpayers' money, yet the attitude of the organisation in recent years is one of a self-supporting nation and a bullying one at that. We all provide the income, they tell us how we should live, and again their record in far-off lands does not cover them with glory. I saw for myself the UN in ‘action’ during the Ethiopian famine when spending time in Kenya: for most of the personnel, all well-paid, their time seemed mainly spent drinking and whoring in upmarket hotels. The fleet of aircraft stationed there never appeared to leave the ground - the nice formation on the tarmac stayed that way. They were criticised then and have been ever since for inaction and wasteful practices.  

The Save the Children scandal reached the headlines not so much because of the unwanted sexual indiscretions (to put it mildly) of several senior employees but because one in particular was the husband of an MP who was murdered; that part of the story is a separate issue but it did keep the matter in the public eye for a very long time.

The Red Cross has always appeared to be a charity you could trust and yet the scandals worldwide just keep on coming, a conveyor belt of corruption and self aggrandisement:

- the list is endless.

Age Concern boss gets in on the act:

And do not believe that these now typical activities are reserved for the big boys, far from it: numerous cases of using a charity as a front for personal gain are available to see, since a charity is still a wonderful front for levering cash from well meaning citizens.

The first lines in the report are interesting in that only 10p in the pound went to the cancer sufferers. Many of the big charities are guilty of similarly small ratios. Their claim when questioned on this is that it needs an administration to run these charities efficiently and money has to be spent on advertising to get money in; well, at ten pence in the pound it would be better to go back to coffee mornings. The whole industry - and that is what it is - has become an employment vehicle for those who see an opportunity to fleece people.

Even celebrities who lend their public face to the support of charities come up short when they fail to research the charity they are supporting. Being paid (at least in fame and kudos) for the support, their public shaming should be enough to stop them doing it again but I doubt it: that cheque being waved is enough to get them on board. The story of course is that they are doing the charity a favour by discounting or waiving their fee for their appearance or image rights.

Some of the advertising does have an amusing side. Water Aid claims that clean water can be given to all of Africa for £3 a month, they have been saying that for decades, they must have collected enough for most Africans to have their own personal well by now but according to them the problem is just as bad as it has ever been. I am aware that part of the problem there is that those with standpipes fail to clean filters, so the tap stops flowing and the well is abandoned - so the answer is more standpipes!

A cuddly toy after a donation from the WWF is guaranteed to save snow leopards: this ad has been also running for years. With the money raised the very small number of snow leopards in the world could all have their own sanctuary by now, so where does all the money go? I think we know the answer.

Linking to big business is a route now favoured by many charities: this gives the businesses the cachet of being a caring one and opens avenues of revenue streams to the charity. As everything in the charity sector it comes with a caveat: Age UK linked with energy company Eon under the charitable act of giving elderly people who signed up cheaper energy - only it transpired that Age UK was getting a £41 kick back from each new customer signed. It doesn’t stop there, though of course all is claimed to be above board, 'nothing to see here', and despite investigations the gravy train rumbles on. Other Age UK scams here:

The Clinton Foundation requires several books to do it justice but here it will suffice to say the money raised by the foundation and the collaboration with the US government has done nothing for Haiti (the Clintons' beloved honeymoon spot) and everything for US businesses in the construction industry: the only evidence of anything being built is an abandoned port project. The Haitians remain as impoverished as before, in fact worse. A lot of graft has been going on there but this is all now par for the course; nearly all the money given has ended up back in the US.

Here is a different Clinton Foundation wheeze and more graft:

At a much lower level putting your old clothes in the ‘we collect’ bin at the supermarket may seem a good idea, yet even that small act of charity is fraught with theft and in the case of collections misplaced faith in the charity involved. It was believed by most that the clothes you gave to the Salvation Army would end up being distributed among those needy souls they serve well in other ways, but no more: like nearly all the big charities they collect and sell by weight to a wholesaler who then either sells again for his own profit leaving a small amount for the charity who you believed was making good use of the items. Even with the large number of people all these organisations employ they can’t be bothered to sort and distribute themselves so the biggest take goes to the wholesaler; not exactly what people had in mind when putting their bag out for collections.

Why my sudden interest in the workings of charity workings? Well, I have been aware of the charity scams as many have for years. That will-writing was what originally made me realize how difficult it was to leave money to the right people; but since then more little things emerged: the desire by charities to exploit every area for gain. The linking with business has produced the checkout waiver of any small change, saying 'we will give it to our designated charities' - but not really designated, as they are business partners. Amazon do it online; it is becoming common practice.

The clincher was the other day at M&S. When my wife was paying at the checkout she was asked directly if she wanted to give a pound to Macmillan Nurses, another designated business partner. I always thought 'chugging' was for the charity workers who approached you on the street, now it is cashiers being told (as they must have been) to do the job for them at the checkout. Cold calling, constant badgering letters and emails, and now checkout chugging; enough! I and everyone else should be independent in why and where they give money to charities. This is a step too far in what are already very murky waters.

No wonder charity giving is dropping. Using the pandemic as an excuse, some of them are pleading poverty. In many cases it couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of people; anything that reduces the gravy train based on the largesse of the uninformed public can’t be bad.

Friday, October 09, 2020

FRIDAY MUSIC: John Lennon's 80th, by JD

Yes, he would have been 80 on Friday. Where did the time go? It doesn't seem five minutes since I first heard the Beatles on Radio Luxembourg in late 1962. I can vividly remember the announcer saying - here they are John, Paul, Geo....and then being drowned out by hordes of screaming girls!

It is hard to believe that today would have been John Lennon's 80th birthday. Equally hard to believe that it is 40 years since he was murdered. And yet he still has a powerful, almost megnetic attraction to the point where the TV companies have devoted one channel exclusively to him and his music and probably stories both true and false about his life:

There are a lot of people who hate Lennon with a passion (see the reaction of left wing 'activists' to the song Revolution for example) and there a lot of people who 'worship' him, fans who often become besotted with everything about him and his music.

Both sides are wrong of course because the extreme reaction on both sides comes from those who have never met the man. You need to meet a person and spend time in their company to even begin to understand another person. Of the two opposing viewpoints, it is the besotted fans who present the more disturbing picture. It was a dedicated fan who murdered him and I have included below a video of Cesare 'Curt' Claudio, a fan who turned up on Lennon's doorstep hoping for who knows what but in reality he was unable to explain why he was there. Clearly a troubled young man but it illustrates the dark side of fame.

In time, all of the above will fade into the past but the music will endure and that is the important thing.

Cesare Curtis 'Curt' Claudio was a confused, vulnerable, shell-shocked Vietnam veteran (? - see link) who turned up on John's doorstep in Ascot in May 1971 and is featured in the 'Gimme Some Truth' documentary. He was convinced that John was sending him messages in his lyrics that were asking him personally to come and meet him. John and he spoke outside, and then John invited Claudio into the kitchen to have something to eat, after which he went on his way.

By way of conclusion it is worth watching this again.It is a brief interview from june 1968, recorded in the National Theatre in London. It was true then and is currently, in 2020, being shown still to be true, unfortunately.

John Lennon, The World Is Run by Insane People

Sunday, October 04, 2020

SOMETHING FOR THE WEEKEND: The Inexorable Demise of the MSM, by Wiggia


When I left school I got a job ‘in the print’, a loose term for a job with a union card that meant that at a certain age I was privy to the best paid trade in the country. 'Trade' is a bit of a euphemism as anyone with a union card had the opportunity to work in Fleet Street having been given a permit, to join the extremely bloated workforce and do very little, sometimes nothing and earn in one night what many worked two weeks or more for. It couldn’t go on and the stranglehold the unions had over the printing presses was finally blunted and then to all intents expunged by first Eddie Shah and the Rupert Murdoch. I got out before the collapse as there was no future I could see and so it transpired.

 A rare picture of the newspaper trains that left London for all points north
to drop the daily papers at stations for the wholesalers to collect.

I mention that because during that period, and it was a fascinating one, I had access to all the national papers on a daily basis and many magazines as well. I became adept at scanning them - the Sun took all of fifteen minutes to actually read! But even the others I could absorb in double quick time.

The difference then was there was a distinct difference in the way the different titles came across with the news: investigative reporting was normal and apart from a couple of red tops who had tits at the top of the agenda, all had something to say on the matters of the day.

For me the ‘Thunderer’ was hard work to get through and I favoured the Telegraph as the go-to newspaper with the added attraction that it had the best sports reports of any paper by far. The broadsheets still had influential proprietors with famous family names going back decades and a newspaper was a valuable asset to own. Even the editors had status: many were household names, as were many columnists.

It has to be remembered that at that time, the early Sixties, the circulation of these news sheets was considerable, not quite the pre war numbers as television was beginning to eat into circulation numbers, but the Daily Mirror still had the proud boast of the highest daily readership in the world at 10 million emblazoned under its title. Those figures were the zenith and since then the slide has been continuous. London had then, it must be remembered, three evening papers: the Standard, News and Star; now there is only one and it is a free sheet. The evening papers started to run quite early in the day and had several editions with a stop press for the latest news and share prices.

Fleet Street at night when fully working was an amazing sight with the presses worth admission for a view on their own, and of course all the papers apart from a couple were located in the Street of Shame.

Interior of the Daily Express building in Fleet Street

A pre-war front page from the Daily Herald who along with Reynolds News, 
the News Chronicle and others have long since stopped publishing.

The Manchester building of the Daily Express,
an even better exterior than the London one

All gone now and even the wonderful art deco Daily Express building serves another purpose; the digital age has destroyed that centre of the world of news.

The dead tree press still has a role to play but a much diminished one. If it were not for the digital age and the ability of computers to set out newspapers and the ability to use joint out of town printing works many would have gone to the wall before now. Some are on the edge anyway: the Guardian, which back in the day was a decent newspaper, is eating through its not inconsiderable reserves and asks for donations - that is not a long term model for survival; the Express, once a right of centre paper, is now owned by Mirror Group as consolidation was the only hope for survival; and so it goes on.

I stopped reading the Telegraph some years ago as they slowly but surely got rid of their writers and correspondents. The final nail in the coffin for me was when they were found out to have invented sports columnists and were using outside reports with fictitious names as the writers.

I occasionally get the Times, and even that one-time representative of all that was good about this country, a publication revered around the world, is a shadow of former times; the business section which is now half of the paper is more interesting than the news section.

Television has not escaped the turning to dross of things that were once good. I can openly say I remember the time when Channel 4 news was worth watching; now it is a platform for the sneering Jon Snow to castigate anyone and everything not of the Left.

Programs like Panorama were intelligent, informative and largely without bias; no more. We are inclined to read into the bias of the BBC more than we should but it is undoubtedly there and for the State broadcaster that is totally unacceptable in news reporting: the blanking of cultural issues (as they call them), the incessant reporting of any minor infringement of items, statements from the likes of Trump, as opposed to anything on the Left; the incessant war against Brexit... An independent source targeted the Today program in the six months following the Referendum and found that something like 80% of all the people they had on the program to discuss Brexit were 'remainers'; that again is simply not acceptable; imposing their views by the way they present them is simply not on, but what else do we have?

Well, the rise of Twitter was a salvation to a degree, but that and similar platforms have become a battle ground rather than a debating area. The split that now exists in our nation is magnified online, and further the people who run these online platforms are now themselves taking sides and banning people who have done very little wrong other than go against what seems to be the editorial line of the owners.

We see before us now the results of all this bias and selective reporting: a government that cannot put a foot right at the moment, and gives out conflicting data and directions, has hardly a question of note put to them. A decent press and media would have asked the obvious by now but no, they are as muddled as the government, and in the meantime, almost unnoticed by the majority, the country is going down the pan fast.

A good example was in a small piece at the back of the paper in the business section a few day ago: a think tank for financial ‘experts’ has suggested that negative interest rates could be a good thing. This is not the first time this has been voiced, but the bit underneath that suggests it would create a £25 billion black hole in pension funds should be a prominent article, as it affects so many with already plundered private pensions; but no, such details are to be, as Private Eye used to say (when that was worth reading) 'continued on page 94.'

As the late News of the World used say on its header, ’All human life is here.’ It was then; not so much today, only a very selected version.

Friday, October 02, 2020

FRIDAY MUSIC: Tatiana Kabanova, by JD

Tatiana Kabanova is a singer and actress born in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy in 1957. Apart from that there is next to nothing about her on the internet. I have no idea who she is but she sounds like a reincanation of Edith Piaf.

The following information is a Google translation of part of the description beneath one of the videos: 

"In 1993, Tatiana turns to the "golden fund" of chanson - works from the repertoire of A. Severny, V. Krestovsky, Br. Pearl. She records her first songs of this style with the orchestra at the Leningrad Documentary Film Studio. It was these recordings that were first presented on the “Night Taxi” program on Radio Chanson."

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Covid and Power, by Sackerson

Here we are in Week 40, the first of the 2020/2021 winter flu season. After all we’ve been through so far, there are still revisionists downplaying the threat of coronavirus, so let’s review the situation.

The first UK cases where coronavirus was mentioned on the death certificate occurred in Week 11 (ending Friday, 13th March). This week’s data (as usual, a fortnight in arrears) bring us up to Week 38 (18 September).

In total, the excess of deaths from all causes over the previous 5-year average for the same period is 53,663 so far. Deaths where Covid-19 was referenced total 52,056 so apparently it was a factor (not the only one, but surely contributory) in 97% of the bulge. Maybe doctors don’t deliberately misdiagnose causes of death, after all.

Minimisers compare the scale of CV-19 deaths with the big killers: ischaemic heart disease, cancer and dementia/Alzheimer’s; but these are already included in the orange line above.  A different yardstick might be UK civilian deaths in World War Two: 70,000 over six years then, versus 52,000 in only six months now, with indications of a second wave starting across Europe - cases rather than deaths, but we’ll soon see whether there is a significant uptick in mortality. Like influenza, with which it has similarities, Covid-19 may spread more easily in cooler, damper weather.

Can we agree that a) Covid is real, b) it is more contagious than flu and c) it is more lethal than flu? We are under attack, from germs rather than Germans this time. What are our options?

1. Do nothing

2. Lock down and close off the whole country

3. Work out a packet of measures to save lives while sustaining the economy as best we can

1. Some point to Sweden as an exemplar of splendid inaction, but they are comparing apples and oranges. Sweden has a population density of 59/square mile as opposed to the UK’s 725; and (I suggest) the cool Swedes are more cleanly, less back-slappy and not so rebellious against their authorities’ detailed guidelines (yes, they have them) even though they hide their heads in the sand on other issues: in Malmö, for example, I would be more worried about stray bullets. 

Here in Britain, what would have been the result of standing back and letting the disease rip? We are developing an understanding of who is more vulnerable, and it’s not good news that 28.7% of us are clinically obese, and nearly 4 million are diabetic; as regards the age factor, we have some 1.8 million people aged 85 and over. Just how ruthless are we prepared to be – shall we simply cull the old, fat and sick? Maybe Monty Python was prescient (clip Bloggerbanned but use link!): 

2. We can’t copy Tonga, either. Tonga declared a state of emergency on March 20th that will last until at least March next year; inbound international flights are banned to foreigners, and thousands of Tongans have been stranded abroad since the declaration, with the first repatriations starting only in August, from New Zealand. Consequently, to date, there have been no coronavirus cases in Tonga; this is a very good thing, since 69% of Tongans are obese and 18% diabetic  – letting in the virus could lead to a lethal scouring like the flu-related ones we have long accepted (or ignored) in our British ‘care’ homes. 

Inevitably, the lockout has a financial implication, but (e.g.) the money Pacific Islanders send home annually from seasonal work in Australia (A$8,000 each – around three years’ worth of on-island earnings) helps keep the pot boiling. As an aside, we need to look at the bigger picture of global relations: the Chinese are lending money around the world (Tonga asked them for debt restructuring in July) and the West should think about increasing foreign aid to Pacific nations in terms of enlightened self-interest.

However, the UK simply cannot follow Tonga’s suit: we are an open, trading nation that imports half our food. The virus has found out our economic vulnerability and, to quote Chinua Achebe in a different context, it ‘has put a knife on the things that held us together and we have fallen apart.’ It’s going to cost us to keep going.

3. That leaves us with compromise. We chafe against restrictions and what some characterise as the curtailment of civil liberties – but that wouldn’t be the first time. Consider the Emergency Powers (Defence) Act 1939 that was rushed through Parliament (and subsequently renewed and extended, to consistent protests by Robert Boothby at the Commons’ ‘apathy’), and the 1940 invention of a new crime of ‘treachery’ to make it easier for us to shoot enemy agents. 

The current emergency has highlighted once again the need to address the huge, arbitrary power of the office of the Prime Minister and the Privy Council (did Blair teach us nothing?) – otherwise all that Dunning’s 1780 motion to curtail the power of King George has achieved is to move tyranny down one step to the Executive, as Lord Cormack has recently observed.

There is certainly scope for revising our strategies; and especially the means by which they are enforced, as our editor (at The Conservative Woman) personally witnessed a few days ago in the bully-boy tactics of the police against middle-class softies. It’s not just the Germans who go crazy when given a uniform and powers – remember the special needs teacher Blair Peach’s death at the hands of the SPG? We don’t do fascism half as efficiently as our Continental cousins used to; we British are more amenable to being led than ordered about; we need persuasive leadership, and a vigilant and loyal Opposition; a Parliament, in fact.

For Something Happened, and may well happen again, and Something Must Be Done, but wisely, and with every effort to gain our voluntary support.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

SOMETHING FOR THE WEEKEND: Scrooge's Children, by Wiggia

Watching yet again Alistair Sim’s wonderful version of Ebenezer Scrooge and his miserly callousness made me reflect on people I have known with tendencies to be of the 'short arms, deep pockets' variety.

I cannot give reasons for this what is a very apparent affliction in some people as I am not a psychiatrist, it is only that there is no apparent pattern in why people behave like that and we have all met them.

This is in no way a reflection on people who are down on their luck and have to reign in their spending to suit the occasion, we have mostly all had experience of that at some time in our lives; no. this is about those unexplained traits people show when it comes to actually parting with the green stuff or the ‘laughing lettuce’ as an old friend once called it.

Just sometimes you can see why previous experiences influence this reluctance to part with the aforesaid moolah: people brought up in poor households often find it difficult in later life to change when the circumstances they live under change for the good, it is as if it is engrained in them from those years of little to continue life in that vein even when there is no longer a need to do so.

But how does that explain the child, and I have a cousin who was and is exactly like this, who would have a bag of sweets in his pocket, leave the room to put one in his mouth and return, never ever offering anyone else one, something he has retained all his life despite being never anywhere near penury at any time, never a round of drinks, nothing but collecting items for his own presumed pleasure to be locked away somewhere; the vulture when a family member dies, I am sure we can all relate to those.

The there is the one in a group who never buys a round in the pub on a Sunday morning, or any other time come to that, who will as it approaches his turn find a timely excuse to leave or make a prolonged visit to the toilet, always long enough for everyone else to say sod it waiting and get another round; or the friend who would take a drink but not reciprocate, saying he only had one so was not buying a round as he doesn’t drink despite taking that first one purchased by someone else - you have to have some brass neck to do that but again I know someone who did exactly that and on more than one occasion.

Life would be extremely boring if we were all the same, it is the differences that make the world the interesting place it is, yet there is no doubt that some traits or more than a little puzzling and on occasions annoying to put it mildly.

The ones above all that interest me are the ones that have no real reason for this miserly conduct. I had a neighbour who was also a friend. He sold out a car retailing business after an offer he couldn’t refuse was made; until that time he spent money, had a Rolls Royce, liked clubbing in town, even sponsored a boxer and promoted him.

He wasn’t married but had a long time girlfriend who contracted cancer and died; before she died they married. At that time he lived in a big house with six acres of grounds and part was a mini industrial estate bringing in more income, so he was not what you call short of a bob or two, yet that moment apparently changed his whole view on life despite no obvious reason for the change.

He became obsessed with having what he called a 'result' with everything he bought, spent a lot of time polishing an old wedding car he used to hire out in the belief it was worth a lot more than it was (this from a successful car dealer), drove around a Ford Escort that had seen better days and took great delight in telling me where I could buy socks like his at only a pound for three pairs although that is exactly what they looked; he even put in a nonsense offer for my house when a sale fell through, saying he thought he was doing me a favour. He was totally obsessed with not spending money despite being a millionaire.

After remarrying he and his wife went on honeymoon. The house they were in when we were neighbours was up for sale and had been for some time because he insisted it was worth more than anyone who valued it, and had no viewers, but as luck would have it while away a buyer made an offer as it reminded them of the house they currently lived in and he would be near the football team he supported; my neighbour cut short his honeymoon to come back and seal the deal. There was no need but that instinct meant he couldn’t help himself; he has never changed, but why did he become like that in the first place?

The late J Paul Getty was renowned for his miserly stunts; that was not so much because he was a miser but rather a show of power over people, e.g. the pay phone in the hall for his guests at Sutton Place in Surrey. I also know for a fact that a typical stunt would be to arrange a business lunch, invite those guests who would inevitably be wanting some of his money for projects and then get up before the final dish and simply disappear, leaving the ‘guests to pay.’ Would any complain? Of course not! How do I know this? Simple: a friend at the time actually attended one of these lunches.

He is often slammed as being a miserly jerk, but that comes mainly from people who wanted something from him and didn’t get it, though in his latter days distinguishing life from art was not easy as reports of his appearance in crumpled suits and the rumours that he washed his own underwear started to filter through. Perhaps the life part took over from the acting; so many stories that have been embellished over the years make it difficult to sort the truth.

I also had a very rich client who shall remain nameless who started to serve half bottles of wine at dinners with business people in case consuming whole bottles would cloud his actions. Was that sensible or just mean? It’s a rarefied world there at the top; mind you it was Château Lafite - I saw the empties.

I now have another neighbour who openly admits he is tight; again his parents struggled when he was young and he blames this as the reason. In his case though it is like a dual personality disorder: he cannot say no to his family and even friends have been helped financially, yet he buys a £40k car after years of running around in bangers but gets the bus into town because he won't pay the multi-storey parking fees. His excuse is that he has a bus pass, but even when he does take the car in he stops short, parks in a side road and gets the bus the rest of the way.

Again, his lovely old house - it was the village pub - doesn't have a piece of furniture that was not picked up in sale or handed down from deceased family members; and new clothes? - don’t be silly. Amazing how someone can switch from philanthropy to refusing to part with money when buying for themselves; everything has to be a 'result' - where have I heard that before?

The wearing of the same old clothes is a recurring theme among the stingy it appears, as is the use of cheap supermarkets even if it means visiting several to get the whole shop and travelling miles to do it. If they tell me Aldi do a very cheap coq au vin but I have to travel 10 miles to get each way, it is not being thrifty, but that 'less' sign goes a long way to expunge any common sense. 

In the same way, being shown a packet of white rolls for 45p that look like 45p rolls does not inspire me to make the trip: they could be like the ones below and probably are. We stayed in an hotel on Lake Como years ago where the rolls were indeed as pictured. We were friendly with a German couple who also had noticed these empty rolls and we waited for the surprised looks as new guests would put a knife through one for the first time to see their reaction. We never complained as the reactions were worth putting up with the air rolls during the stay; it should have been on Candid Camera.

The funniest story regarding miserly conduct was not about someone I knew but a neighbour of my oldest friend in Australia. The Australians use their sprinklers liberally in hot summers  to save the grass from dying; in this particularly hot summer a neighbour told him he was not paying for the extra water, they have a fixed fee and you then pay above a certain usage, and tso he turned off the sprinklers. What then happened was that the ground shrank and the newly added extension to his bungalow started to part company with the house; as my friend said, you don’t turn off the sprinklers if you use them on a regular basis as those sort of problems are not unknown there, and he added ‘He always was a tight bastard’; Karma indeed.

We all have within us a bit of this reticence to spend. It shows in different way. It’s a bit like getting insurance quotes that leave out the extras you always need; one becomes very reluctant to pay for the extras and some people won't on principle. Naturally we look for the cheapest option only to discover it is inferior and then moan; we eschew certain brands and retailers believing the same (they are too expensive) then buy rubbish that has to be replaced far too early in its claimed life span and again moan about it. That is not meanness though, that is greed: 'something for nothing / BOGOF.'

Every now and again though you are surprised by the Scrooge effect. Some time ago, someone I knew well used to get by mistake two copies of a trade mag that interested me so he said he would mail the spare one to me, which he did. After several months it stopped arriving; when I spoke to him again I asked what had happened. He replied, 'I used to write your name over mine [I hadn’t noticed] and reposted it, they must have noticed and stopped sending the mag,' and then he said he wasn’t going to put a stamp on it - this from someone in business I spent thousands with. Sometimes these tight bastards can’t help themselves.

Still Christmas is coming, with the usual suspects who have declared they won't be sending cards any more and give to charity instead: a lie, of course, because they are too mean to send a card once a year. Now they will now be getting the same treatment from me after years of resisting the temptation to copy them: we can all be Scrooges when we want to.

Friday, September 25, 2020

FRIDAY MUSIC: Original 'Girl Power', by JD

 The Wikipedia entry for 'Girl Power' asserts that it began in the 1990s and is associated with female vocal groups of that decade.

Sorry to disappoint you, editors and compilers at Wiki, but the golden age of musical girl power was long before that: The 1950s and the 1960s were undoubtedly the high point of popular music's 'girl groups' with more than a few solo artists added for good measure.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

The National Trust Guide for rioters who like to torch buildings with style

Dominic Sandbrook pours scorn on the National Trust's breast-beating booklet about some of their properties' (often very tangential) connections with colonialism and slavery (Wordsworth is bad because his brother captained a ship for the East India Company!)

Keep the NT but abolish the finger-wagging rubbish. I offer a list below for you to print out and keep, either to tick off your visits or as a hit list for arson, vandalism etc.



Remember that Great Britain abolished slavery in 1838 and then fought against it across the globe

NT’s List of Shame:

Visit checklist (“Gotta Catch ‘Em All!”):


East of England:

Anglesey Abbey

Blicking Hall

Felbrigg Hall

Hatfield Forest Shell House


Oxburgh Hall

Peckover House

Wimpole Hall


London and the South East:


Ashdown House

Basildon Park


Bodiam Castle

Carlyle’s House


Clandon Park



Greys Court

Ham House

Hatchlands Park

Hinton Ampner

Hughenden Manor


Leith Hill Tower and Countryside

Morden Hall Park

Osterley Park and House



Polesden Lacey

Sheffield Park and Garden


Sutton House

West Wycombe Park



Belton House

Berrington Hall

Calke Abbey

Charlecote Park

Coughton Court

Croft Castle

Croome Court


Hardwick Hall

Kedleston Hall



Sudbury Hall

Tattershall Castle


Northern Ireland:

Mount Stewart


North of England:

Allan Bank


Dunham Massey

Fountains Abbey

Studley Royal

Hare Hill


Nunnington Hall

Quarry Bank Mill

Rufford Old Hall

Seaton Delaval Hall

Speke Hall

Wallington Hall

Washington Old Hall

Wentworth Castle Gardens


South West:

Barrington Court

Bath Assembly Rooms

Buckland Abbey

Castle Drogo

Clevedon Court

Compton Castle



Dyrham Park

Glastonbury Tor


Kingston Lacy

Corfe Castle

Lacock Abbey



Newark Park


Sherborne Park Estate

Shute Barton

Snowshill Manor


Trengwainton Garden


Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Scots Warriors: The Black Douglas, by JD

Image: The Scotsman newspaper

Herewith the tale of 'Guid' Sir James...  a tale from Scottish history with a surprising legacy:

It is the story of Sir James Douglas (c. 1286 – 25 August 1330) also known as Guid Sir James in Scotland and the Black Douglas in England. He was one of the chief commanders during the wars of Scottish Independence and indirectly was the inspiration for the song Flower of Scotland - "and stood against him, proud Edward's army and sent him homeward to think again" Following the Battle of Bannockburn it was Douglas and a party of knights who pursued Edward's army, a task carried out with such relentless vigour that the fugitives, according to Barbour, "had not even leisure to make water" Eventually Edward took refuge in Dunbar Castle which is approximately 70 miles from Stirling. That was a long chase!

(John Barbour (1320-1395) was a Scottish poet whose principal work was the historical verse romance, The Brus (The Bruce) which included the story of the Battle of Bannockburn.)

Upon his death (7th June 1329) King Robert Bruce assembled his captains and tasked Douglas to bear his heart on crusade to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, possibly as posthumous repentance for Bruce’s murder of his rival for the crown, John Comyn, at the High Kirk in Dumfries in 1306 and the suffering he inflicted on his own people with his ‘scorched earth’ tactics. When Bruce was dead, his heart was cut from his body and placed in a silver and enamelled casket which Sir James placed around his neck.

Around this time, King Alfonso XI of Spain was engaged in La Reconquista to drive the Moors out of Spain. The word was sent to Christian Nobles and Knights throughout Europe to assemble at Alfonso’s headquarters in Cordoba. Sir James Douglas as history shows was one such Knight who responded to the call. Jean de Bel in his Chronicles tells that Bruce wanted his heart taken to the Holy Land and presented to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, while the poet John Barbour says that Bruce wished his heart be carried into battle against God’s foes. 

Whatever the true specific request, the call to arms by King Alfonso fitted in with Sir James Douglas’ mission. In the Spring of 1330 Sir James Douglas armed with ‘a safe conduct’ from Edward III of England and ‘a letter of recommendation’ to King Alfonso, left Berwick to sail for Sluys in Flanders. Jean de Bel said that Douglas was accompanied by one Knight Banneret, six ordinary Knights and twenty Esquires. Douglas and his party remained in Sluys for 12 days and then departed by ship for Spain, finally embarking at Seville. There he presented his credentials to King Alfonso.

Sir James and his fellow Scottish knights joined Alfonso's army as they set out to reclaim the Moorish stronghold of the Castle of the Star (Castilla de la Estrella) which is near the village of Teba in what is now the province of Malaga.

There are several conflicting accounts of the Battle of Teba which is not surprising because this was 690 years ago and stories come down to us now through translation and with added 'colour' such as the tale of how Douglas, after attempting to rescue another comrade who had become separated, was surrounded by a rallying cluster of Moors. He tossed the silver casket and heart into the thick of the battle and shouted: ‘Now pass thou onward before us, as thou wast wont, and I will follow thee or die.’ The story of the thrown heart is a literary invention from C15th that evolved through various stages till the one shaped by Sr Walter Scott and published in 'Tales of A Grandfather' in 1827.

Sir James died in the battle as did his fellow knights Sir William de St.Clair and the brothers Sir Robert Logan and Sir Walter Logan. All of the accounts tell how the bodies were recovered from the field and were later returned along with Bruce's heart to Scotland. The bones of Sir James now rest in St. Bride's church in Douglas, Lothian and Bruce's heart is preserved in Melrose Abbey.

And so we come to the aforementioned surprising legacy. Several years ago a historian at Malaga University was researching the expulsion of the Moors and uncovered papers which shed some light on the battle. The story as handed down tells of how the Moors did not recognise the colours carried by the Scottish knights and were unaware of their high status. The Moors had been familiar with the colours worn by English or French knights but had thought the Scots were of lesser rank.

This is how la Cronica de Alfonso XI desribes the death of Sir James -

"Douglas, y casi todos sus hombres resultaron muertos en la batalla, incluyendo a William St. Clair de Rosslyn y Robert Logan de Restalrig. Su cuerpo y el relicario conteniendo el corazón embalsamado de Bruce se encontraron juntos en el campo y cuando Muhammed IV supo que pertenecía al rey escocés, envió los cuerpos de Douglas y sus hombres a Alfonso XI con una guardia de honor. Fueron llevados a Escocia por los escoceses supervivientes, William Keith de Galston, y Simon Lockhart."

The Moors under the command of Uthman ibn Abi al-ula knew whom they had slain in the battle and so the bodies were gathered up and taken, flanked by a guard of honour, to the camp of Alfonso. Chivalry is not exclusive to the European ideal of knightly gallantry, it is a universal code among the warrior caste throughout the world.

In the spring of 1988, Douglas Mackintosh who is a direct descendant of Sir James, arrived in Teba with a one ton slab of sand stone sculpted by Hew Lorimer.

Diario SUR published a piece entitled "The descendants of a Scottish national hero will erect a monument to his memory in Teba." The text, signed by the journalist Mabel Moya, explains how the residents of Teba had ignored their relationship with the figure of the knight until recently. They were unaware of the relevance and admiration that this historical figure arouses among the Scottish people, and received with amazement the visit of a family from the United Kingdom, direct descendants of Sir James Douglas.

On this visit, they brought with them "a slab, weighing about one tonne," which "succinctly tells the story of Douglas," designed by sculptor Hew Lorimer and sourced from Creetown in Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland. “Its price is estimated at about 8,000 pounds (around 1,680,000 pesetas) and its anchoring in the ground will amount to about 3,000 pounds (630,000 pesetas), an amount that is being paid with donations from people interested in making this project a reality.

The stone slab was kept in a warehouse until its location was decided, the Plaza de España. On August 25, 1989 , a grand opening ceremony was held attended by the mayor of Teba and George Nigel Douglas-Hamilton, Count Selkirk.

During the ceremony there was "an Anglican-Catholic ecumenical religious service", carried out by the priest of the Parish of Teba and the Vicar of the Anglican Church of San Jorge de Málaga, in addition to a military offering with the notes of the hymns of Andalusia and Scotland of the music band and bagpipes in the background.

Both Count Selkirk and the then mayor of Teba, Francisco González, made two speeches in which they expressed the desire to carry out a true twinning from which "exchanges of young people, schoolchildren, the elderly, sports, folkloric events, language learning and practice, integration of immigrants, commercial relationships, exchange of experiences in municipal management and administration ”, as recorded in the archive of the Teba City Council.

The stone itself is inscribed in English on one side and in Spanish on the other.

The Spanish love their fiestas and many town and villages have an annual Fiesta de Cristinos y Moros in celebration of La Reconquista. Teba City Council, now with the memorial stone in place decided that they too would have their own Cristianos y Moros but with a Scottish flavour. Every year on Aug. 25, the village celebrates the day of El Douglas. A pipe band from Scotland performs and there is a ceremony between the Teba mayor and other grandees and the visitors from Scotland. The square is also known as the Plaza Douglas.

