Keyboard worrier

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Today’s topic: what three words?

You’ll know of a simple, ingenious system called What3words. A trio of words will identify your location anywhere in the world to within 3 square metres; so useful in an emergency.

What if we try to do the same for a period of time?

For example ‘’ recalls an entire bygone age of collective identity and established authority. More precisely, Henry V’s '' pinpoints both time and place – Agincourt, 25 October 1415. 

The signing of the US Declaration of Independence at Philadelphia on 2 August 1776 is defined by 'life.liberty.happiness’ – a flag for the individual’s rights and self-determination, now tattered and fading in the scorching light of global money and power.

For here and now, ‘covid.mask.jab’ is weak, covering two years and much of the world.

What better combination would you suggest, for us or yourself?


DiscoveredJoys said...

Fake news soma.

decnine said...


hatfield girl said...

Northern Sea Route

hatfield girl said...

Northern Sea Route

Sackerson said...

@HG: how lovely to hear from you! Why those three words? How fares Italy? Do you still write?

hatfield girl said...

The Northern Sea Route is this century's Dardanelles; not that the Dardanelles are uncontested this century but together with oil pipelines fade into relative insignificance beside the Northern Sea Route.
The dread essay title 'What were the causes of the First world war?'had Mornington Crescent qualities of arriving at 'Russian warships in the Dardanelles.' Future hapless students of history will doubtless be asked a 21st century causes of global conflict question and arrive unerringly at 'the Northern Sea Route.'

Sackerson said...

@HG: would you consider writing for Broad Oak, any topic? Italy/ Southern Europe/ Med & Black Sea?