Friday, December 01, 2017

FRIDAY MUSIC: A Japanese Blend, by JD

Wiggia gave us some Japanese jazz recently so perhaps we could venture down a side track into what seems to be a blend of traditional and modern Japanese music:


Mark In Mayenne said...

Love the Kodo drummers

Wildgoose said...

By way of thanks allow me to offer the Japanese drummer Stomu Yamash'ta and a track from "Go - Live from Paris 1976" featuring Steve Winwood, Michael Shrieve, Klaus Schulze, Al di Meola, Pat Thrall, Jerome Rimson and more.

Wonderful 1970s jazz fusion/prog-rock self-indulgence. :-)

Crossing The Line

Sackerson said...

@Wildgoose: Oddly, I was thinking of that very performer a day or two ago.

And JD also comments:

Comment from Wildgoose jogged my memory. Many years ago a friend of mine worked in an independant record shop and he would 'borrow' some obscure and unusual records. One of them was "Freedom Is Frightening" by Stomu Yamashta which I thought was excellent. Here is the final track from the album. Not exactly Japanese in style but a nice dreamy contrast to the Kodo drummers-

1 December 2017 at 18:36