Keyboard worrier

Monday, October 19, 2009

Lessons from history

The Debt Offensive began in 2007: Charlie hit us with everything he had. Cadres of underpriced risk were tunnelling under our lines, popping up when least expected and decimating our defences. We fought back hard, dropping cash from the Hueys, first $700 billion, then trillions, but it was no use. Sure, we beat him back for a while, took down a few banks; but the public couldn't take seeing it all on TV. It was the turning point. We had lost the will to win.


Nick Drew said...


James Higham said...

Eh? I'm not intelligent enough.

Sackerson said...

= Tet Offensive, Vietnam 1968. Continues the notion of the financial clique as implacable and deadly enemy of democracy.

dearieme said...

I suppose that Charlie and banksters do go together.

hatfield girl said...

Um, isn't that a photo of the evacuation of Saigon, perhaps the last bit from the roof of the US embassy, a bit later on? 1975.

Sackerson said...

HG - yes, I'm suggesting one inevitably leads to the other; I must be ready to read A. H. Clough again...

Sackerson said...

DM - witty as ever!

Elby The Beserk said...

Gordon Brown don't surf...