Thursday, September 02, 2021

THURSDAY BACKTRACK: Music and news from 60 years ago - week ending 2 September 1961

 At #8 this week is the Brook Brothers' 'Ain't Gonna Wash For A Week':

Some memorable events (via Wikipedia):

29 August: Six people in an aerial tramway car in the Alps fall to their deaths when a jet fighter accidentally strikes and severs the cable. 81 other tourists are stranded for hours until rescued.
    There have been many other accidents involving military aircraft in the Sixties alone; there was one similar to this in 1998: 

30 August: racial segregation in schools in Atlanta, Georgia ends with the admission of nine African-American to four formerly all-white Atlanta high schools.

31 August: amid rising tensions between the West and the USSR during the Berlin crisis, the Soviet Union announces the end of a three-year worldwide moratorium on nuclear testing, and begins by detonating an atom bomb the next day - a 16-kiloton airburst over Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan.

UK chart hits, week ending 2 September 1961 (tracks in italics have been played in earlier posts)

Htp: Clint's labour-of love compilation


Johnny Remember Me

John Leyton

Top Rank


You Don't Know

Helen Shapiro



Reach For The Stars / Climb Every Mountain

Shirley Bassey




Petula Clark



Well I Ask You

Eden Kane



Halfway To Paradise

Billy Fury



A Girl Like You

Cliff Richard and The Shadows



Ain't Gonna Wash For A Week

The Brook Brothers




Sam Cooke




Craig Douglas

Top Rank


Quarter To Three

The U.S. Bonds

Top Rank


That's My Home

Acker Bilk



How Many Tears

Bobby Vee



Hello Mary Lou / Travellin' Man

Ricky Nelson



You Always Hurt The One You Love

Clarence 'Frogman' Henry



Baby I Don't Care / Valley Of Tears

Buddy Holly




Karl Denver




The Temperance Seven




Los Machucambos




The Everly Brothers

Warner Brothers

Monday, August 30, 2021

Three levels of freedom (revisited)

(This is a reworking of a post from 2012, )

There are three different levels or arenas of freedom. Much of the heat in a debate arises from shifting the ground of argument.

1. Collective freedom

A group of people having some common identity feels oppressed by or insufficiently involved in the power structures that govern it, e.g. national sovereignty vs the EU, the suffragette movement, the abolition of slavery. Sometimes, as in the last two examples, there is significant support from outsiders in their struggle.
This debate is generally about fairness. Factually, it will be argued that this group suffers more, or benefits less, than another, in terms of personal income and wealth, longevity, health etc. Morally, it will be said that the others enjoy unearned privilege because of luck, or by seizing and maintaining it with the exercise of power and influence
A counter-argument is that the privileged compensate for the differential by protecting and succouring their inferiors (e.g. treating servants kindly, providing for them in sickness or age, educating their children, giving to charity, leaving bequests in wills, administering justice in peacetime, leading in time of war). Another compensation is to accept additional restraints on their personal conduct, or voluntarily to risk misfortune, suffering and death in war, exploration etc. In some cases, there is an appeal to false identification: the privileged allow the less fortunate to live through them in imagination.
The riposte is that the difference is never quite paid for in full.
Should the oppressed group (or its leaders) win, it tends to consolidate its position by limiting the freedom of communication and action of its opponents.
2. Individual freedom
Some individuals may want more personal licence (e.g. completely free speech, easy divorce, casual sex, illicit drugs.)
The attempted justification here is that the desired additional liberties are relatively harmless.
Opponents will refer to the physical, emotional and financial effects on others: family, neighbours, the public at large, and various community expenses. There are also potential negative consequences for their children’s development and future lives.
Some will wonder whether society should bother trying to do more than prevent or mitigate immediate and significant harm to third parties. Is it worth the expense of police, courts, social workers, rehab etc? Let the libertine destroy himself.
Others may appeal to social or religious norms, saying that the individual must accept certain behavioural restrictions for the sake of societal cohesion. Stress will be laid on setting a good personal example, or not setting a bad one (this has implications for e.g. teachers, entertainers and sportspeople.) Certain behaviours are felt to have provocative potential or the power to lead others astray, and so measures are instituted to limit them (e.g. sumptuary laws, rules on what may be said and done in public - or even in private.)
The individualist may dispute the facts, and also maintain that others must take sole responsibility for their own responses. Norms will be represented as arbitrary and unnecessary for human happiness; it will be claimed that society will hold together without them.
To set oneself against others is to make oneself vulnerable, so the individualist will attempt to form (often uneasy) alliances, and so raise the debate or struggle to the level of a collective-freedom issue.
Alternatively, the individualist may simply scorn society's permission. Firstly, changing its rules is an uncertain and long-term project; secondly, to ask permission is to cede one's personal power to others.
At the extreme, a sociopath may turn his dislike of others' power over him, into a mission to get power over others; Mao, Stalin etc. On a lesser scale, we get what is said to be the statistical over-representation of psychopaths in senior positions in politics and business.
3. Psychological (or spiritual) freedom
This is about conflict within the individual. Our desires are often contradictory; and sometimes there are demons hiding in one's background. Many of us are a mass of scores trying to be settled; patterns/scripts trying to complete themselves whatever the cost to ourselves or others; the expectations of family, friends or society; or aspirations to a kind of secular redemption, ideal life-moments that end the story with credits and closing music.
On the other hand, the fractured individual is afraid to be healed. Change is a kind of death; identity trumps our happiness.
Who is this ‘I’ and why does it want this thing? If the ‘I’ is enigmatic, self-contradictory, untrustworthy and potentially destructive to self and others, by what shall we regulate our lives?
So we could get to another contradiction: voluntary submission of the will. Prisoners used to tell ‘Theodore Dalrymple’ that they preferred being ‘inside’, where they didn't have to make decisions. To whom, or what, must we surrender?
Round and round we go, like the worm Ouroboros; but surely, here is where we begin.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Inflation, the King’s thief

The Government sets an annual inflation target of 2%, meaning that £10,000-worth of goods and services today is planned to cost £200 more in a year’s time.  Our Halifax savings account pays interest at 0.01%, so that a £10,000 deposit for the same period will earn one single pound. The intentional debasement of the currency should be seen for what it is: a royal assault on personal wealth.

Private property is the foundation of liberty and a defence against tyrants such as King John. Needing additional money to prosecute his wars, John levied taxes at will, fined and seized the estates of nobles who he alleged had transgressed, and forced women to marry his cronies to get hold of their dowries; Magna Carta aimed to correct these abuses and set up the Great Council that would become known as Parliament. To this day, all law, directly or indirectly, still flows from the monarch’s will and assent but now the ruler, instead of simply grabbing our cash, must ask nicely for it via our representatives.

Except there is a way round: rob the whole country by corrupting the means of exchange.

That is something that even King John did not do, but in 1544 Henry VIII started to issue coinage with a lower content of precious metals; by 1551 under Edward VI the silver in a penny, at a time when labourers were paid pennies, had fallen by 83% (this was reversed by Elizabeth I in 1560. Inflation continued anyway, at least partly because of the ongoing influx of gold and silver from the New World treasure fleets. )

Even so, inflation was accidental rather than deliberate; and in general, slow. For the three centuries from 1209 up to the accession of Henry VIII, the BoE estimates that the average rate of inflation was only 0.1% per year; for the next four centuries to 1909, 0.6% p.a.

The high inflation we regard as normal is really a twentieth century phenomenon, and as in the earlier instances given they can be related to war, not only the two World Wars but the 1970s oil price shock in the context of the West’s involvement in the Arab-Israeli conflict. Between 1914 and 2014 £100 would need to have grown to £10,306 to maintain its value.

It is less than thirty years since the UK actually began targeting a positive value for inflation.,_Canada,_United_Kingdom The Bank of England justifies it in this way:

‘… if inflation is too low, or negative, then some people may put off spending because they expect prices to fall. Although lower prices sounds like a good thing, if everybody reduced their spending then companies could fail and people might lose their jobs.’

That is all very well, but if the current situation of 2% inflation and 0.01% savings interest continues indefinitely, then over the average Briton’s lifetime a bank deposit of £10,000 will shrivel to c. £2,000 in real terms. Somebody is getting the benefit, and it’s not us, though we can see some who are – ‘Private Eye’ reported this week (issue 1554, p.7) that hundreds of bankers at HSBC ‘will trouser seven-figure sums’ in bonuses, thanks to Chancellor Rishi’s pandemic lending boost.

It is not reasonable to force ordinary citizens to become speculators in order to preserve the value of their savings. Enron shares, rogues like Bernie Madoff and the halving of the FTSE – twice – since the year 2000 give us ample reasons to be cautious. Some American financial commentators I read think the stock markets are once again wildly overvalued.

Even the banks are not safe – it was the 2007 Northern Rock debacle that prompted the FSCS to raise the ceiling for bank deposit protection to the equivalent of €100,000; in the Cyprus bank crisis of 2012-13 depositors lost nearly half the balance above that limit.

There was a time when governments thought it their duty to protect the consumer. International economies are more interlinked these days but even so, in the midst of the OPEC oil shock Parliament noted the destruction of retirees’ nest-eggs by inflation, and in 1975 the Government introduced NS&I Index-Linked Savings Certificates for them, later extending their availability to others.

What a disappointment it was to see the incoming coalition government of 2010 stop the issue of these plans! Also, a couple of years ago, the Treasury hit those lucky enough to own some, switching the index used from RPI to CPI, with a view to cutting the return to savers by something like 0.6% per year.

Paper money is backed by nothing, most money is in the form of electrons, and the State can invent as much of it as it likes, so in a sense it doesn’t need to listen to the people any more. What price our liberty?

Saturday, August 28, 2021

WEEKENDER: A new garden, by Wiggia


The bottom of the garden.

My house move has created a problem, not in the first rank of things in this mad world, but for my own satisfaction and pleasure.

For many being involved in something that is their work means they have no time for it at home - ‘coals to Newcastle’ is the phrase that comes to mind; yet despite spending most of my working life in horticulture I have always derived a lot of pleasure from my own patch. My very first garden was attached to a typical prewar end of terrace house with a runway of a garden, in the region of 170 ft long but very narrow; this was before I embarked into horticulture but I immediately wanted to make something of it.

Looking back the idea was right: dividing into separate ‘rooms’ as is the trend today; but my execution was poor. Nonetheless it was good training, not just in layout and design but in what plants grow and where. The failures taught me a lot and there were a lot of them.

The one thing that nearly always disappointed was moving so often. It meant that in many cases gardens started never reached fruition; only two actually reached what could be called any form of maturity. It is this factor that is the problem for me now: time is running out.

We have been fortunate. During our life together we have had gardens ranging in size from bugger-all upwards - this was a house we intended to stay in a couple of years but because of the ‘89 crash we were held captive for six years. That one I made into something one could use and enjoy but on a budget because of the intent to move on.

Others have ranged from a quarter of an acre up to two and a half acres. In fact I have had three over an acre in size, and my last house had an acre of garden, I have enjoyed most of them but as I said most were never completed or never matured.

Gardens are by their nature transient things. That living breathing patch into which you have poured so much time and effort in an attempt to create something in your mind, becomes nothing the day you leave it behind. I have only seen two after the moving on when visiting old neighbours. The first time this happened when living in Suffolk was returning to a garden I created from scratch containing many rare collected over time shrubs trees and perennials, and though I would have made changes if we had stayed I was quite pleased with what I left behind.

When I visited, my old neighbour said, ‘Don’t look over the fence’ and I had had no intention of doing so as once before what I saw made one cry with anguish at what had been done to all that I had poured so much time and effort into; but curiosity got the better of me and I did look, to be greeted with such a sorry sight as to make one weep.

Of course the day you sell a house you give up any rights to how the house and garden are looked after or not, it has nothing to do with you any more. Your taste, your use of interior and exterior, your vision that you create for yourself is not going to be that of someone else, whatever gushing phrases they may use when viewing. Hence the 'moment in time' aspect for gardens in particular, is they are created and tended by man, and when that stops revert back to nature. Gardens are our vision of how we want to see nature presented and much of what we put in them is also a version of our creative mind not a true reflection of nature; even the great ‘natural’ landscaped gardens of Capability Brown and others were a man-made version of nature.

We are simply playing with the land around us and the plants that are available, most of which are not native in the first place.

This move though is hopefully the end of the line; at our age and with our moving horrors (see previous post) I don’t think we could entertain another move at our age unless it was painless and it never has been.

So here we are with around a third of an acre, fields to the back (for how long, one wonders), and a wood to one side; so private, and it gives the impression of being bigger because of the empty field at the rear.

In the past it was well tended and the original owners had planted quite a lot of desirable shrubs and trees. Unfortunately all had grown into one another and the first task was to remove some of the overgrown planting and decide what was to remain. Over twenty dumper loads have been removed so far and there is more to come; some of the choicer plantings had been so encroached on by their neighbours they had been ruined and had to come out; others, a few, were salvageable.

None of this was easy for me, not because of my advancing years but because of my impending hip replacement - which I have now had - so almost everything came to a halt in the run up to the op and now during recovery, but at least I am presented with that blank, or almost blank, canvas to work on.

And now the real problems arise: what sort of garden do I want, what sort can I manage now and primarily, will I ever see the fruits of my efforts?

And there lies the rub: mortality. We have no idea when the plug will be pulled on our life on earth. The only way to handle that side of things is to carry on as normal, otherwise we might as well sit there and await the Grim Reaper's entrance.

So the old drawing tools have been dug out and a start made. I don't need to make a detailed graph paper layout for this, it is really about ideas being put on paper and then sifting through to find the best result.


At heart I have always been a plants man. Plants have always been the most important element in any garden of my own. For my own gardens I have always looked at the plot, analysed the soils and site and then made a list of suitable plants I want to see there. Only after that have I drawn design plans to incorporate those plants; arse upwards to anything I have done commercially but it was for me and the planting comes first. 

The fruits of one's endeavours.

I have already drawn up a list of plants I need and immediately hit a problem: although I retired only ten years ago the sources I used for plants have changed dramatically. So many specialist nurseries have either sold up and gone or been bought out and incorporated into bigger enterprises or even turned into garden centres; in fifty years it has gone full circle.

When I started out there were very few nurseries supplying the rarer plants and shrubs. Hilliers in Winchester were the most famous and even they had a waiting list for the more desirable items; Waterers were the go-to for rhododendrons, as were Sunningdale nurseries; and there were a few scattered nurseries specialising in certain genus such as Kelways with peonies, a rare old company still going strong.

There were also numerous well-known rose growers. In the Eighties a change happened: the boom years saw a demand for the exotic and, new for this country, the mature plant. On the Continent mature shrub and tree planting for municipal and private use was well established, but here there was virtually nothing; now you saw nurseries starting up supplying mainly imported items in almost any size your bank balance could stand.

Alongside this the likes of Beth Chatto and her ‘unusual’ plant nursery made a huge impact at the Chelsea flower show and many other similar outfits started to appear. With a certain amount of diligence you could purchase almost anything in any size.

Unfortunately/fortunately depending on your viewpoint, the garden centre was also in its infancy and beginning to make inroads on traditional plant-only nurseries. They became and still are extremely popular and for those traditional nurseries that changed to the garden centre format it was a way to increase profits and spread sales over the year rather than condensing sales into a few months as previously; the addition of the cafe made further profits year round more likely and they started to take over as the go-to place, not just for plants but for so much else; now they even do functions, the change has been enormous.

The garden centres became bigger and started to buy up established nurseries and those famous names became just fronts for more garden centres, so the net result was as today: we are back, certainly with trees and shrubs, to those few specialists still surviving; with perennials the story is not so bleak but making a living out of perennials is not as easy as trees and shrubs or indeed a garden centre selling outdoor furniture and everything else connected to the garden.

So yes, my search for certain shrubs in particular was a bit blunted, but with a bit of patience, not something I am noted for, we are getting there.

In some ways the enforced delay to proceedings is a good thing: certain aspects of the plan didn’t really gel and changes have been made before a spade has gone in the ground. It’s also given me time to source planting material, so easy to get in the past but now disappearing as the anti-peat lobby gets its way and the companies such as nurseries that supply this material get gobbled up by conglomerates, leaving little choice.

 A place to relax.

A shady corner.

I would love to incorporate a greenhouse in the garden layout. I have grown a lot from seed in recent years besides the usual fruit and veg, but growing from seed takes time and I have to ask myself again have I got that time and of course I have no idea, so we will put the greenhouse, much missed, on the back burner for now.

All of this is interwoven with getting the new house the way we want it, and obviously that takes priority, but we have made good progress in that area and only a couple of items of consequence remain. As with the garden, getting workmen at this time is notoriously difficult with some trades because of the housing boom, carpenters and brickies are exceptionally difficult to find. The latter is needed for the water feature I have in mind; as it is central to my overall plan I am going to have to keep phoning, asking and trying and pull in a favour or two; I can never remember it being this bad, a couple of years back most of it I could have done myself but not any more.

One thing's for sure, I have never not had a garden to which I have not been the major contributor. As with so many who are fortunate to have a plot to play with in whatever size, I get great pleasure from it; it is a wonderful escape from the lunatic world we live in today, and whether I actually see this one through to conclusion is in reality immaterial, just doing it is part of the satisfaction.

Friday, August 27, 2021

FRIDAY MUSIC: The Hillbilly Gypsies, by JD

More unknown musical talent, The Hillbilly Gypsies! Ten songs this time just for a change. I have included the tenth song because it shows the band from backstage and illustrates the boundless energy of Jamie Lynn who is the 'star' of the show. The videos vary in quality but the energy and enthusiasm is ever present.

'The Hillbilly Gypsies are best known for their high-energy live performances. They have entertained the crowd at major festivals, fairs, and concert venues across the mid-Atlantic region and abroad. Their "Old Timey" approach adds an authentic barn party atmosphere to their shows. Watching the whole band work around the single mic is like taking a trip back in time. It'll sure make you want to get up and dance!'
The Hillbilly Gypsies are: Trae Buckner, Jamie Lynn Buckner, Ryan Cramer, Ty Jaquay and Dave Asti.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

THURSDAY BACKTRACK: Music and news from 60 years ago - week ending 26 August 1961

 At #4 this week is Shirley Bassey's 'I Reach For the Stars' (the B side is 'Climb Every Mountain':

Some memorable events (via Wikipedia):

20 August: The Berlin crisis deepens. President Kennedy sends 1,500 troops to West Berlin to show support for the inhabitants. The soldiers are greeted there by Vice-President Lyndon Johnson.
Report in Montreal's 'The Gazette,' 21 August 1961

22 August: soldiers at the Antifaschistischer Schutzwall (the 'Anti-Fascist Protection Wall') are ordered to shoot people trying to flee East Berlin. The first such casualty comes two days later.

23 August: the USA launches its first 'space platform', Ranger 1, as the start of a Moonshot program. A rocket fails and the machine fails to reach high orbit; it falls back to Earth a week later, burning in the air. 

26 August: Burma (now Miyanmar), independent from Great Britain since 1948amends its constitution to declare Buddhism as the nation's official religion. This attempt to enforce Theravada Buddhism (the religion of c. 90% of the population) on everyone 'failed due to protests by religious minorities'. 
    The military later stages a socialist coup d'état in March 1962 and rules directly or indirectly from then on, with a new Constitution from 1974. 
    From 1988 the situation becomes more fluid, with pro-democracy movements combating State repression. 
    The military junta dissolves in 2011 but in January 2021 there is another military coup d'état, overturning the rule of Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy (NLD), which won by a landslide (again) in the 2020 general election. 
    BBC news updates for Miyanmar are here: 

UK chart hits, week ending 26 August 1961 (tracks in italics have been played in earlier posts)

Htp: Clint's labour-of love compilation


Johnny Remember Me

John Leyton

Top Rank


You Don't Know

Helen Shapiro



Well I Ask You

Eden Kane



Reach For The Stars / Climb Every Mountain

Shirley Bassey



Halfway To Paradise

Billy Fury




Petula Clark



A Girl Like You

Cliff Richard and The Shadows




Craig Douglas

Top Rank


Hello Mary Lou / Travellin' Man

Ricky Nelson



You Always Hurt The One You Love

Clarence 'Frogman' Henry




The Everly Brothers

Warner Brothers


Don't You Know It

Adam Faith



Quarter To Three

The U.S. Bonds

Top Rank


Baby I Don't Care / Valley Of Tears

Buddy Holly




The Temperance Seven




Karl Denver




Del Shannon




Sam Cooke




Eddie Cochran



Ain't Gonna Wash For A Week

The Brook Brothers



Too Many Beautiful Girls

Clinton Ford
