Wednesday, June 05, 2019

Man Made? by Wiggiaatlarge

Guilt-edged profits: Wiggiaatlarge has a go at the eco-panic industry...

Saving the world for fun and fame

We have been hearing an awful lot from the eco fanatics, scientists with an agenda, various public  organisations, NGOs and of course celebrities on how ‘we’ are slowly bringing the world as we know it to an end, whether it be the results of climate change or bio diversity in the plant and animal world, everything, absolutely everything is ‘our’ fault.

In the lull in the non-going Brexit negotiations a golden window of opportunity for all these with vested interests has been given, a chance for all of them to come out of the shadow of Brexit together in full battle mode, led by a sixteen-year-old girl who no one has heard of but who everybody with a bandwagon to jump on has attached themselves to like limpets, a saint for the green movement in waiting.

Both the CCC and the UN have made big statements of impending doom and time frames are put out as the D day for all this to come about lest we adhere to ‘conditions’ they put forward as solutions, conditions of course that cannot be questioned as all those who question are deniers and therefore beneath contempt.

By chance ? The other affiliated eco health warnings and suggestions have come out of the woodwork at the same time. Never has there been so much about what we eat and drink that is bad for us and never have so many animals been the target of the green/vegan lobby for not just making us less healthy but also the animals must stop farting as they are polluting the world.

Billions of trees must be planted, a trend started by the Mayor of London Sadiq Khan who promised Londoners 2 million trees to counter traffic pollution. No numbers of trees planted are available, but he is well on the way to bringing London to a standstill, which according to all those same voices is a good thing, though of course London will be open to drivers with special dispensation ! And those others who can afford the ridiculous fees, with traffic being restricted to electric vehicles in the not so distant future.

Now at the same time we have the Royal College of Physicians piling in, stating our air quality  is killing 40,000 people a year. I am never sure how they arrive at these figures ie filtering out people who would have died from respiratory diseases anyway from those who have directly from the current state of our air we breathe in.

I don’t think anyone would not want to live in a world that did not have a decent environment, that has never been the problem; the problem as with so many things from the top down these days is what the message really stands for. Is it just for our own well-being and that of the planet, or as many sceptics rightfully point out the globalists who have found a new vehicle with which to soak the general public of their cash or plastic as it soon will be? Seems fine for plastic to be used for this purpose but evil for everything else.

What repeatedly is never discussed in this quest to cleanse ourselves of all the world's ills, is the feasibility, the damage to our country and above all the cost. The cost of course to those who will see us rubbing sticks together to keep warm is a cost worth paying so they can feel good about themselves and pretend we are showing the way to the rest of the world, who will be eternally grateful, not a message any time soon that will be getting through, yet we must persevere with the message - it is our duty ! There is a total intolerance to any divergence from that which is put out as truth.

As with all these many green ‘issues’ when articles are put out by all of the bodies concerned and individuals everything is headlined and taken at face value, no one seems to be questioned as to the authenticity of anything, if they say the word scientist then that is the magic password for the piece to be unquestionably true in every aspect. It has become so silly that even solutions that are patently absurd are tacked on to these statements and put out as something you can do to save the planet. There is a long list but a couple of examples are, that sharing your cordless drill with your neighbour is going to make a difference, apart from the fact your neighbour will already have a cordless drill, everyone has one and using the thing at the same time would involve having a task to do anyway is laughable.

Banning the school run from dropping the darlings off within the school precinct: wonderful, do grown up people sit around a table and say, "that’s a good idea, put it in the piece?" The darlings will simply be dropped off a hundred yards short and the nuisance for householders will simply be moved that hundred yards or so.

The more serious subject of converting everything to electric and doing away with the evil internal combustion engine has already started by the banning in towns of entry for certain types of vehicle; nothing wrong with it in principle but what of the shortcomings of that move and the further controls on car use?

There appears to be a lemming like attitude with politicians who jump on bandwagons to please minorities in almost every sphere. The green agenda is being pushed from many different organisations with differing points of view as to what is important, but the hand of big business is in there somewhere: subsidies are par for course in the drive towards emission-free vehicles and all that is necessary to power them and provide for them.

The costings for infrastructure needed are constantly lied about and the infrastructure is not there and nowhere near available for the dates supplied to end the use or production of carbon-fuelled automobiles, never mind where will the power come from.

A government that on one hand is closing down coal- and now gas-powered power stations and cannot get one new nuclear power station off the drawing board after god knows how many years is playing games. So-called green power is nowhere near to providing current needs and certainly however many windmills they build will never be able to supply the total necessary when and if we go carbon neutral (whatever that means), and on a still day you would be well advised to invest in a hamster in a treadmill.

On the one hand the government has sanctioned 6000 offshore windmills, which will never plug the gap and on the other hand the back up power stations are being closed (coal) apart from the Drax stations that import wood pellets from Canada and pollute the atmosphere more than coal does and of course at greater cost ! The cost of maintenance of offshore windmills has been largely hidden as it is still a relatively new source of power, but offshore maintenance is high because of the environment the windmills are in,  and the replacement time span short and very expensive.

What is also notable by its absence is the efforts to make coal and gas clean. There have been several feasible methods put forward but all are ignored, why ? Clean coal can be viewed with a sceptic's eye, but apart from a mixed success/failure in the US it has been shelved elsewhere. There must be a way to overcome some of the other problems outside of CO2 but no one wants to know, well here anyway. It doesn’t make sense: the cleaning of coal is relatively cheap and we are sitting on hundreds of years of the stuff; if it can be used cleanly then why not ?

The electric car is also not the saviour of the planet it is deemed to be. Each battery costs 17 tons of CO2 to produce, not exactly eco friendly and the stage when these same batteries have to be replaced at enormous cost has not been reached yet so the enormous job of recycling them if it is possible has not even started.

The costs plusses and minuses of battery versus ICE powered cars can be seen here, it is not nearly as clear cut on several fronts as one would like to think.

So despite not having a long time objection to the electric car, there is a long way to go before they are the go to form of transport and all the other matters have to be in place, something that is not going to happen within the target years projected.

It is also a convenient fact that is buried that along with the replacement of gas and coal, the cost of electricity will rise not by the percentages we are being fed now as a cost worthwhile but by as some say as much as double or more. Not only is electricity more expensive to produce this way despite our being told wind power is now affordable (conveniently forgetting all the latent limitations on production that way) and the fact that you have to have back up power stations at the ready for when the wind doesn’t blow, but also the claw back from fuel duties not received and subsidies that are not sustainable to the green energy industry.

From the first claims that we were destroying the planet there has been data supplied forecasting impending doom. There will be no snow in winter after ten years, said one notable climate scientist: yeah right, sea levels will start to inundate eastern England... hasn’t shown any measurable rise at all despite the fact the east of the country is sinking. "The Arctic ice is melting": graphs and maps show this it seems every year, oh and polar bears are nearing extinction,; actually, polar bears are increasing in numbers and the Artic ice has increased and decreased as a natural cycle says NASA - or not if you believe some other organisation !

The sea levels have certainly risen world wide but not because of anything man has done. Since the last glacial age several thousand years ago we have been warming up and the ice sheets have slowly melted. This has nothing to do with man it is simply a natural cycle, and no doubt one day the world will return to a glacial phase. What can we do about it? Nothing.

And remember the ozone layer and the big hole all caused by CFCs? It's not for me to say it was or not, but the ozone layer was not discovered until 1913 and the hole in it, not a hole actually but a thinning, was discovered in 1976. If the banning of CFCs has caused the thinning to stop or slow, well done, but there is no record of whether the thinning existed before 1913 so we cannot be sure it is not just a natural cycle.

The trouble with all these projections is they can never be questioned. Anyone who does is called a denier which is patently untrue, but when scientific papers - on which countries base future dealing with climate change - are totally discredited as were those of the UEA you have a problem of belief in those that do the research and questions arrive as to their motives. So many new organisations spring up on the back of potential world catastrophe; it is a whole industry in itself and a very profitable one for those that can get associated with it.

Plastic has become the whipping boy for the eco fanatics. Almost everything about plastic is bad, from being ingested by sea creatures to litter to excessive packaging and on. The fact is that plastic being a by-product of oil is, as night follows day, bad by association. There is nothing wrong with plastic: it has made so many things possible that were impossible or extremely difficult and costly to produce, before becoming an  everyday product with the use of polymers. The use of plastics is so universal, so engrained in everyday life it would be virtually impossible to replace it at this stage of our evolution. There is nothing wrong with plastic, only how humans misuse it and dispose of it; that is not a fault of the product but of man.

The ongoing onslaught on the meat industry is again interesting, but not from the point of view of whether should you eat meat or not - that should be a personal choice, not a diktat of government or vegan extremists.

But an article in the Times business section showed how the way forward is planned: cattle, you see, are contaminating the atmosphere and we should reduce the number of cattle and our meat intake to help this aim of reduction in CO2 emissions. At this moment in time vegans account for 1% of the population with a further 12% of what they call flexitarians, I don’t know either, but for some reason we are being told by big business we should get with the movement. The article speaks of a business that many are getting behind, the next big thing, so institutions are pulling money from anything that can be tainted as a possible climate pollutant and putting it into schemes such as faux meat production. The CEO of one such company described the meat industry as “on a cliff edge” - well, he would say that.

In the same article as with so much else, there was a hint that to help the fledgling new faux meat industry (and naturally you would be helping yourself), tax on meat should be expected at some time if people do not change their wicked ways.

And the government has just announced it is forcing pension funds to put their money into renewables and not fossil fuels. How dare they tell anyone what to do with OUR money? If renewables show a better return so be it, but no company should be forced to put people's money into something just to massage a politician's credentials.

Organics were the trend not long ago, a good message but very expensive. You only have to compare  the two products in a supermarket to see how much more you would have to stump up to be organic in total. And organic farming is not the saviour of the soil it was made out to be: as with so many of these ‘natural’ ways there is a downside.

The downside is never ever made public in the same way as the supposed gains, never when there is money involved.

Monsanto are a favorite whipping boy of the green movement. If you believed all the reports about Monsanto you would think they were the devil incarnate put on this earth just annoy us. Glysophate has been touted as a cancer inducer and campaigners want it removed from use at once. The problem is not a single study actually comes down on the side of the greens on this, it is all maybe.

Every time a chemical is withdrawn , and many have been for good reason, there has to be found a substitute. In most cases this is a much more expensive item than the one it is replacing, again putting pressure on margins and in the end consumer food prices. Glysophate has been an extremely effective weed control agent, there is not anything else that comes near at this moment in time and for the moment it has been reprieved, but that is not good enough: more tests have been promised under pressure from the green movement, they will not stop until it is banned, whether justified or not. The amounts found in land and crops are miniscule and have no threat to health, but the fact traces are there gives the green movement the means to justify carrying on. This has been going on for years and still they can’t find proof positive of harm: all chemicals and all ‘natural’ substitutes leave traces in soil and food, yet all the papers giving glysophate the all clear are ignored. As with everything else the zealots appear to have people on the inside who persuade, and of course they do, lobbyists who work for organisations, subsidised to a large degree unwittingly by the taxpayer.

What to eat and drink and what not to eat and drink? The message changes constantly. Red wine? Ah, that is a good one: according to the Times today ‘researchers are suggesting that a diet of Mediterranean oily products (heard this before) and red wine can help with dementia. There was a time when I drank red wine to forget about everything but there you go !  Red wine has been good for you and alternatively bad for you almost on a yearly basis, depending on which research group has issued their papers on it. You would think by now they would have given up but I am sure another group are waiting to publish on the evils again as I speak.

The elephant in the room is not a new one: it is the explosion of world population. Nature no longer takes its toll on birth statistics by controlling with disease or famine, much (rightly) has been corrected by the west and science, but now that the family survives, they still have the same number of children and in the likes of Africa the numbers are frightening. All are to be fed, housed and clothed, none can afford the ideals of the west's eco movement and so what will happen to the aspirations of the green movement? Absolutely nothing of consequence: the sheer numbers of people will swamp any progress made. You cannot impose restrictions on people who have little in the first place; to them it is all about survival. Wood burning stoves, vegan diets, wind power? They couldn’t give a stuff, there are more pressing things in their lives.

The huge damage that has been done to the likes of the Amazon basin by man is a visible thing, it is tangible unlike so much else which is hyperbole, but how do you stop forest clearance when it is done either to further big business that all governments are in thrall to, or to provide food for the burgeoning population.

Common sense of course does not subsidise new eco projects but it does massage politicians' green credentials and throwing a few billion around at these various schemes is not that difficult when it is other people's money.

At the end of the day common sense will be trumped by virtue signalling and endless amounts of money will be spent on schemes that will do little for the planet but will hurt us as a nation. There is no point being world leader in something the bulk of the planet ignores or could not afford to follow.

Perhaps there is no long term answer. Only a population reduction will effectively halt the demands on the earth and where have we heard that before?

Saturday, June 01, 2019

The Left Has "A Dream Image" Of The EU

It was almost a joy watching Labour’s Barry Gardiner mansplaining Norway and Turkey options to the Brexit Party’s Alex Phillips on Question Time, forgetting that the EU has just disbanded its Brexit negotiating team  to emphasise Juncker’s long-held position that it’s May’s Withdrawal Agreement or nothing.

Not that Gardiner was addressing the audience question, which was asking whether the Tory leadership contest was akin to changing the captain of the Titanic after it had hit the iceberg. Or indeed that it was his turn to speak (do get a grip, Fiona.) But at least it bought a bit more time for Rory Stewart to scribble notes, his drawn face bent over his notepad.

The one thing that won’t have been on Rory’s jotter is a fully-articulated political philosophy – the Conservatives have long prided themselves on not having one. In this respect they resemble Labour and LibDem, for all of them have become debating-point opportunists; and that is why, with luck, they are doomed.

For all the splother from our mainstream parties, none of them shows any understanding of the EU. On they bang about economics, when anyone who takes the trouble to read can see that the EU is a political project aiming for Empire. Why, Verhofstadt has just said it openly. To Remain is not to stand still, but to keep seated on a train headed for an unpleasant destination.

The train won’t get there and it would be well for us not to be on board when it derails. One reason is that we are jointly liable for the EU’s debts and can be called upon to make good shortfalls or even bail them out in a major crisis, as the Bruges Group explains.

But it’s about more than finance, and it’s time for us to reconsider our principles - even if, on the Right, they are rather fuzzy (as giant corporations come to dominate, is freedom a Left issue, or a Right one?)

Some on the Left side are starting to draw designs on their pads. Here is Costas Lapavitsas, ex-MP in the Greek Parliament, giving the rationale for his recent book “The Left Case Against The EU.” It's well worth watching, but for the time-poor I give a rough summary below.

He has written this book for three reasons: the public is ill-informed about the EU; the Left has a false ‘dream image’ of the EU and lacks a coherent argument for its position; others can learn about the EU’s approach from its treatment of Greece’s Syriza government in 2016.

The British Left used to be Eurosceptic but now has a ‘completely imaginary picture’ of the EU. Also, it has lost its belief in a socialist alternative to neoliberalism.

On the common currency/EMU: it was created by the French to ‘tie Germany in’ after the latter’s reunification. That was a miscalculation – the Euro has helped German business, especially in exports, and Germany has emerged as the ‘hegemonic power’ of Europe. France is losing to Germany economically and politically.

The Eurozone crisis was systemic, but that was not obvious to EU functionaries. Lapavitsas had thought they would see sense and rebalance the member economies, especially Germany’s, but no.

The EU’s behaviour towards Greece was ‘abominable’, with a disregard for democracy. Greece was treated as ‘a kind of new colony’ [RN: remember Verhoftstadt’s aides saying the same about the UK on camera?  Here’s a Greek word for them: hubris.] And in Cyprus, the EU took savers’ money to rescue the banks.

Since Maastricht the EU has been a ‘paradigm of neoliberalism’, the ‘four freedoms’ acting as ‘powerful levers’ and enforced by the ECJ. The EU is a neoliberal ‘juggernaut’; Brussels is ‘one of the main lobby points for big business.’

The Left has advocated ‘Remain and reform’, claiming that what it wants can be achieved within the existing structures of the EU. Lapavitsas replies (a) in that case, why is reform needed? Actually, the EU blocks such attempts; (b) It’s been tried and found wanting, as Greece discovered in 2015. It failed immediately. Britain may be bigger, but will get the same opposition.

The EU has ‘a long history of democratic deficit,’ widening over the last two decades. (1) Economic policy has been ‘depoliticised’ and the democratic vote means very little – a Left Greek government and a Right Italian one were both told to comply with EU policies. So what is the point of voting? (2) See how the EU intervenes when challenged: forcing re-votes after a referendum result it doesn’t like; asserting the power of the Council of Ministers and replacing Greek and Italian governments.

The vaunted ‘freedom of movement’ is not about individual rights, but corporate ones: the EU favours capital and allows it to relocate labour as it wishes. Lapavitsas says ‘the local community also has to be protected’ and the Left has forgotten its tradition of workers’ internationalism.

Corbyn’s Labour is conflicted It needs a more radical program than 2017’s. It needs a profound industrial strategy, less dependent on the service sector and the City. It needs a plan for State aid, public procurement and financing, in a way that the EU will not allow. The EU imposes severe restraints, the WTO less so. We need to address inequalities of income and wealth, and to reform trading practices.

Where does he see the EU in ten years’ time? It faces existential crisis, not only among peripheral countries but most of all in its core. Italy is stagnant. France cannot compete with Germany and if it adopts German policies will fail; the public are rebelling. Add in the democratic deficit and people’s sense of powerlessness and the EU finds itself in a very difficult position.

Lapavitsas cannot see monetary union surviving – it will probably go, in the next global crisis. After that the EU will change into a loose alliance, an ‘empty shell’; the Maastricht years won’t come back.

The European Left needs to get its act together ‘or the political outcomes will not be very good at all.’

Friday, May 31, 2019

FRIDAY MUSIC: Rahsaan Roland Kirk's Creative Chaos, by JD

In the middle of all this current political chaos, fake or otherwise, I think we deserve to have some real and creative chaos which is genuinely inspiring and joyful.

If you are of a nervous disposition, look away now (as they say on the telly) but if not, fasten your seatbelts and turn up the volume for the unique and legendary Rahsaan Roland Kirk!

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Voter Suppression in the USA, by "Paddington"

In the good old days, the primary paths to power were generally simple. Things like birthright, marriage, assassination and conquest.

Now that most countries are democratic, at least in theory, one must claw to the top of some power structure, and then be elected.

One way to do the latter is to convince enough voters that they need you. This carries a high risk of failure.

To increase the odds, one could take the route favoured by Saddam Hussein, and famously described by Stalin, “It doesn't matter how the people vote, only who counts the votes”. While effective, this method requires a large conspiracy, which is hard to maintain.

In some places of the US, such as Chicago and Miami, Florida, a popular method used to be what is called the 'graveyard vote', having people impersonate dead voters. In New York, they just got enough street dwellers drunk and marched them to the polls.

With better modern record keeping, these methods are much less effective. In fact, despite claims by Republicans of millions of illegal aliens voting, and massive voter fraud, repeated investigation has only uncovered a handful of cases nationwide in the past two decades. Most of those were Republicans, claiming to 'test the system'.

It is the South, now primarily Republican, which has outdone itself, with the simple tactic of voter suppression.

We can begin with the founding of the Republic. The slave-holding states realized that their population was mostly slaves, and so apportionment of Congressional seats by population would leave them with little power. Hence, the allocation of two Senate seats per state, and the famous '3/5 compromise', where slaves counted as 3/5 of a regular person.

After the Civil War, the 14th and 15th amendments now allowed all former slaves to vote, so a new tactic was needed. The answer was to arrest the now-homeless freemen under vagrancy laws. Not only could they not vote while in prison, but also were generally prevented from doing so if they ever got out. An added bonus was that slavery was still allowed for people in prison, so they were a tremendous source of free labour, a system which lasts through today. This method was supplemented with poll taxes, which the African-Americans couldn't afford to pay, and literacy tests, which were strangely harder for people of colour.

Under the cover of claiming massive voter fraud, there have been major moves to require 'valid' identification to vote. This sounds reasonable enough, doesn't it? Now consider:

1. Texas accepts a state-issued Concealed-Carry Weapons permit as valid, but not a state-issued university ID card (those 'liberal' students)
2. Many older African-Americans in the South cannot get their birth certificates, as most were not born in official hospitals, and so cannot get ID.
3. In Arkansas, the single office to get a state ID (for those without a driver's license) is only open for a few hours on the fifth Wednesday of a month (not a joke).

And then there are the other clever techniques used most recently in 2018:

1. A bus in Georgia was taking a group of African-American retirees from a nursing home to the polls. The white workers at the home stopped the bus, and dragged them off.
2. In Georgia, there is automatic voter registration when a driver's license is renewed. But, it only registers the person for the national elections, not the local and state ones, keeping things like the Sheriff's position away from 'those people'.
3. A law in Arizona required voters to have a street address. Most Native Americans use rural post boxes, without one.
4. Dodge City, Kansas, closed its single polling station, and moved it a mile out of the city, miles away from any bus route.
5. The state party in charge after each census gets to decide the Congressional map for the state. In the last elections, Republicans have so gerrymandered the districts that they were awarded 12 of 16 seats in Congress for Ohio while only getting 52% of the vote.

While our leadership lectures the rest of the world on democracy, we behave more like a banana republic.

Further reading (Ed.):

... and a recent example from Texas:

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Business Rat Spoiler Alert System?

From China Daily, news of a fresh twist to the national program of mutual snitching: debt-shaming by smartphone.

Hebei court unveils phone program to expose deadbeats

... With the program, smartphone users can find out how many deadbeats are within 500 meters, as well as their personal information, which they can use to share with friends or report them to the court.

Wang Yanling, a resident in Chang'an district in Shijiazhuang, Hebei province, said she was so surprised when she found so many debtors near her.

"The program shows there are 87 defaulters around my home at Huicui Garden, including individuals and companies such as restaurants and real estate developers," she said.

Wang said she would check the blacklist on the program first next time she wants to go to a restaurant.

We're used to being spied on in the West - not just Five Eyes intergovernmental sharing of information about us, but the rash of trackers attaching themselves as we look around online so that they can target adverts.

But if we're going in for this kind of thing, how about making it work for us?

Wouldn't it be useful to know, before signing a contract to supply goods or services, whether the other party has swindled others? What if such information was so commonly available that such people were driven out of business for lack of victims?

Let me give you a couple of examples I know about.

Case 1: a successful small shopfitting company has a sub-department turning wood products for commercial furnishing and refurbishments. King Rat puts in a big order and when the work is done, withholds payment, falsely claiming that some of the goods were not as specified. The cashflow crisis puts the whole company into receivership; the receiver sells off goods at 10p in the pound - including the original order, to King Rat. The buildings are flogged off at 50% of bricks and mortar value (all this is standard in the world of receivership); a couple of dozen workers are laid off; the director is landed with surplus personal debt after all this bargain basement raiding.

Case 2: another firm completes work and the director goes to see a different King Rat to settle up. Everything has been done satisfactorily, the latter agrees. He then says there are two options: sue him for the £100k owed - and KR has deep pockets for the legal case, which will take a long time; or accept £50k now - "it can be in your bank account this afternoon" (which will wipe out the profit and leave a fair bit of the costs uncovered, too.) There is no choice but to accept the swindle.

This kind of thing is one reason small enterprises struggle to rise and often fail, especially as recession looms.

What if there were some extraterritorial whistleblower setup that could automatically warn all potential contractors via their phones?

If only.

Btw the above Chinese story - quoted in this week's Private Eye - is accompanied there by another, about outsourcing traffic law enforcement to bounty hunters:

"How New Yorkers are making bank ratting out idling drivers."

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

EU Superstate: Pointless AND Dangerous

The point that so many commentators are missing about the EU, is that it’s lost its point. It began as a peace movement disguised as a mutually beneficial trading arrangement. Now it is failing at both projects; and worse yet, it is becoming dangerous.


Jean Monnet laboured over decades to achieve it through European union: never again should there be Continental war between France and Germany.

But by the time his post-WWII project was launched, that conflict wasn’t possible in any case. Like the rest of Western Europe, France was struggling to recover from the war effort, while Germany was divided and occupied by the Communists on one side, and British and American armed forces on the other.

Again today, even after German reunification, it’s not going to happen. The nations of the Common Market have bound themselves together with Lilliputian threads. As North and Booker show, the Common Agricultural Policy saved France from Left revolt by subsiding its small farmers during reforms to their sector, and since January’s Aachen Treaty the two nations are committed to regular biannual joint Parliaments to tackle joint problems.


As well as easing inter-member trading, the Community was also a bulwark against globalism, using its joint external tariffs to guard against cheap-production Far Eastern economies.

That is, until its mania for expansion took hold, and other countries were absorbed, whose poorly paid workforces undermined the living standards of their fellows. Some existing members sought temporary relief, campaigning for a moratorium on the right of the newcomers to seek work in competition with them; but not Britain, which was then surprised by the numbers entering the UK.

So on the one hand the EU didn’t need to become a superstate to prevent Franco-German war, and on the other hand its territorial acquisitions have imported some of the economic destabilization from which it could have protected Western Europe.

As though there wasn’t enough to do, combating globalism. Sir James Goldsmith warned of the social consequences of untrammelled “free trade” back in 1994; and what he said has come true. Our budgets are out of kilter, our workforces are “just about managing” and resentful. Debts grow; the system is creaking; industries are failing – goodbye now, British Steel.

Yet even Mrs Thatcher was supportive of the system at first; it was sort of all right so long as one was firm with one’s European partners. Yes, we bled billions every year in our trade imbalance with the Continent; yes, our miners, smelters, farmers, fishers, factories paid the price; but what with North Sea Oil, Mrs T’s supply side reforms, her Chancellor’s monetary expansion and the profits of the City’s financiers, the country could keep going.

In fact, if the Community had stayed as it was in 1983, we might never have had our second Referendum and if we had, Remainers might have won hands down. For up to that point most matters were handled on an intergovernmental basis, without mooting the need for an overarching Power dictating everything.

But in the Eighties, the Italian Communist Artiero Spinelli pushed for the resumption of the EU’s journey to single nationhood, and we see the fires of that enthusiasm in the eyes of Guy Verhofstadt and other True Believers. The normal objectives were forgotten in an Ahab-like obsessive quest for a White Whale: supranationalism.


Verhofstadt has now used the word “Empire”. The EU wants to become one. It wants to be like Russia, China, the US – all countries that M. Macron named (obscenely using Verdun and the centenary of the Armistice) as the EU’s potential future military opponents.

It wants to be big. It wants to be mighty. It wants an Army, an air force, an aircraft carrier; it wants nuclear weapons. It wants to help African countries in their internal conflicts; it wants to “restore Ukraine’s territorial integrity” while Russia holds the Eastern part and the US arms and trains Ukrainian forces.

It wants everything that Jean Monnet gave his life’s work to prevent.

It wants what could lead to war.

Friday, May 24, 2019

FRIDAY MUSIC: After the Tempest, by JD

Politicians are currently running around like headless chickens (is that one of the requirements for selection I wonder?) and it is all the fault of Brexit, allegedly. If news reports are to be believed the populace appears to be in a state of suppressed rage at the infantile invincible ignorance of Whitehall and Westminster. It looks as though we need another 'Keep calm and carry on' musical selection to take our minds off their insanity just like the last time -

So Keep Calm and Carry On and remember that nothing lasts forever and 'this too shall pass'

"Be not afeard: the isle is full of noises,
Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices
That, if I then had waked after long sleep,
Will make me sleep again: and then, in dreaming,
The clouds methought would open and show riches
Ready to drop upon me that, when I waked,
I cried to dream again."

William Shakespeare - The Tempest

Friday, May 17, 2019

FRIDAY MUSIC: Old Roots, New Shoots - by JD

In 2005 the BBC showed the first of a series of music programmes called Transatlantic Sessions bringing together musicians from Scotland, Ireland, England and the USA all of whom played traditional folk music. A stroke of genius really because America's folk, country and bluegrass grew out of the music that immigrants from the 'old world' had taken with them to their new life in the 'new world' The music is a wonderful blend of all those traditions and it ran for six series. They should make some more programmes. There is a shortage of good music on TV!

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Conservatives are an endangered species

What is a Conservative? An endangered species, I would suggest; and the reason is corporatism.

British Conservatives tend to be coy about their beliefs. If you wish to be the ‘natural party of government’ it is not a good idea to be too definite and dogmatic about principles, which can only lead to damaging splits as per the factions in Python’s ‘Life Of Brian’ . Quintin Hogg said it was ‘not so much a philosophy as an attitude, a constant force, performing a timeless function in the development of a free society.’

Okay, something to do with freedom; but specifically, individual freedom – not some collective freedom that is equivalent to a coach trip going where many of the passengers don’t wish to go.

And that implies a degree of economic independence.

Over the centuries, between the peasant in his field and the King in his court there sprang up the burgess in his town, where ideas, information and capital could circulate creatively. The special skills of goldsmiths and haberdashers, protected from ruinous competition by guilds, allowed their accumulation of wealth through trade; and fostered the attitude that the rulers should serve the people, or at least, people like themselves. There might be challenges to the throne from time to time, yet as my farmer grandfather observed, the oxen change but the trough remains the same.

Now, the social order is threatened not by an ‘overmighty subject’ looking to unseat the King, but by multinational businesses that undermine the burgess class with impunity. There is no need to be over-careful about a nation’s welfare and social cohesion so long as one can extract the cash and carry it far away.

And then, political attitudes will change.

What goes around, comes around. Tesco’s Dave Lewis is calling for a cut in business rates funded by a tax on online sales. It’s not as though Tesco hasn’t itself taken advantage of Internet trading and tax offshoring, in the past, but now they are getting pinched between the likes of Amazon in the virtual world and the discount supermarkets in the real one.

Still, what’s happening now to the big brick shops is only what they themselves have done to small High Street traders. When I first came here in suburban Birmingham, the local shopping parade boasted a mom-and-pop hardware store, a second-hand bookshop, a post office, two greengrocers and three butchers.

All gone.

What have we got now? Knock-off shops, nail and tattoo parlours, fast-food takeaways and an opaque-fronted store selling hydroponics to grow cannabis. The people are getting fatter, tatter and mad as a hatter. Greyfaced hoodies slip unshaven from the barber’s and into their mates’ nippy cars - don’t look at them, and don’t walk around at night.

The bookshop owner told me the neighbourhood was ‘artisan’; that was over thirty years ago.

The self-serving narrative of big capital is that it ‘creates jobs’, but as the sharply pessimistic US writer James Kunstler observes, ‘one of the founders of the Home Depot company, billionaire Ken Langone… made his fortune by putting every local hardware store in America out of business, which enabled him to capture the annual incomes of ten thousand small business owners and their employees.’

And more is lost than even this wide-angle perspective might show. One of my greengrocers was employing his son, training him up to take over. The boy learned how to talk to customers, handle goods and money, and build the relationships that would sustain what would one day be his business. He would not be hanging around the off-license at night or setting fire to street waste bins. Round the corner, one of the butchers had three generations in the shop, the latest a primary age child who on Saturdays donned his little striped apron and watched how meat was cut. He, too, was going to grow up law-abiding and self-supporting.

Don’t expect a shelf-stacker on income supplements to vote the same way as them.

One of the reasons more people don’t support Brexit is, I think, the Marie Antoinette effect: they tend their washed sheep in blithe ignorance. Some of the comfortably-off, based perhaps in London or university cities or market towns, will still have butchers and greengrocers, will buy at the deli, the wine merchant and the artisan baker, will patronise the farmer’s market and fuss over having their strawberries in paper bags instead of plastic punnets. Despite what their eyes may skim over in the papers, they will look around their immediate environment and see that nothing much has altered. What on Earth, they will feel, is this ridiculous fuss all about?

They are heartened by the LibDems’ success in the recent council elections, not seeing that while Con and Lab each lost 7% of their voters, most of those didn’t migrate to the LibDems, who only added 3% to their own, much smaller share. It was an electoral collapse for the major players, and a shop-soiled victory for the least hated.

But it’s not business as usual. A great change is coming.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Mysteries of Sacred Architecture (2), by JD

Chartres, the western rose window

It is time for a short history lesson:

In Louis Charpentier's book about Chartres Cathedral [9] he writes the Gothic style appeared suddenly around 1130AD and "In a few years it reaches its apogee, born whole and entire without experiment or miscarriage. And the extraordinary thing is that it had at its disposal master-craftsmen, artisans, builders, enough of them to undertake the construction of eighty huge monuments in less than 100 years."

Jean Gimpel in his book [10] tells a similar tale "In three centuries, 1050 - 1350, several million tons of stone were quarried in France for the building of 80 cathedrals, 500 large churches...... More stone was excavated in France during those three centuries than at any time in Ancient Egypt." And that was just in France. During the same period cathedrals were being built in England, Italy and Germany.

Where did this knowledge and understanding of design and construction come from? It is generally assumed it was brought to Europe by the nine (later ten) Knights Templar in the 11th or 12th century. But before any of the great European Cathedrals were built the Moors in Al Andalus (i.e. Spain) had built the Great Mosque of Cordoba, work starting in 784AD; the Alhambra Palace in Granada (originally Al Hamra - the 'red fort') in 889AD (and exensively renovated in the thirteenth century); and many more.

All of those buildings, and the Cordoba Mosque in particular, were built in accordance with the design principles as described at the beginning of this short essay. [3,4]

So the influences on the Cathedral builders of Europe were not necessarily confined to the returning Crusaders as our historians tell us.

Historians are mere chroniclers of conflict between various tyrants and, as such, tell only a part of the story. They appear to have little or no interest in the 'common people' nor the co-operation between peoples that is necessary for civilisation to flourish. They never tell us about the trade between nations or the exchange of ideas. The Roman Empire stretched from the north of England across the Mediterranean and into the Holy Land. We know that tin was transported from Cornwall to Rome as an essential ingredient for making bronze. We also know that spikenard oil came from the Himalayas and was used by Mary Magdalene to anoint the feet of Jesus. So 2000 years ago it seems that there were extensive trade routes stretching across the known world, from 'Britannia' in the west to India (and possibly even into China) in the east. What else travelled along those trade routes? Think of all the different languages along this ancient 'silk road' and all the interpreters and translators who were obviously essential to conduct this trade. What else did they exchange besides goods? They would be exposed to new cultures, new ideas, different philosophies. As an example, one such traveller was Bernard the Pilgrim (Bernardus Sapiens, Bernard the wise) who was a Frankish Monk who left a chronicle of his journeys around the Mediterranean and into the Holy Land. The date of his travels is unclear but it is said to be 875 - 871 AD i.e. long before the first Crusade. [11]

There must have been other Christian travellers during the first millenium but without feeling the need to record their travels and as monks or abbots or bishops they would look at things from a different perspective than traders and merchants and so bring back more esoteric knowledge.

It is clear from the two books cited [9,10] that the driving force behind all of this building work came from the Monasteries, pricipally the Benedictines and the Cistercians. [12] And the main figure in all this seems to have been Bernard of Clairvaux who had links with the Templars and the building of Notre Dame de Chartres. "when the first Christians arrived in Chartres, during the declining years of the Roman Empire, they found in the 'Druid grotto' within the Chartres butte a statuette of the 'Black Virgin'. It was believed to represent Isis. Chartres, according to Charpentier, was a center for religious worship older than Christianity itself." [9]

That is an intriguing statement because -"St Bernard of Clairvaux was a great devotee of the Mother of Jesus, and he wrote numerous hymns and sermons which he dedicated to her. He also wrote several sermons on the theme of the Song of Songs in which the Bride sings “I am black but beautiful, O daughters of Jerusalem." [13]

Bernard of Clairvaux was a Cistercian [14] and he introduced the cult of Isis into Christianity under the veil of the Virgin Mary. [15] Chartres was the first to be dedicated to the Virgin Mary (the first to be called Notre Dame.)

And so we come to the most mysterious of all the great Cathedrals; Chartres. Better minds than mine remain baffled by the cathedral and its many mysteries so all I can do is give my own reaction after visiting and to comment on some strange anomalies therein.

- The first and most striking inpression is of the light inside. I know that these are stained glass windows and they really are unique. They are not coloured glass which merely filter and colour the sunlight. The building seems to glow inside, an 'inner light' almost. Bathed in that glow, that light brings to mind Wordsworth's poem 'Intimations of Immortality' which includes the lines that everything seemed 'apparelled in celestial light'.

Charpentier explains that stained glass first appeared in Persia and was used in the European cathedrals for no more than 150 years or so and then disappeared as quickly as it had arrived. To this day nobody has been able to replicate the glass nor to work out how it was created. It was produced by Alchemy, that much derided ancient science, the forerunner of chenistry. Charpentier explains that there is something in sunlight which is damaging to organic material, for example in how fabrics fade in colour or how photos fade and of course how our skins are pigmented by prolonged exposure to sunlight. And yet there is something else in sunlight which triggers photosynthesis in plants. He speculates that the composition of stained glass somehow excludes the damaging rays while allowing the beneficial rays to pass. It was only recently that modern science has begun to understand the effect of light on matter in what is called quantum electrodynamics. [16] How did the glass makers know that? How did the cathedral builders know to include such glass? Could that knowledge be part of the 'secret' that was allegedly brought back from the Holy Land? Would they have known or witnessed or even been part of 'The Miracle of the Holy Fire' in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre? [17] It might help to explain those questions about light.

- In one of those windows is a tiny gap in one of the panes of glass which allows unfiltered sunlight to pass. On the floor of the nave there is a small paving slab set at an angle to all others and in it is a small gilded metal tenon. At noon on the summer solstice a shaft of sunlight strikes that small piece of metal causing it to shine. The precision of the builders in calculating and locating that single moment in time is astonishing. How did they do that?

I should add that there is a similar but much less spectacular demonstration of the same thing in the Cloisters of Durham cathedral. On the south facing arcade there is a small gap in the tracery of the stone work and on the wall and floor of the arcade is a line with an arrow head etched into the wall and an arrow head etched into the floor. A shaft of sunlight will strike the arrow head on the wall at noon on the winter solstice and the arrow head on the floor at noon on the summer solstice. I don't know when that was incorporated into the stone work, whether it was there from the start or a later addition. And of the thousands of visitors, I wonder how many have noticed it?

- On the floor of the nave is a very large labyrinth (47 feet in diameter, the same diameter as the rose window) The labyrinth predates Christianity and it first appeared on the Greek coins of Crete in the 5th or 6th century BC. and has appeared at other times and places in pre-history. [18] So why is there a labyrinth in a Christian cathedral? Not that it is the only one, there are others in cathedrals in France and Italy.

But follow the pathway of the labyrinth in Chartres from its entrance to the centre and you will have journeyed more or less 666feet. Surely not, that is the famous or infamous number of the beast in Revelation, the last book of the New Testament. But all is not what it seems because we are back to the subject of the sun and light: 666 is, or was in ancient time, the number associated with the sun. [19] This cathedral does not easily reveal its secrets or mysteries.

- The outside of the cathedral is equally unorthodox in its many statues adorning virtually the whole building. I cannot begin to unravel the iconography; among the identifiable Christian statuary there is, for example, a statue of a donkey on its hind legs and playing a hurdy gurdy. I haven't the faintest idea what that is supposed to represent! The best guide I think would be a book called 'The Mystery of the Cathedrals' by Fulcanelli. [20] I have not read that book but I have read his other book "Les Demeures Philosphales" and I understood about half of it and there were some thing which I found difficult to accept: he seems to have undue reverence for an x shaped metal bar securely stored in a climate controlled room somewhere in Paris, this bar being the standard measure for the French metre. That struck me as odd because the length of the metre has been changed four times, to my knowledge, since it was invented in 1790. Furthermore it is irrelevant as a standard of measure because it does not conform to either a human scale or a geodetic scale or even a cosmic scale unlike every other standard of measure in history.

I am on safer ground with the actual dimensions of the building. The north tower is 365 feet in height and is topped by a cast iron 'flag' in the shape of the sun thus indicating the solar calendar. The south tower is 28 feet shorter than the north tower and is topped by a cast iron 'flag' in the shape of a crscent moon thus indicating a lunar calendar. [21] So the towers represent the solar, masculine aspect of humanity and the lunar, feminine aspect. (I have seen a lot of older paintings of the Virgin Mary showing her standing on a crescent moon with her head haloed with gold stars.)

This is esoteric rather than Christian symbolism and, overall, the cathedral seems to be dedicated to the sun. This is usually explained by the spread of Christianity which would take existing sacred places of worship and adapt Christianity and Christian symbolism to the extant spiritual system in order to convert the people to follow Jesus. (See above how Chartres was built on a site originally used by Druids) This was how Christianity spread in South and Central America but, oddly enough, in North America there was no attempt to use existing sacred places.

- So what does it all mean, why is it built they way it is? The short answer is, I don't know. I have a lot of other information which I could have included here but how to tie it all together into a coherent answer is beyond me at the moment and a lot of it would just confuse things further. One thing I do know is the effect on me of these buildings, not all of them but most of them. They all generate a strange air of tranquility, calmness and the awareness that there is a connection between here and the not-here which all religions are attempting to describe, a connection between here and that strange place colloquially known as heaven. A feeling that we are not alone and that we are all connected to all that was, is and will be. I am not sufficiently eloquent to articulate this and I know that I am not the only one.

It is not just the sacred buildings which do that. I have felt the same 'harmony' in other places: in the Alhambra Palace of Granada or in the Cañón del Río Lobos in the middle of Spain but also just sitting and watching the sun set into the Pacific ocean or visiting the amazingly peaceful setting of the Holystone/Lady's Well in the far north of Northumberland.

Charpentier, in his book, writes "... its [Chartres] architectural harmony remains intact, or little short of it and no man can boast, not even in a practical sense, that he leaves the cathedral at Chartres the same as he was when he went in."

"From harmony, from Heav'nly harmony
This universal frame began
 From harmony to harmony
Through all the compass of the notes it ran,
The diapason closing full in man."

- John Dryden, A Song for St. Cecilia's Day, 1687

[1] Notre Dame de Paris
[2] Viollet le Duc.
[3] fractals in architecture
[4] fractal architecture could be good for you
[5] A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe by Michael S. 
[6] Hexham Abbey, the Night Stair.
[7] The Vampire Rabbit of Newcastle
[8] Coventry Cathedral
[9] "The Mysteries of Chartres Cathedral" - Louis Charpentier.
also -
[10] "The Cathedral Builders" - Jean Gimpel.
[11] Bernard the Wise
[12] Monasticism -
[13] Bernard of Clairvaux and the black Madonnas
[14] Cistercian Order -
[15] This page has been translated from Portuguese but the meaning is 
[16] QED
[17] The Miracle of the Holy Fire
[18] 'Architecture, Mysticism and Myth' by William Lethaby ( see chapter 
[19] The magic square of the sun.
[20] "The Mystery of the Cathedrals" by Fulcanelli -
  "Fulcanelli suggests that, just like there is a series of mysteries 
dwelling inside the Egyptian pyramids, there is occult knowledge inside 
the architecture and engineering of Medieval Gothic cathedrals. He 
believed these buildings were not only dedicated to the glory of 
Christianity, but also to books that contained the philosophical, 
religious, and social thoughts of our ancestors. Like any sanctuary, 
cathedrals posses a hospitable origin and were meant to shelter to 
anyone in disgrace."
[21] It should be noted that St Paul's in London measure 365 feet from 
the floor of the nave to the tip of the cross on the dome.

Friday, May 10, 2019

FRIDAY MUSIC: Shelby Lynne and Allison Moorer, by JD

"Shelby Lynne was born in Quantico, Virginia and raised in Mobile, Alabama where she attended Theodore High School. Music was an important part of the Moorer family. Lynne's father was a heavy drinker who abused his wife. In 1985, her mother fled with the two girls to nearby Mobile, but her father soon discovered their whereabouts. In 1986, in front of 17-year-old Lynne and her younger sister, Allison, he shot his wife to death before taking his own life."

That might sound like the theme of one of those old Country & Western songs but in fact it was the reality of Shelby Lynne's and Allison Moorer's teenage years. Somehow they managed to overcome the trauma of that event and, in Nashville, became very good and highly regarded singers and songwriters. In 2017 they finally made a record together and, like all siblings, the musical harmonies were exceptional. Comparisons were made with the Everly Brothers which is high praise indeed.

Here is a selection from their joint album and a couple of solo pieces and, from Allison Moorer I don't think I have heard a better version of Carrickfergus. And of course, there is an Everly Brothers song included also.

Tuesday, May 07, 2019

Mysteries of Sacred Architecture (1), by JD

This is a post (in two parts) prompted by the recent fire at the Cathedral of Notre dame in Paris but it is not a speculation on the causes of the fire. I leave that to others.

And it is not about the costs of any restoration; those who object to money being spent on the building are very much in tune with Judas who objected to money being spent on expensive ointments for Jesus instead of giving the money to the poor - John 12:1–8

This is a post about the mystery that is Sacred Architecture and how and why such great ecclesiastical buildings are a permanent source of wonder. There are many books on the subject and thousands of words have been written already so all I can do is merely 'scratch the surface' and try to convey my own understanding from what I have read and what I have seen so far.

The recent fire at the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris is not the first time the building has been damaged. Considerably more damage was done to the fabric of the building during the French Revolution of 1789 and subsequently. [1]

The spire which was detroyed in the fire was not the original so all of the pious humbug about a legacy 'lost forever' is misplaced. The original was removed in 1786 because it was unstable in the wind. 

After the Revolution Napoleon was crowned Emperor in the Cathedral in 1804 and French life returned to normal, relatively speaking.

Restoration work on the cathedral was done by Viollet le Duc, starting in 1844. He recreated the original spire but made it "... taller and more strongly built to withstand the weather; it was decorated with statues of the apostles, and the face of Saint Thomas bore a noticeable resemblance to Viollet-le-Duc." [2]

I have been to the Cathedral during my time working in Paris but I have not been inside. I have visited and been fascinated by Cathedrals and other sacred buildings for most of my life and I don't know why but for some reason this one did not 'invite' me to step through the door.

My introduction to sacred architecture came during family holidays in Northumberland and the Borders and a visit to the Holy Island of Lindisfarne. There was a wooden Priory building on the site from the 7th century. The current ruins are of the stone Priory built in the 12th century. Although I was very young when I first visited, those ruins looked 'right' somehow and looked as though they belonged in their setting, in that landscape. It was many years later that I heard about the design concept of Self Similarity. It is a concept whereby a glimpse of just a small portion of a design (as in Lindisfarne's ruins) will allow you to know exactly how the entire thing looks or in this case used to look. In other words it is an example of fractal geometry. [3]

" In the article Fractal Architecture Could Be Good For You (Joye, 2007) the author presents numerous architectural examples where fractal geometry plays an important role, from Hindu temples, where the self repeating and self-similar components are supposed to reflect the idea that every part of cosmos contain all information about the whole cosmos, to gothic architecture, with a high degree of self similarity and complex detailing." [4]

"A surprising amount of the world's religious art and architecture has been designed using the timeless symbolic patterns of nature and number, but these patterns symbolic of our own sacred inner realm, symbolic of the subtle structure of awareness whose source is the same as archetypal number. All this was understood in ancient times and deemed so important that it was built into the culture on every level." - Michael S. Schneider. [5]

If all of that sounds too complex, don't worry because you understand it at a subconscious intuitive level whether you realise it or not. It is why you hate the glass and steel of the modern architect's vanity projects found in every city and why you prefer vernacular or traditional building design. It is why modern architecture generates dis-ease.

Here in the 'far north' we also have Durham Cathedral which is more than 900 years old and, for me, the massive stone pillars within the main body of the building and the Cloisters are the most impressive features. But I much prefer Hexham Abbey. It is a lot smaller obviously and very different in character. Where the Cathedral is airy and light inside, the Abbey is dark within. The rood screen forms a very clear division between the choir and the congregation which division is emphasised by the width of the transept. By far the most impressive and mysterious feature is the Night Stair which is part of the original 13th century Priory on the site. My favourite detail however are the small carved stone figures behind the choir stalls including a figure of a bagpiper. I like that one! [6]

The Cathedral Church of Saint Nicholas in the centre of Newcastle dates from the same period as Hexham Abbey, work being completed in 1350. Its most notable feature is the lantern spire built in the 15th century. The most interesting tale is not about the Cathedral itself but about the strange gargoyle known as the Vampire Rabbit which sits on a very ornate doorway of Cathedral Buildings (built 1901) and this little creature is looking directly at the east window of the Cathedral. Why? Well, nobody seems to know. I have asked in the Cathedral as well as the local library but it is a mystery. I suspect the answer may be hidden somewhere in the dusty archives of the architects; or maybe not. [7]

Venturing further south I have visited many, but nowhere near all, of the Cathedrals of England and each has provided something worth remembering. It would be repetitive to try to describe all of them but I will mention the one which was the exception. That was the new Coventry Cathedral which was consecrated in 1962. When I saw it in that year, to say it was a shock is something of an understatement. It doesn't look like a cathedral, it doesn't 'feel' like a cathedral and I cannot think of anything good to say about it - modern architecture at its contemptuous worst: show any modern architect an urban space to be filled and he will treat it the way a dog treats a lamppost!

My first reaction on seeing it was to wonder why it had a statue of the devil at the entrance. On closer inspection it turned out to be St Michael triumphant over the devil but there was very little that was 'saintly' about the sculpted figure. Inside the building were row upon row of wooden chairs, it resembled a school assembly hall.

The only thing which impressed me was the large tapestry by Graham Sutherland. I still have the commemorative souvenir publication called Cathedral Reborn [8] I note that it cost 5/-, a reminder of the days when we had real money! (See the quote above about number being so important it was built into the culture at every level.[5])

When the new design was chosen the public reaction was universally hostile. I quote from the booklet 'Cathedral Reborn' - " The architect, Basil Spence (later Sir Basil), insisted... that he was the traditionalist in doing what the builders of cathedrals throughout history had done, designing in a style relevant and meaningful for their day." The Bishop of Coventry said "If we cannot express our Christian faith in terms of our time, we might as well pack up." The Provost added "We see the cathedral as a great laboratory of experiment. We feel we have been given a licence to do experimental and probably controversial work."

Clearly none of the three had any understanding of the reasons for having cathedrals at all. They all sound like the Dadaist or Marcel Duchamp; doing their 'art' in a different way because it is all meaningless anyway.

If you want to know why religious belief has withered away in this country, there it is. Those who are charged with keeping the faith no longer believe in it. This was the sixties and 'throwing out the baby with the bathwater' was the 'revolutionary' trend in virtually every established tradition to be replaced by...? Nothing of any substance or meaning.

- To be continued in Part 2.
[1] Notre Dame de Paris
[2] Viollet le Duc.
[3] fractals in architecture
[4] fractal architecture could be good for you
[5] A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe by Michael S. Schneider.
[6] Hexham Abbey, the Night Stair.
[7] The Vampire Rabbit of Newcastle
[8] Coventry Cathedral

Friday, May 03, 2019

FRIDAY MUSIC: More Mediaeval, by JD

I am developing a liking for the old stuff - some of it sounds quite modern!

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Which Brexit?

Assuming that we ever escape the Shelob’s web that Mrs May, her bullnecked exquisite “Olly” Robbins and others have woven in our path out of the EU, the big question is, what next? Is it to be untrammelled “free trade”, or something else? For there are other options.

Hilariously, Left agitators like Owen Jones and unthinking right-on Facebook snarlers represent Leave as purely a Tory initiative, quite forgetting that it was Conservatives like Macmillan and Heath who shoehorned us into this mess in the first place.


Some say it was because we needed supranational government to prevent a third and even more terrible, nuclear-armed world war. Others say Supermac felt it was a way to block the takeover of socialism in Britain.

Both could be right, for these issues were addressed over sixty years ago, by none other than Lord Beveridge:

‘I believe that there are two desires which are common to all the peoples of all the nations of the world. One is the desire for peace, and the second is the desire to have their own way of life, not something forced on them from outside; to govern or, if they prefer, misgovern, themselves. How can they get both those things—peace and self-government, or self-misgovernment, as they prefer?’

I used to think that World Government sounded like a Good Idea, failing to factor-in human nature: build a Throne for the Ruler of All and “they will come”, the violent contenders for it.

But as Betrand Russell said, power takes more than one form. Such is the terror of Mutually Assured Destruction that the battling has diverted into economics and the Game Of CEOs’ Desks. Our time in the EU has seen big money and little people moving around, which has led to economic and social disequilibrium. There has only been one year since our entry in 1973 when we had evenly balanced trade with the EEC-EC-EU: not coincidentally I think, that was the year of the 1975 Referendum. Otherwise, losses for the UK, and the withering of our industries.

Yet the vision Mr Farage and others conjure up for us, of a Britain trading completely freely with the world, has its own potential pitfalls. For example, when Michael Gove attended January’s Oxford Farming Conference NFU President Minette Batters asked him for reassurances that domestic food producers would not be undercut by imports from countries with lower standards of production and environmental protection.

These are knotty problems, and not just for the developed countries. A 2012 study said that the Great Green Wheeze of making fuel from grain, plus the disruptive activity of international speculators, had the effect of tripling the price of Mexico’s corn and inflicting hunger on its poor.

Similarly, when rich countries draw in skilled health workers from abroad it may be a cheap way to fulfil our needs with ready-trained professionals, but it also means a ‘brain drain’ that is ‘adversely affecting the healthcare system in developing countries and, hence, the health of the population.’ Even the Guardian has noted this effect on Romania, whose health workers are emigrating.

Free trade needs some form of control of pace and direction, just as a car needs brakes and steering. It can’t all be left to the multinationals to decide, because in the interests of maximising shareholder returns they will seek to externalise costs and may ultimately destroy the system.

I have previously likened globalised finance to opening all the locks on a canal at the same time and perhaps this crude graphic will sketch some concerns:

The current situation bears out what Sir James Goldsmith predicted in 1994, that unrestricted international trade would swing the seesaw towards capital and against labour forces and would lead to social tensions.

We are seeing growing inequality, even – especially - in Communist China. Over here, rich individuals can squirrel their wealth offshore while still living in London; multinational companies can incorporate wherever in Europe charges them the least; growing numbers of the poor feed and breed; the middle class, who don’t have enough to run away, get squeezed for tax even as Artificial Intelligence is a looming threat to their ability to earn in future.

But if we could level the seesaw so that we had more real jobs (employment statistics are a lie, even Big Issue sellers count as self-employed and qualify for income supplements) and better pay rates, then the working population would spend more, so increasing demand for each other’s goods and services. The increased turnover of money would also mean more tax revenue – a bite at every turn- so we might at last balance the national budget, instead of self-defeating, demand-shrivelling ‘austerity’. And, perhaps, much of the underclass would be raised from liability status to economic asset.

We must of course trade with the world, but on terms that are more equitable, at a more measured pace, so that all will benefit gradually, rather than this crazy Wild West gold rush.

Everything is a political decision. We have the capacity to bomb the human race to extinction several times over, but so far we have decided not to. We instituted the Welfare State at a time when the country was on its uppers and we couldn’t afford it – but we hadn’t done it in the midst of pre-WWI prosperity, so when was it ever going to come?

Now, we need more freedom to make deep, long-term political decisions.

My argument for Brexit is not that we will all suddenly become much richer, but that we need more flexibility in a changing world; to be able to govern or, if we prefer, misgovern, ourselves, as Beveridge so wisely said.