Amazingly a word that was outlawed not that many years ago by
the LGBTXXXXX brigade a few years back
is back in favour. At this rate 'faggot' and 'poofta' will be acceptable soon. such
is the rate of change.
In real terms I don’t give a stuff what people get up to in
their own homes. Why should I be
concerned after all these years when no one ever complained about selfgendering
and pronouns? I doubt the majority if confronted over the pronoun issue would
have a clue what was being spoken about and that is how it should have
Which all makes this announcement from ARUP and the Westminster University aka the old
Regent Street Polytechnic and now sadly a woke outpost, even more ridiculous.
The Regent Street Polytechnic was a grand old Victorian
philanthropic organisation set up in 1837. Its mantra was:
“an institution where
the Public, at little expense, may acquire practical knowledge of the various arts
and branches of science connected with manufacturers, mining operations and
rural economy. “
It was acquired by Quintin Hogg, the father of the late Lord
Hailsham, who was very hands on with the institute, and was the first
Polytechnic in London.
A previous article I wrote about the Poly and its central
role in ensuring the 1908 Olympics went ahead has been lost though I do have a
paper copy somewhere. Back to today: this once august institution seems to spend
a lot of time now as a hot bed of lefty Marxist groups rather than anything
constructive such as turning out people who are useful to society, but this
latest announcement comes from the top and its alliance with ARUP, the
architects designer planning consultant group.
Does anyone really know what that headline means? In this
time of diversity and inclusiveness any excuse is as good as another to change things that supposedly allow minorities to enjoy the fruits of life as
do the rest of us; the only problem with that analogy is there is nothing to
stop them now, and hasn’t been for decades. The ‘problem’ is a purely invented
It is worth reading the entire article:
The announcement from ARUP follows the same theme.
But what does it actually say? The bulk of it is verbal
diarrhoea, it says nothing, it just fills a page with gobbledegook. This passage
is a classic:
"They also said that
inclusive design should contribute to the desistance of hate crime and promote
the inclusion of marginalised and disempowered groups in public space.
Professor Catterall and Dr Azzouz suggest attention to the scale and mass of
buildings, lighting features, colours and facades and the addition of
curvilinear aspects are amongst the design techniques that can help achieve
this objective."
'Marginalised, disempowered, hate crime,' it is all in there - and
apparently the size of buildings can make a difference! How, is not
The ARUP version incorporates a review jointly produced by
themselves and the Westminster University, here:
What I do not understand is why, after telling us they have
what have become ‘gayborhoods’ or queer enclaves, is there a necessity to have
them spread out into the general areas. They have the ability to do that now,
no one is stopping them, these days minorities rule, so what is the problem?
For everyone else the constant bombardment with rainbow flags, crossings etc is wearing. Like all progressive movements there is a limit that
when crossed creates a divide, which was not the original purpose.
Many from the gay community have spoken out about all this. Wokery on their behalf is not wanted, they are quite happy to continue with
their lives as is. Those extroverts that seem to infest gay pride parades with
their extreme agenda are a small part of the gay community. If 'queering places' means this is the next step I suggest they stay in gayborhoods.
The AJ (Architects Journal) has a broader, more practical
approach to the report, yet still talks as if there is a problem. Is there
really a problem? The AJ refers to safe spaces in universities for minority
groups and wants to incorporate this theme in outside areas; I ask why? Putting rainbow flags everywhere doesn’t automatically give a safe space, it
indicates what that place represents and could give a reverse signal to anyone
so inclined to want to make trouble; but aren’t we past the days of the Naked Civil Servant? Isn’t
all this a complete overkill to suit one minority, and do they really want it?
When I grew up in the East End of London many of our haunts
were gay pubs. Why? Because they provided the best entertainment, nothing more
nothing less. The customers that frequented these places went there mainly for
the entertainment, there was never an ulterior motive. Now, gay pubs are for
gays only; is that really progress?
Has everyone become such wimps in life that they have to demand protection
from everything, hurty words, demanding to be called this and wondering why they
get the wrong answer? Isn’t it all getting totally out of hand. Can’t all
minorities just get on with their lives like the rest of us without having to
need a crutch for every perceived slight?
Oh, and I have probably just committed a hate crime.
On top of the above Sutton council in south London have just
unveiled their first trans road crossing; this they believe will lead to more
inclusivity? They already have a permanent rainbow crossing; if they carry on
with all the genders it will be interesting to see the first time someone is knocked
down on one of these crossing because the driver had not a clue what it was. There is the usual waffle from the councillors who you would have thought had more
pressing items in the borough, though of course if you appoint a “lead member
for Equalities” I suppose you have to give him something to do:
As with nearly all articles on subjects like this, you finish
reading and say ’so what’ ? It is such infantile stuff. How anyone can take this
seriously is amazing. I should say that, with days for almost everything, from
causes to groups and individuals being created all the time, we must eventually
run out of things to celebrate. Perhaps we can declare the whole year a bank
holiday, or have we just had that, and all buildings to have mandatory flags, from trans groups to 'save Palestine' month, Black History month, clapping for
the NHS, anti-slavery week, LGBQT history
month (see below, and do they really need a month?) and on and on.
(This is a mental hospital, by the way.) |
In closing, I have to ask how can these random crossings be
legal? We have zebra crossings which are the legal black-and-white ones; how many others are
in the official traffic regulations?
And if they are to be made legal, can we have some decent
ones? ...
Having taken all this in we need a rest, and naturally there
is a rainbow answer to ease your aching mind: