Monday, October 24, 2022

Truss has exposed our great crisis: the fight for freedom

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Paddington said...

Suggested edit: Truman was not right wing. He was at least moderate.

Sackerson said...

Maybe we need to calibrate these terms differently according to UK/US politics.

Paddington said...

Truman was a Missouri Democrat who continued many of the liberal FDR policies, and was sadly persuaded by the generals that the only way to avoid nuclear war war to keep spending massive amounts on the military. He also quashed plans by the FBI to build camps for communists and other liberals. By the standards of the place and time, not right wing.

Sackerson said...

That's domestic policy. And remember that as far as the Yanks are concerned, even the Dems I think, modern British Conservatives are hopelessly wet.

Truman shut off Britain's funding abruptly in 1945 and the resulting financial crisis hastened our withdrawal from India, which despite warnings from our military there had to go ahead fast and resulted as predicted in a huge Hindu v. Muslim massacre.