Thursday, May 05, 2022

Julian Assange: a letter to the Home Secretary


The Rt Hon Priti Patel, Home Secretary
The Home Office, 2 Marsham Street
Thursday 05 May 2022
Dear Home Secretary

Request to refuse the extradition to the United States of Mr Julian Assange
I ask you to refuse the extradition of Mr Assange, on three grounds:

  1. The request for his extradition is almost universally seen not as a criminal matter but as a political persecution of a journalist for embarrassing the United States by revealing the wrong acts of some of its servants. As such it is an assault on the Press, that vital part of democratic government which even the US Constitution’s First Amendment was written to protect.
  1. The extradition of Mr Assange in these circumstances would give comfort to those who would like to equate us morally with other foreign regimes that oppress dissidents and whistle-blowers, at a time when the very principles of liberal democracy are at stake.
  1. You yourself are well known for your ‘Euroscepticism’ and commitment to British sovereignty. Consistent with that assertion of national independence is the ability to say no to an ally when he wishes something whose grant would be to his as well as our discredit.
 With best wishes for your continued success, I remain, yours sincerely

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