Sunday, August 29, 2021

Inflation, the King’s thief

The Government sets an annual inflation target of 2%, meaning that £10,000-worth of goods and services today is planned to cost £200 more in a year’s time.  Our Halifax savings account pays interest at 0.01%, so that a £10,000 deposit for the same period will earn one single pound. The intentional debasement of the currency should be seen for what it is: a royal assault on personal wealth.

Private property is the foundation of liberty and a defence against tyrants such as King John. Needing additional money to prosecute his wars, John levied taxes at will, fined and seized the estates of nobles who he alleged had transgressed, and forced women to marry his cronies to get hold of their dowries; Magna Carta aimed to correct these abuses and set up the Great Council that would become known as Parliament. To this day, all law, directly or indirectly, still flows from the monarch’s will and assent but now the ruler, instead of simply grabbing our cash, must ask nicely for it via our representatives.

Except there is a way round: rob the whole country by corrupting the means of exchange.

That is something that even King John did not do, but in 1544 Henry VIII started to issue coinage with a lower content of precious metals; by 1551 under Edward VI the silver in a penny, at a time when labourers were paid pennies, had fallen by 83% (this was reversed by Elizabeth I in 1560. Inflation continued anyway, at least partly because of the ongoing influx of gold and silver from the New World treasure fleets. )

Even so, inflation was accidental rather than deliberate; and in general, slow. For the three centuries from 1209 up to the accession of Henry VIII, the BoE estimates that the average rate of inflation was only 0.1% per year; for the next four centuries to 1909, 0.6% p.a.

The high inflation we regard as normal is really a twentieth century phenomenon, and as in the earlier instances given they can be related to war, not only the two World Wars but the 1970s oil price shock in the context of the West’s involvement in the Arab-Israeli conflict. Between 1914 and 2014 £100 would need to have grown to £10,306 to maintain its value.

It is less than thirty years since the UK actually began targeting a positive value for inflation.,_Canada,_United_Kingdom The Bank of England justifies it in this way:

‘… if inflation is too low, or negative, then some people may put off spending because they expect prices to fall. Although lower prices sounds like a good thing, if everybody reduced their spending then companies could fail and people might lose their jobs.’

That is all very well, but if the current situation of 2% inflation and 0.01% savings interest continues indefinitely, then over the average Briton’s lifetime a bank deposit of £10,000 will shrivel to c. £2,000 in real terms. Somebody is getting the benefit, and it’s not us, though we can see some who are – ‘Private Eye’ reported this week (issue 1554, p.7) that hundreds of bankers at HSBC ‘will trouser seven-figure sums’ in bonuses, thanks to Chancellor Rishi’s pandemic lending boost.

It is not reasonable to force ordinary citizens to become speculators in order to preserve the value of their savings. Enron shares, rogues like Bernie Madoff and the halving of the FTSE – twice – since the year 2000 give us ample reasons to be cautious. Some American financial commentators I read think the stock markets are once again wildly overvalued.

Even the banks are not safe – it was the 2007 Northern Rock debacle that prompted the FSCS to raise the ceiling for bank deposit protection to the equivalent of €100,000; in the Cyprus bank crisis of 2012-13 depositors lost nearly half the balance above that limit.

There was a time when governments thought it their duty to protect the consumer. International economies are more interlinked these days but even so, in the midst of the OPEC oil shock Parliament noted the destruction of retirees’ nest-eggs by inflation, and in 1975 the Government introduced NS&I Index-Linked Savings Certificates for them, later extending their availability to others.

What a disappointment it was to see the incoming coalition government of 2010 stop the issue of these plans! Also, a couple of years ago, the Treasury hit those lucky enough to own some, switching the index used from RPI to CPI, with a view to cutting the return to savers by something like 0.6% per year.

Paper money is backed by nothing, most money is in the form of electrons, and the State can invent as much of it as it likes, so in a sense it doesn’t need to listen to the people any more. What price our liberty?


Mark In Mayenne said...

I might be wrong about this, but does research into real behaviour not show that people save more in times of higher inflation? The desire being to hedge against a future where one will be truly poor. So the nonsense about people not spending as prices deflate doesn't seem to stand up to scrutiny.

Sackerson said...

I'd like to see a reference for that, Mark. During the German hyperinflation of 1923 the strategy was to get rid of money ASAP, incl. going to the shops several times a day.

During Henry III's currency debasement those who could hoarded the good coins and paid bills with the bad; but what did the poor day-labourer do? European countries quickly twigged what Henry was doing and English currency fell into disfavour.

Inflation is also a headache for a Government that indexes pensions and other allowances; so of course they cheat, which I suppose I must look at for another piece.

PasserBy said...

Liking your stuff of late, Mr Sackerson.

In some senses this is a result of political cowardice.
To prevent excessive speculation, governments could impose taxes.
On housing for example.
Or land.

However, as your later comments reveal, 'property' has become a shibboleth in the minds of the British and any direct assault on it is seen as an attack on a persons 'liberty'.
This is, of course, a nonsense. But a convenient one that can be readily exploited. Those who possess land and pass it on through generations are dead set against any change. Particularly in view of the fact that no inheritance tax is due on land. A law so remarkable and injudicious as to be belligerent.
To maintain this outrageous farrago, the Daily Mail-reading types must be convinced that any change to 'the rules' is an assault on them, their values, their conservatories and the chattels on their mantelpiece.

It is by this hallucinaton that the carnival barkers of the Conservative Party maintain their grip on power.

For as long as this is maintained the aforementioned 'rapacious cunts' in the money markets will attempt to buy tangible securities with their useless paper.

However, at some point, the populace will actually 'cop on' and realise that inflated prices have forced them to become tenants on their own land; paying infinite rent streams to absentee Chinese landlords.

In a democracy then, the population can (and will?) eventually force a reverse in this trend causing a crash and revaluation so stupendous that it will be Civilisation-defining.

It follows then, that we can expect an unabashed assault on voter Democracy...

Sackerson said...

@Passerby: as you say, a separate issue is that wealth tends to concentrate into a few hands.

As to the population rising up, I see no precedent for that except in extreme circumstances such as famine or defeat in war.

PasserBy said...

@Sackerson -Hmmmmm.
I think you've misunderstood me.

Wealth being concentrated in certain hands is a function of the currency (and polity) being denuded and devalued as deliberate acts of policy.

As for the population 'rising up' I see no precedent for that either.
My point was that we have a democracy and those dispossessed by said acts of policy will inevitably make themselves kings in time.
The backlash from this will be punitive; so much as to be civilization changing.

To wit; if youre a pensioner sitting on a policy-price inflated 4 bed house while an immigrant family live in a 2-bed tower block then fine.
But when these kids come to power (those born after say 1990 in the UK) the backlash will be spectacular. It may be too late for you, but your children, your heirs will pay the piper. All your egregious NIMBY-ism will be for nowt.

You had a close shave with Corbyn, the next iteration will rend Britain asunder.

Sackerson said...

The revolution of the underclass is by crime and riot. It is the middle class that provides leadership.

The stronger family relationships of immigrants from traditional societies, who see no reason to mollycoddle beggars and other non-kin, could eventually result in support for a flavour of conservatism we haven't seen since before WWII.

PasserBy said...

"The revolution of the underclass is by crime and riot. It is the middle class that provides leadership."

That is a demonstrably naïve view; Brexit was the Wake Up call, surely?

The middle class had their faces comprehensively rubbed in it!

Then as I mentioned, Corbyn was the tracking shot, whatever comes next - whether it breaks right or left - will be the coup de grace.

I am not one for sentiment; I'm not beholden to any past, real or imagined.

But thinking that the future will be warm-beer-and-cricket or ladies-chatting-on-the-village -green while immigrants tug their forlocks in thanks..... is something of a death fantasy surely? A self-aggrandising fantasy so cleaved from reality as to be surreal!
Its certainly not something anyone engaged in serious consideration of the future could engage with!

The future is a Left of transgender-open-border fascism or a Right of anti-corporate, closed-border communitarians.
The centre - mainstream Tories and Labour - have sold themselves and their policy making out to corporations and the people have realised it, hence Brexit.

The markets are starting to realise it too. Hence the 'inflation' you initially noted.
Again, this is not 'inflation' rather a collapse in the trust of the populace in government and its policies.

Youve seen it electorally, in Brexit.

Youre seeing it socially in Identitarian politics - no one identifies with anything other than their own needs/urges. No national identity, no community; only neuroses.

Now youre seeing it economically; inflation is a collapse in confidence.

How could it be otherwise when the BoE has spent a decade printing billions to keep asset prices inflated while wages have stagnated?

You'd have to (still) be asleep not to realise this.....

PasserBy said...

"The revolution of the underclass is by crime and riot. It is the middle class that provides leadership."

That is a demonstrably naïve view; Brexit was the Wake Up call, surely?

The middle class had their faces comprehensively rubbed in it!

Then as I mentioned, Corbyn was the tracking shot, whatever comes next - whether it breaks right or left - will be the coup de grace.

I am not one for sentiment; I'm not beholden to any past, real or imagined.

But thinking that the future will be warm-beer-and-cricket or ladies-chatting-on-the-village -green while immigrants tug their forlocks in thanks..... is something of a death fantasy surely? A self-aggrandising fantasy so cleaved from reality as to be surreal!
Its certainly not something anyone engaged in serious consideration of the future could engage with!

The future is a Left of transgender-open-border fascism or a Right of anti-corporate, closed-border communitarians.
The centre - mainstream Tories and Labour - have sold themselves and their policy making out to corporations and the people have realised it, hence Brexit.

The markets are starting to realise it too. Hence the 'inflation' you initially noted.
Again, this is not 'inflation' rather a collapse in the trust of the populace in government and its policies.

Youve seen it electorally, in Brexit.

Youre seeing it socially in Identitarian politics - no one identifies with anything other than their own needs/urges. No national identity, no community; only neuroses.

Now youre seeing it economically; inflation is a collapse in confidence.

How could it be otherwise when the BoE has spent a decade printing billions to keep asset prices inflated while wages have stagnated?

You'd have to (still) be asleep not to realise this.....

Sackerson said...

The middle class to which you refer is a subset, the upper-middle class, the 'know betterers' who because they cannot see past the end of their nose choose to look down it at the rest of us.

The news media types have come to wear the livery of their superiors, dine with them and in some cases are marrying into that echelon. We are seeing the revival of European aristocracy.