Keyboard worrier

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Overheard in France

- WHAT? He’s gonna do WHAT? Let the people decide? What’s he f---ing smoking?

- Tais-toi, Nicolas, tu te fais du mal...

- This is not a f—ing democracy! How’d you say that in Greek?

- It is politics, surely you understand...

- I understand he’s got to be here right now!

- Sois raisonnable, Nicolas, arrangements will have to be made, it takes time.

- Eh bien, Cannes tomorrow, or else!


Nick Drew said...

sounds about right ...

come and join our compo !

James Higham said...

Sackers - tell us what substances you're on, which causes you to lapse into French? :)

Sackerson said...

Vin rouge, naturellement (Fleurie, to be precise). And who do you think is his interlocutor in this dialogue, bearing in mind the use of the second person singular?