Keyboard worrier

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Approaching the three-day week?

It begins; dig out the loon pants and beads. "If you're going to San Franciscooooo..."

Mr Schwarzenegger also issued an executive order mandating that many state offices close the first, second and third Friday of each month until June 2010 in an attempt to save money.


sobers said...

They say what happens in America now happens in the UK 10 years later. Will it be that long before we are in the same boat?

OldSouth said...

I wonder what happens as the citizens of California experience fewer days of state government on the job, and realize they don't miss it--or need many of the unnecessary bits of mischief with which it busies itself?

James Higham said...

Make sure you wear flowers in your hair.

Sackerson said...

Sobers - I'm sure we'll be a bit quicker this time;

Old South - and maybe some State employees will find they appreciate the time more than the money they're missing. Amazing how little you can live on when you're determined;

James - missed the boat last time (in public school jail etc) - but watch out for me this time: never mind the New Age Traveller, make way for the Old Age Traveller.