Thursday, September 05, 2019

Brexit Withdrawal Agreement - Problems? What Problems?

Can anyone deny that the EU's representatives have dragged their feet and exaggerated difficulties in the Article 50 negotiations?

Compare M. Barnier's wilful obstructions with the way in which the EU's founder, Jean Monnet, handled the task given to the League of Nations in 1921, of resolving the dispute over Upper Silesia between Germany and Poland. This involved Polish steel, German coal, German factories, Polish factory workers. As Monnet says in his memoirs:

"The signatories of the Versailles Treaty had originally decided to give the whole territory to Poland. After violent protests from Germany, however, they agreed, in accordance with the nationality principle, to organize a plebiscite. Voting took place in March 1921. the results rather favoured Germany; but the voting pattern made only one solution possible: partition on the lines of ethnic majorities. The Germans were in a majority in the towns of the industrial area in the East. Between them and Germany itself lay a zone mainly peopled by Poles. Both Berlin and Warsaw tried to pre-empt any settlement by seizing territorial hostages. The Polish Army occupied the region, and the Germans riposted with the Freikorps. Allied forces had to intervene."

And yet, using independent arbitration overseen by the League's Secretariat, mutually satisfactory arrangements were made:

"The German-Polish Convention signed on May 15, 1922, contained no fewer than 606 separate items: it was thicker than the Treaty of Versailles. The achievement was greatly admired. Although every step had been difficult, nothing had proved impossible, given the political will to succeed. The technical experts had done wonders in many different fields - co-ordinating rail systems and customs duties, building monetary union, protecting minorities. It was their job. Solutions which had seemed inconceivable the previous day became natural in the broad new context worked out for them. To me, this seems inevitable. I have never over-estimated technical snags."

Get on with it!

Wednesday, September 04, 2019

Parliament and Brexit: a long shot?

"Paddington": My concern is that pulling out of alliances makes the multi-national companies more powerful. They will fill the power vacuum, and are basically not answerable to anyone.

Me: I share that concern but according to Costas Lapavitsas the multinationals already work hand in glove with the EU. The UK is a big enough economy to have a chance of standing up to them, if there's the political will - which to judge by the hysterical ignoramus children we have in Parliament is a long shot.

Sunday, September 01, 2019

Nature the Great Leveller, by Wiggiatlarge

Having worked in horticulture in various capacities including running my own garden design and build company one does over the years learn to respect nature and its vagaries.

Gardening and agriculture are both involved in working with and against nature to achieve the result we want, whether it be crops to put food on the table or a garden to enjoy and hopefully relax in.

It is rare for two years to be alike and the different types of weather dictate growth, the timing of crops and flora and the crop output in the food section. All the weather throws at us can be mitigated to a degree in the form of plant protection and fertilizers that can boost a poor year in the sunshine department as examples, but never totally.

This year has been a bit different: the early heat, the heavy following rain, the humidity and a repeat of all three have provided - especially the humidity - a perfect breeding ground for pests and fungus. It has been the worst year I can remember.

I have lost three mature eight-foot shrubs. Two I originally thought to be die-back from the incessant wind - we have also had dessicated leaves and causing early tree leaf drop - but inspection proved it to be a disease that killed the two to the ground.

The third was Verticillium Wilt, a spore fungus that waits underground until conditions are right and enters the shrub/plant through the root system and cuts down the uptake of water in the stems. You can cut back and hope new growth will come back untainted but that is a bit of a long shot so the only way is to remove the shrub and burn the infected plant; this will not rid the ground of the spores so you have to plant something that is not affected by it. The plant/shrub I lost was a rare species, Cotinus, American smokebush, that had reached a stage when it was glorious in colour, both during the year and in the autumn.

Mid season saw not a new pest but an ever more prevalent one: Lily beetle. I grew a lot of Lilies in the past but their susceptibility to fungus disease made me reluctantly give up the unequal struggle; but recent years saw me return to growing them as the price has fallen dramatically from those early days and the culture growth used to raise these bulbs now means they are a lot ‘cleaner’ than before and you can expect a reasonable innings out of them.

Yet along comes the Lily beetle in an attempt to make me give up again. The bright red beetle comes from underground and lays its eggs under the leaf. They hatch in an amazingly short time and then cover themselves with their own shit, to put it bluntly, to make themselves unpalatable to birds !
Unchecked, they can strip a lily plant in a couple of days, but if spotted you can creep up on the red buggers before they go upside down and fall to earth as their defence mechanism dictates and take great delight in putting your boot on them; but they do return and it is easy to miss the emerging young, so spray is the order of the day and spray and spray……

Having repelled the red buggers all was serene in the garden until a couple of days ago. I noticed what I thought was simply a bit of die back on my topiary box, but on checking a couple of days later I soon saw it was the dreaded box blight. I have dealt with box blight over the years and it has a mixed result on the box. Some are only mildly disfigured and recover. No box is actually killed by the disease, but many really don’t respond and many are not worth the effort in saving; it is a mixed bag.

Where it has the most damaging affect is with topiary, as topiary is a manicured plant cut to a shape, having a large dead hole in the middle of that plant rather destroys the whole purpose of topiary, so there is in those case little choice other than to burn on the now very busy garden bonfire.

Inspecting all my topiary revealed that only two large variegated cones so far have escaped the blight and I have moved them in their pots as far away from the infected ones, probably too late but time will tell. For me it is not the expense of these plants: the two spirals shown here would cost north of £500 each from a specialist nursery and my two large variegated cones are almost impossible to find never mind the cost, but it is the fact I grew these from basic plants myself from scratch. The two spirals have taken around twenty years to reach their current size, and to see that destroyed almost overnight leaves me using a lot of bad language to no avail.

But that is nature. The strange thing re the box is that there is another pest spreading across the country for which there is no antidote: a moth that lays eggs and the caterpillars emerge and destroy the plant almost overnight. It has spread from its native Japan where it does have a predator, a hornet, but it has no adversaries outside of Japan so far. So box is in danger already of virtually disappearing from gardens after centuries of cultivation. The biggest box nursery in the UK has admitted that box is in a perilous position. They themselves have launched an all-out attempt to stop the caterpillar - after all, it is their livelihood - by constantly spraying using substances that are not available to the public and inspecting thousands of plants and removing by hand anything they find and killing it.

But spraying eight times a year and the rest is not viable in the domestic garden so who is going to buy box as and when the word gets out? So box is likely to go the way of the Elm until resistant cultivars are discovered or bred, never a quick process. What with Ash trees disappearing fast and Oak under threat there could be a large change in the landscape soon; though in many cases these diseases peter out or are confined, there have been many examples of recovery or resistance in nature such as the recent Chestnut scare and the London Plane trees some years back, both have stopped being infected.

So all in all not a good year in the garden and a lot of work, as that which thrived has grown like the proverbial and an extra hedge cut is called for. You really, really can never win with nature if it decides to fight back.

Saturday, August 31, 2019

NOT "a constitutional outrage", by JD

Constitutional outrage? No, not in the least!

Galloway explains very clearly why the prorogue proposed by the Prime Minister is perfectly legal. He also says that the UK has an unwritten constitution but that is not strictly correct because even though it is written down, it is not all in one single document and more to the point it is not sacrosanct and is amended constantly.

"Being uncodified, the Constitution of the United Kingdom is in a state of constant flux. Each new law, each new major decision by judges, becomes a new stone in the edifice of the British Constitution. Thus, the British constitution changes all the time, very slowly, often imperceptibly. Britain moves forward by evolution, not by revolution."

An amendment to the constitution can occur after an Act of Parliament becomes law but that amendment may not become apparent until many years later. A perfect example of that in our current situation is the 1972 European Communities Act. Nobody realised that Parliament had abolished itself and handed over all legislative power to the EU. A few people knew but they did not speak. EU law take precedence over UK law where there is a conflict between the two and that is what lies at the root of the conflict between those who wish to leave the EU and those who wish to remain.

In essence English and Scottish law is grounded in common sense whereas Europe's Napoleonic code is based on rules and regulations: in the UK we are free to do as we wish unless it is against the law - in Europe we are allowed to do only that which is specified in the law.

Sackerson comments:

Lord Justice Laws explained ECA1972 as a "constitutional statute" - a statute enabling secondary legislation, but of a higher order than other such, so that it overrode elements of later Parliamentary Acts where they clashed with it.

However, he went on to say (para 58 here):

‘There is nothing in the ECA which allows the Court of Justice, or any other institutions of the EU, to touch or qualify the conditions of Parliament’s legislative supremacy in the United Kingdom. Not because the legislature chose not to allow it; because by our law it could not allow it. That being so, the legislative and judicial institutions of the EU cannot intrude upon those conditions. The British Parliament has not the authority to authorise any such thing. Being sovereign, it cannot abandon its sovereignty.’

So the issue - and it touches on far more than EU laws and regulations - is about government by secondary legislation.

Friday, August 30, 2019

FRIDAY MUSIC: Lhasa de Sela, by JD

Lhasa de Sela was a singer/songwiter who died almost ten years ago at the age of 37. She is not well known but she had and has a huge following and justifiably so because her music is very very good. Might not 'grab' you on first listening but you will find that it burrows its way into your consciousness.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Tales From The River Bank, by Wiggiatlarge

“Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing – absolutely nothing – half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.”

This quote struck me last year when I saw the boat in these photos. It is owned by a neighbour who has a garden, large, that goes down to the river's edge. The scene down there is tranquil, a million miles away from the hustle and bustle to the front of his house.

The story of his acquisition is as remarkable as the little boat. He was talking to a friend who had visited and the friend said he should have a boat on the river; only a canoe or small rowing boat would be allowed on the couple of navigable miles as the river and area are deemed to be of natural interest.

To my neighbour's surprise the friend said he knew someone who could make him one. "Won't that be expensive?" "Not if you speak to the man nicely,"said the friend, "as he makes them and other items for pleasure not profit, but you will have to wait awhile if you agree to go ahead."

After meeting the maker it was agreed and a few months later the boat was ready and has been in use every year since. The price was not revealed but it appears to be not much more than materials and a large beer !

The other reason I was intrigued was about a  man who could put so much craftmanship into such an object - not easy to see in the photos but the different wood spliced paddles give an indication - and who would do it in his spare time just for the pleasure of the final result. He knows little of boats; I have no idea where he got the skills he needs for that type of building but it works and has been much admired by others who do know. The builder is/was a cabinet maker by trade who just likes working with wood; long may skills like that continue.

Friday, August 23, 2019

FRIDAY MUSIC: Chloe Feoranzo, by JD

A long time ago I pointed out that young people today have better musical taste than our 'pop culture' would have us believe. One or two of them featured here -

Chloe Feoranzo is especially talented and deserves a post to herself. Two of the following videos demonstrate why: in the first one below (seen in the previous post) she is half way through her solo when Bob Draga has a quiet word with the rest of the band and then says to her ".... you go girl!" and she does, effortlessly with a mere split second hesitation into a second chorus. That is class; and in Montagne Sainte-Geneviève she displays wonderful technical mastery of a very difficult piece and does it with great style.