Keyboard worrier

Monday, January 31, 2022

Five fine things found on Facebook (1)

'Frank “Rocky” Fiegel, is believed by some to be cartoonist E.C. Segar’s inspiration
for the character of “Popeye”, the photo was taken in the early 1920s.' Source

From 1963... Source

'A kitty basking in the beard of a lighthouse keeper, 1919.' Source

'This photo of the sun might not look too impressive... until you realize it was taken at night – not looking up but looking down, through the entire Earth, using neutrinos rather than light.' Source

'“Fire Rainbows” are a rare phenomenon that only occur when the sun has to be at an elevation of
58° or greater, there must be high altitude cirrus clouds with plate-shaped ice crystals,
and sunlight has to enter the ice crystals at a specific angle.' Source

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