Keyboard worrier

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Major cyberattack imminent, hints Karl Denninger

I'm not technical, but techie Karl Denninger says he is detecting cyber activity on his site that suggests sophisticated hackers, quite possibly non-domestic, are probing for vulnerabilities.

Commenters are speculating on how easy it might be for foreign state computer experts to disrupt US energy systems, government administration, Electronic Benefit Transfer cards used by the poor to access state benefits and so on.

If this is so then the response of countries that feel threatened by America could be worse than merely regional conventional-military such as artillery and short-range missiles. Imagine the social disruption if for example the benefits system abruptly freezes up.

In a subsequent post, Denninger notes that his geopolitical commentary stands in danger of being suppressed, possibly because it's relevant and plausible.

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