Keyboard worrier
Showing posts with label rupee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rupee. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Have we overlooked India?

Indian respondents to Mr Venkatesh's article worry about the movement of the dollar relative to the rupee. But just as America's problem is not the dollar but its national economic fundamentals, so perhaps India should raise her eyes to a more distant prospect. The country has a well-established democracy and an independent judiciary; respect for law, family and property rights; many millions of fluent English speakers (don't worry, the call centres will eventually overcome problems of Western vernacular); and a famously entrepreneurial culture.

India may not be sitting on a vast coalmine, like China, but natural resources aren't everything. It's not natural resources (other than mountain ranges) that preserved Swiss independence, but the history and character of the Swiss. As to commerce, I forget which mega-businessman said he could lose all he had, but so long as he kept his staff he'd get it all back again.

If India avoids over-reliance on its low wage advantage and continues towards more intensively capitalised production, then it too can be a powerhouse in the new world economy. Remember that recently, the British Swan Hunter shipyard has itself been shipped to India.