Keyboard worrier
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Showing posts with label options. Show all posts

Monday, January 21, 2008

Danger of systemic breakdown

Doug Noland looks at the world of financial speculation, which has used loads of borrowed money to boost returns, and worries that as liquidity dries up, the market will become inefficient. This is, I think, one of the things about which Richard Bookstaber has warned. Perhaps the gunslinger day traders should assure themselves of the robustness of their counterparties when playing with futures and options.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Scare stories - "the S&P to fall to 700"

Dan Denning, in today's Daily Reckoning Australia, considers whether it may be a good time to unload your investments, and refers to reports of large bets made that the S&P 500 may drop to 700 (currently it's around 1,474) - or possibly rise to 1,700! It's got the conspiracy theorists exercised, although experts say it's a technical matter (see The Street); but the sums involved are large. Stormy weather ahead?

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Making money out of disaster?

The Contrarian Investors' Journal concludes its series on exploiting the possibility of a crash, by suggesting a series of short-term bets on the drop. It's a gamble, of course, but appeals to the Black Swan types who look for an "asymmetric outcome" - a disproportionately large payoff if the unlikely event happens. In other words, if the event has 100-1 odds against occurring, but the bet is offering 500-1, it seems worth taking - if you're a gambler.

But there's another risk involved: the "bookie" may not be willing, or able, to pay out. A prudent investor should consider counterparty risk.