Keyboard worrier
Showing posts with label Tesco. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tesco. Show all posts

Friday, June 19, 2009

Commercial real estate to crash?

Giant retailer Tesco has just sold and leased back 12 stores, netting £430 million (£458m, according to another source). This comes on top of another such move 10 months ago, which brought in another £605 million from 13 properties.

There's various ways you could interpret this - e.g. it could be a way to deflect criticism of Tesco's powerful position in the retail commercial property market, which some say has been used to prevent competitors setting up near their own outlets. But there are cheaper ways to deal with critics.

I think this billion-pound bet may be a straw in the wind - or perhaps an uprooted tree in the mighty gale - portending a significant fall in commercial property values.