Keyboard worrier
Showing posts with label Ron Paul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ron Paul. Show all posts

Monday, July 14, 2008

Ron Paul and Tibet: is he right?

House and Senate Pass Resolutions on Chinese Crackdown of Tibet

On Wednesday, the House overwhelmingly passed a resolution calling on China to “end its crackdown on Tibet and release Tibetans imprisoned for “nonviolent” demonstrations.” The resolution passed on a vote of 413-1, with ”Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, who recently dropped out of the presidential race, was the lone congressman voting against it.”


This entry is given prominence in Reuters' site (world news section), but is three months old, a point I didn't spot at first. Still, I think the underlying issues are enduring and (given the imminent start of the Games) topical.

The almost-complete unanimity of the vote seems rather suspicious, but although we are used to the army being out of step with Ron Paul in financial matters, is he right in this case? Some might think you cannot have a policy of "liberty in one country", any more than "socialism in one country."

Can't find much in Google News about it, but here's a bit of blog discussion, updated here.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Bust - or false boom and mega-bust?

Ron Paul and others discuss the state of the American economy here. Don Boudreaux (the economist who writes the Cafe Hayek blog) agrees with Ron Paul that the central bank should stop "doing something".

This also chimes with what Marc Faber said last year: the crisis should be allowed to burn through and take out some of the players. Of course, those who are in a position to "allow", are part of the club that includes the players, and there's the rub.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Beyond gold

This blog by Thomas H. Greco looks interesting. The author, an American, has taken the trouble to address a convention in Malaysia on currency issues,and you'll recall that they're trialling the gold dinar in the province of Kelantan.

Greco thinks that modern technology may let us keep accounts of exchanges without having to resort to traditional forms of currency. I suppose this could be similar to Local Exchange Trading Systems. It's also interesting that he's featured and commented on Ron Paul's proposal that currency systems should be allowed to compete. Greco even looks at Air Miles as one candidate!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Liberty Dollar Update

A news item here about a bill introduced by Ron Paul, to stop the government misusing its power to kill-off rival currencies.