Keyboard worrier
Showing posts with label Rob Hopkins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rob Hopkins. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Don't save the planet, save the country

A couple of days ago, the Daily Telegraph reported on threats to our energy supply. "There will be huge reliance in the short term on gas, with up to 50 per cent of electricity coming from gas fired power stations. "

Instead of challengeable pi-jaw about global cooling/warming/okay-let's-compromise-and-call-it-change, why don't we look to reducing our energy use for the sake of liberty? No more dirty deals with Putin, Gaddafi, the Saudis et al. And less chance of another industry-crippling 1974 energy price hike.

An initiative that I think will run long and grow big is "transition towns", started by a man called Rob Hopkins in Totnes, Devon. Out from among the patchouli-scented crystal-wavers and hare-worshippers will yet come ideas to help us adapt to Peak Oil.