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Showing posts with label Exchange Traded Funds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Exchange Traded Funds. Show all posts

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Puplava on the commodities bull market

Jim Puplava's Financial Sense Newshour, July 7: having discussed what he sees as a long bull market in energy, Puplava turns to other commodities such as gold and silver: "the best protection in inflation has always been gold and silver, which represents real money". He sees a new "leg up" in the market within 3 to 6 months, because of the continuing inflationary expansion of money and credit. Another factor will be A&M - "junior producers" being acquired or merged to achieve economies of scale.

So as a hedge against inflation for the small investor, he recommends regular savings into a mutual fund in energy and precious metals, or even commodity ETFs (exchange traded funds) in energy and food.

Sunday, May 20, 2007