Keyboard worrier

Monday, September 03, 2018


Funny how buildings go on fire at times when no-one is supposed to be there - late at night, weekends... and especially school holidays -

Glasgow's School of Art, near midnight on Friday 15 June 2018:

Liverpool's Littlewoods Pools building, Sunday 2 September 2018:

Brazil's National Museum - same time as Liverpool:

There's now a database of fires in UK heritage buildings:

And then there are the textile warehouses that combust when there's a recession...

And in Birmingham (UK) a decade or two ago I seem to recall empty warehouses on the ring road that were listed buildings but stood in the way of some local authority development plan and - whoof! up they went in flames, nobody caught.

I suppose that if I composed a pamphlet titled "Arson for Fun and Profit" I'd be in trouble?


wiggiatlarge said...

There were some dubious fires during the last couple of firemans strikes.

A K Haart said...

In our area over the years there have been a number of fires in empty and inconvenient buildings. Older buildings, not particularly important but they had a place in local history.