Monday, September 03, 2018


Funny how buildings go on fire at times when no-one is supposed to be there - late at night, weekends... and especially school holidays -

Glasgow's School of Art, near midnight on Friday 15 June 2018:

Liverpool's Littlewoods Pools building, Sunday 2 September 2018:

Brazil's National Museum - same time as Liverpool:

There's now a database of fires in UK heritage buildings:

And then there are the textile warehouses that combust when there's a recession...

And in Birmingham (UK) a decade or two ago I seem to recall empty warehouses on the ring road that were listed buildings but stood in the way of some local authority development plan and - whoof! up they went in flames, nobody caught.

I suppose that if I composed a pamphlet titled "Arson for Fun and Profit" I'd be in trouble?


  1. There were some dubious fires during the last couple of firemans strikes.

  2. In our area over the years there have been a number of fires in empty and inconvenient buildings. Older buildings, not particularly important but they had a place in local history.


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