Keyboard worrier

Monday, January 07, 2008

Gold boom, gold bust

Brady Willett offers his predictions for 2008, including (at some stage) a major correction in the gold price, and Chinese equities.

I've reported expert comment before, about the vulnerability of gold to market manipulation and speculation. I think I'll keep on sitting out this dance.


Anonymous said...

I kind of agree with you on the gold front, but I'm not sure that the price of gold can be manipulated beyond the short term. I think that gold will be higher 5 years from now.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree that gold price can correct in the short-term, especially when the threat of deflation is perceived by the market.

It's interesting that I mentioned about that possibility back in March last year in Warning: gold price can still fall significantly.

Sackerson said...

Agreed, gentlemen. I think the strategy is, "Buy for the long term, but not at these prices at this time."