Keyboard worrier

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Vent for the Day

In a discussion thread was this gem. What do you think?

'Innovation requires imagination, which requires an atmosphere where people can do that freely. That's why freedom is always better and leads to the "great ideas."

It's the idea that's important. Whoever has the idea can always get the geeks to actually create it.'

That's nice. Have someone else do all of the work, and get none of the credit. That's why the US and UK are overrun with technical talent.

Charitable giving - is it cost-effective?

As money gets tighter, charities have to compete more for what we are able to give them. How do we know that our contribution is being used effectively?

In the United States, you can log onto Charity Navigator and get financial information and ratings on U.S. charities, but unfortunately there is no sister site for the UK, so we have to check our charities with other sources.

For example, let's take a worthy-sounding UK-based cause called the World Children's Fund. This is attractively presented on its own website, and I have had several slick mailshot approaches from them which made me feel emotionally coerced. But are they value for money? I could look them up on Charity Choice, which says "WCF ... has minimal overhead costs". However, this may merely be a wording supplied by WCF itself, so we turn to the accounts submitted to the Charity Commission, where it transpires that 29.1% of the funds raised have been spent on "Generating voluntary income". Compare that with the British Red Cross Society, which only spent 13.7% on the same category.

But that's only one way to do the figures. Calculating the proportion that goes on "charitable spending", I see that WCF manages 70% as against the Red Cross' 76%; and the Red Cross is a massively bigger outfit, so it might benefit from economies of scale. Yet according to Charity Navigator, Action Aid International achieves 84.9% for "program expenses", despite having a turnover less than half that of WCF's.

Well, we get down to complexities of accounting again. How many hands touch the money as it goes past, how much sticks to their fingers, how much ends up where it's needed? How detailed, transparent, honest are the accounts?

And it also gets philosophical: what are the needs you're trying to address? How well are you succeeding? And don't the people involved in running the charity have needs, too? Should they work for nothing?

UK-based Intelligent Giving tries to give a subtler approach to weighing up the performance of charities, and how well they report on what they're doing - see here for their judgment on the Red Cross, for example. Intelligent Giving also features a page listing other evaluation sites and foundations that screen beneficiaries and projects.

New Philanthropy Capital is another UK-based organisation researching charities; and their blog argues that we can be too easily diverted by expenditure issues and should re-focus on what we are trying to achieve.

In short, think about and research your giving carefully, as you would do with other important spending.

DISCLAIMER: Nothing here should be taken as personal advice, financial or otherwise. No liability is accepted for third-party content, whether incorporated in or linked to this blog.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

No deal

Société Générale: how to invest if the credit crunch worsens

A new report (fourth quarter of 2009) from French investment company Société Générale (SocGen) looks at the potential threat to the world economy of mounting debt. It may be that the credit crunch is far from over.

On page 12, the report looks at how investments could be affected, in the worst case. If the scenario is correct, then over the next 12 months SocGen predicts the best gains will come from long-term government bonds, and agricultural commodities.

SocGen warns of debt's potential to collapse the world economy

SocGen - Worst Case Debt Scenario

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Could Dubai be the trigger?

Warren Pollock points out that the real danger lies, not in Dubai possibly deciding to default on its sovereign debt, but in the credit default swaps surrounding the debt, which may magnify the problem by 10 - 100+ times. If some of these huge side bets are wild ones not adequately backed by the gamester's capital, off we go - and off Pollock goes, for his well-earned beer.

Incidentally, he gives a lovely description of a quantitative analyst: a schizophrenic with an IQ of 160 who belongs in a rubber room, but since he's working for a financial firm and "no-one understands him, what he's doing must be right". Only a brighter quant could spot his colleague's errors. Quis custodiet, eh?
Don't know why, but this made me smile:

If you're feeling a little down today, and looking for something to be thankful for, be thankful you have not lent money to Dubai. Unless, of course, you have lent money to Dubai.