Even at a very young age I thought that a lot of these were soppy. The Clangers were not. Weird and humorous. At school we would imitate the speech. I also remember a lot of weird stuff from behind the Iron Curtain, Czechoslovakia I think. Some of it scratched on the raw, unexposed, undeveloped, film. Then there were the shadow puppet theatre short films. No speech just crazy music - so no language barrier. Must have been cheap for the BBC - it mattered in those days.
Even at a very young age I thought that a lot of these were soppy. The Clangers were not. Weird and humorous. At school we would imitate the speech.
I also remember a lot of weird stuff from behind the Iron Curtain, Czechoslovakia I think. Some of it scratched on the raw, unexposed, undeveloped, film. Then there were the shadow puppet theatre short films. No speech just crazy music - so no language barrier. Must have been cheap for the BBC - it mattered in those days.
I remember some of those commie cartoons - e.g. Didi and Gogo?
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