Keyboard worrier

Friday, July 05, 2024

FRIDAY MUSIC: Swiss Dixie Jazzer, by JD

 I have no idea who they are and their web page has very little information on it plus it is in German. But...... I like their style. Perhaps they all had proper jobs once upon a time and decided that playing jazz was more fun: hence the Mid Life of their name?
Swiss Dixie Jazzer “SDJ”:

"Stage presence with closeness to the audience is our trademark, atmospheric and enjoyable joy of playing is our companion.

"Our repertoire ranges from old-time jazz, Dixie and swing – peppered with Latin, funk, folk music and everything else that spontaneously comes to mind."

Dixieland One Step - Midlife Jazzband / Swiss Dixie Jazzer

De Seppel - Midlife Jazzband / Swiss Dixie Jazzer

Swiss Dixie Jazzer "Sweet Emma"

Royal Garden Blues - Midlife Jazzband / Swiss Dixie Jazzer

Swiss Dixie Jazzer "Jumpin' at the Woodside"

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