Keyboard worrier

Friday, June 09, 2023

FRIDAY MUSIC: Back to Bach

More music from J S Bach, this time for piano. This small selection illustrates, I hope, how his music can be interpreted in so many ways. All of his music reminds me of waves lapping or crashing on the shore one after the other endlessly in perpetual motion.

As before, relax and lose yourself in the music with your glass of Riesling or Schnapps or perhaps a Stein of Bier or even, perish the thought, Liebfraumilch if you feel like it!

Bach Adagio BWV 974

David Fray - Bach (F-Moll)

Bach - Prelude in C Major

Johann Sebastian BACH/MARCELLO: Adagio, BWV 974

Bach Concerto for 4 Pianos. Multipiano/Tel-Aviv Soloists/Barak Tal

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