Keyboard worrier

Saturday, March 04, 2023

New on 'Now and Next': No Debate, No Democracy


'People who complain about the power structure call in aid the notion of democracy and the will of the people. There’s a hazy notion of ‘hey, let’s all get together and do X.’

'No chance. Quite obviously the people love to quarrel about the smallest things, as we can see every day on social media.

'New technology brings in new modes of action...'

- continued as per the above link. 


Paddington said...

However, the Socratic method only gets you so far. At some point, you have actual evidence, which can ruin the best argument.

Sackerson said...

Not all arguments are resolved by reference to fact. Some are about principles.

decnine said...

It's easy to get people to agree on what they are against. The clever bit is getting them to agree on what they are for.

Paddington said...

@Sackerson - and what happens when those principles are based on premises which can be shown to be false?