Keyboard worrier

Friday, December 31, 2021

FRIDAY MUSIC: Hogmanay! by JD

 A mix of old and new to help us stagger into 2022! Yes it's Hogmanay, New Year's Eve and that means it is time for The White Heather Club to help ring out the old and ring in the new!

Oh, I know it was corny and 'kitsch' but that is the nature of TV, then and now, if you think about it. It has been voted one of the worst programmes on TV which is a bit harsh when you realise TV has given us much worse such as Noel Edmonds or Jeremy Beadle and as for BBC News......

Anyway my father used to enjoy it with a glass of The Antiquary in his hand and there was nothing wrong with the music and the dancing on the show.

So this week's music is an updated version of the show while trying to keep alive the spirit of the original!


(Ed: If anyone remembers Broke Britain in the Fifties, homely entertainment was perfectly OK. We loved the White Heather Club - and beetle drives - and housey-housey - and Kan-U-Go - and...)

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