Keyboard worrier

Monday, November 15, 2021

Is China going to kill off all the world's fish?


Veteran China-watcher 'Serpentza' says that China is operating a massive illegal raid on fish stocks - including protected species. According to him:

Officially China has 2,500 ships in its fishing fleet, as compared with the USA's 300; but the real figure is estimated as closer to 17,000. 

The ships can stay out for years because of a support system of large vessels that resupply them with fuel and other necessaries, and collect up the catches from many ships and take them back, refrigerated, to the mother country. The fishing fleets can stay on station, so foreign nations' sovereign coastal stocks are under constant siege.

The fishing is hi-tech and indiscriminate, and law-breaking: against international law, the ships play about with the transponder system that lets them be tracked, so that they can turn off their transponders, raid other countries' waters at night undetected and then go back outside the sovereign area and turn the signals back on. The leaders of corrupt countries are bribed to cooperate or look the other way. 

Sensitive, protected zones such as the waters around the Galapagos Islands are being trashed, for the second year running. Species protected by law, such as the hammerhead shark, are not only caught up in the vast nets but especially prized in China, commanding higher prices as a result.

These activities are not, says 'Serpentza', illegal in China itself, so little or nothing will be done there.

Will fish and other marine wildlife go the way of the tiger, the rhino and all the rest? What will the sea be like when this 'grab it all today' madness comes to an end?

1 comment:

Sackerson said...

JD comments:

Here is Gregg Braden's critique of the 'climate change' misinformation -

... at about 3:10 he says climate is one of the least (of eight parameters) to worry about right now ...... we are losing life faster than we can catalogue it, primarily in the oceans and that's important because that's where the food chain begins.....

It would be more sensible to 'manage' any change in the climate instead of doing the impossible by pretending we can stop it changing one way or the other. The 'ecowarriors' have no faith in humanity's ability to deal with problems and find solutions. Such solutions come from people with imagination, something which is absent from the minds of the political cheerleaders of 'climate crisis' as well as the aforementioned ecowarriours.

It is not a problem and never has been a problem. We can deal with it, or some of us can having dealt with it in the past in a myriad of small ways.

p.s. - from my previous post on the subject "I think the climate scientists ought to get out more and stop relying on books and theories and computer forecasts. The truth is that the 'experts' do not know anything about our climate, or at the very least their understanding is minimal."