Keyboard worrier

Friday, October 29, 2021

FRIDAY MUSIC: Foxes and Fossils, by JD

Foxes and Fossils is a close harmony covers band which began when Tim Purcell and his daughter Sammie recorded the Simon and Garfunkel song 'America' in his home studio.

He explains what happened next: 

"I’d had a home studio for years and recorded all of my girls at one time or another so this wasn’t the first time Sammie and I had sung or recorded together but it was the first time I ever thought about putting an act together with her. The idea took root and began to grow. What if we added a few more pieces; a better guitarist, maybe a bass? What if both were good singers? The more I thought about it I began to realize that this might be my chance to put together that strong vocal ensemble I had always dreamed of."

And his dream has come true with some fine close harmony singing and as well as several million 'hits' for these and other YouTube videos. 

They have released three CDs so far as far as I know but, being an old fossil myself, I am not sure how the business of buying and selling digital downloads works (whatever digital downloads are; that is not one of my skills!)

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