Keyboard worrier

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

My post now on 'The Conservative Woman' - "EU Withdrawal Agreement? It's a gas!"

Saturday's post on the UK's revison of the Northern Ireland protocol has been republished today on The Conservative Woman, only omitting my sideswipe at Nancy Pelosi and the US's selective approach to international law and peace*. Click the link to see the usual catfights in the comments:

*Which the Daily Express has done anyway, as I found out when I Googled 'Nancy Pelosi Noraid':

And I have to put this up: George Galloway melting Senator Norm Coleman at the hearings of the U.S Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations relating to the Oil-for-Food Program. I know Galloway is a 'colourful' character but in this performance (May 2005) he is Cicero reborn. Magnificent. We need more such orators to check the corrupt power-seekers.

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