Keyboard worrier

Monday, August 17, 2020

*** Sad news: death of 'Raedwald' ***

I am very sorry to report that a friend of 'Raedwald' (real name Michael Neill) has been in touch today via the comment form on Broad Oak Magazine (awaiting moderation to protect the informant's personal information) to tell me that Mike has passed away. His friend is asking for information so he can get in touch with next of kin etc in England - is anybody here able to help?


Mike's brother has got in touch and matters are now in hand. Thanks to all who have expressed their condolences here, I am sure that there are very many others who feel the same way. I have passed Mike's brother's email address to James Higham in case you wish him to forward a message.

Nick Drew adds:

Thanks for letting us all know this sad news, Sackers.

He'll be greatly missed. I've put up a tribute here.

Another tribute from James Higham:


James Higham said...

I’ll contact those of Scriblerus who might have known him. R.I.P. Mike [Radders]? Thanks for your efforts on his behalf, Sackers.

JuliaM said...

Oh, I’m so very sorry to hear this!

formertory said...

That's unwelcome news indeed. I'm sure I won't be the only one who misses his trenchant, no nonsense commentary.

Well played, Radders, well played.

Dick Puddlecote said...

Is this definitely confirmed? Very sorry to hear the news.

Mrs Proudie of Barchester said...

Noooooo! I am so sorry to hear this, Raedwald Blog was always the first one I turned to each morning...I am devastated. Please pass on my sincere condolences to his family. Oh my, I will miss his sound common sense immensely.

Jack Savage said...

One of the pioneers as far as I am concerned. Very sorry to hear this. He was internet nobility to me.

dustybloke said...

Damn. I still access his blog via The Fat Bigot and have been pining at the lack of posts. Tragic news. RIP Radders.

dustybloke said...


Bill Sticker said...

His commentary will be much missed. Atque in perpetuum, frāter, avē atque valē.

Chromatistes said...

The roll of deceased Scriblerus alumni continues to grow. His blog was fun to read. May he long remain the junior such member!

A K Haart said...

Sorry to hear that. One of the good guys.

jim said...

Sad news indeed, he will be missed.

Scrobs. said...

This is so sad to hear!

Raedwald was in a similar business to me - construction, and I had always wanted to find out if we might have even met at some stage, but he kept himself pretty private. He mentioned the death of his wife recently, which was also a sad story.

R.I.P. Raeders, I'll leave your blog on my list for as long as I can.

Scroblene. (Scrobs).

Penseivat said...

I was a regular reader, and very occasional contributor, of his blog. Am so sad that I will no longer be able to read his reasoned and intelligent arguments and comments. My condolences to his loved ones.

Nick Drew said...

Thanks for letting us all know this sad news, Sackers.

He'll be greatly missed. I've put up a tribute here.

subrosa said...

What very sad news. I did think he was on holiday with the lack of posts. He was a constant support to me in my blogging days and no question was too much trouble. Hopefully someone will know enough personal details to ensure his friend can contact those he wishes. RIP Raedwald and thank you. You will be missed.

Sackerson said...


Mike's brother has got in touch and matters are now in hand. Thanks to all who have expressed their condolences here, I am sure that there are very many others who feel the same way. I have passed Mike's brother's email address to James Higham in case you wish him to forward a message.

Thud said...

He did some great work, I hope people listened.

E-K said...

I'm very sorry to hear the news.


James Higham said...

Keeping an eagle eye on things here, as someone also quite private. Working out how to compose something, not easy. Shall do a post this evening.

Poisonedchalice said...

I am so shocked and saddened to read this. I have followed Raedwald for years - and long before he set up the blogspot. He used to be a member of another forum for boat lovers and we were both boat lovers and his "no nonsense" style was evident there as well. I used to look in every morning to get some proper perspective on world events but now he's gone.

Mark The Skint Sailor said...

Having followed Radders for over a decade, it's a shame to hear he's passed away. He was one of the mainstays of my blog roll favourites list.
He always had a way with words that cut to the chase. Always worth reading.
I'll miss his wise words.

DP said...

Vale Raedwald.

Sail on.


Rob versus cancer said...

That is very sad news, at least he got to the point of us leaving the EU for which he was such an eloquent advocate if not the final escape. Rest in Peace Radders you'll be missed.

Prawn Sandwich said...

Oh Dear Radders. Been clicking first thing on starting up computer for more years than I can remember.. Assumed since last post 27 July Radders on holiday.

The voice of sanity common sense and a man of great learning who taught me so much.

RIP Dear Radders

John Brown said...

Just today found out this sad news.

I thought Raedwald was on a long holiday through August....

I used to go to his blog first in the morning and was always impressed by his vast knowledge, many experiences and clear reasoning.

I'm sure he will be missed by many.

RIP Raedwald

Anonymous said...

A huge loss to the blogging world. I'm not even sure I have the heart to remove his site link from my toolbar, such was the draw his comments used to have for me.

Condolences to his family and followers who, I know, will miss his wisdom as much as I will.

RIP Radders.

Anonymous said...

It's taken me a while to discover the sad, sad news of Radders' passing - like many I thought he was enjoying a break in these troubled times. I don't even have the heart to delete his blogging link from my toolbar such was the draw his comments had for me.

My condolences to his family, friends and faithful followers who I know will be as at a loss as I am for his passing.

RIP Radders and thanks for all the thought provoking posts.