Keyboard worrier

Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Kashmiri separatism and Chinese imperialist expansionism

Birmingham MP Jess Phillips Facebooks her support for self-determination in Kashmir:

'I have long worked with the Kashmiri community to promote human rights and self determination for the people of Kashmir, and will be meeting with the leader of the Labour Party to discuss these issues next week.'

My response: 

There are risks in partitioning India.

Human rights, certainly. 

But have you considered that encouraging political separation may also encourage Chinese expansionism?

China already claims Aksai Chin as its own:

And what human rights will the people of Jammu and Kashmir have then? Think of the Uighurs:

Previous BOM posts on China's need and desire to expand southwards:

... Another MP pogo-sticking in a minefield.

1 comment:

James Higham said...

Some of my earliest were on Chinese push outwards, with particular regard to the western highway, the Punjab and those areas. This does bring us back up to speed.