Keyboard worrier

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Sandra is calm and seems fine

According to trustedreviews  the latest rumour is that Apple’s iPhone 8 launch event will take place on September 12. Two weeks to go to the big day.

A few months ago Jordan Kahn of 9TO5Mac speculated about the new phone's potential for fun and games with augmented reality. Among various possibilities the above image surely sets a few hares running. 

Perhaps Sandra is calm because she views the future with equanimity. One day she may benefit from augmented equanimity. Or is that what these gadgets are all about anyway - a spurious sense of control?


Sackerson said...

Technology offers us ways of warping our perceptions until we are scarcely capable of distinguishing fantasy from reality. In a way, back to the Middle Ages.

A K Haart said...

Sackers - and the technology can be endlessly entertaining as well as creating an impression that we are only doing what millions of others are doing so it must be okay.