Keyboard worrier

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The road to Sheffield

Had a fine walk across Beeley Moor today. We reached the moor via the adjoining and delightfully named Gibbet Moor above Chatsworth. Imagine trudging across high moorland on a bitter November afternoon only to have a moorland gibbet cheer you on your way.

Beeley moor is like that even though the gibbets are long gone. At least I think they are. The moor is attractive in summer but even then there is something a little grim about the place. An extraordinarily atmospheric area even on a clear day. I love it.

Today the heather was out in force and the views excellent with very good visibility. Not easily captured on a photograph though - the superb expanse of it under a vast sky.

The moor is steeped in history from Hob Hurst's House to a number of old guide stoops such as this one directing travellers towards Sheffield. 

These stone guideposts, or 'stoops', were set at intersections of packhorse routes, were required by an Act of 1697. Beeley Moor is particularly rich in examples. They fell into disuse in the second half of the 18th Century as Turnpike roads superseded the old packhorse routes.

Is that a local hand I wonder - with three fingers?


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Sackerson said...

Not sure I'm against gibbeting, as a deterrent. A practical example of taking into account right brain thinking?

A K Haart said...

Sackers - I'm not sure either.

Paddington said...

Sackerson - decades ago, I was in favour of capital punishment, and you argued vehmently against it. Now, living where it is done, I am often not sure. I have no qualms about putting down an aggressive dog. In fact, we just had to do so last Winter, with one who had a brain tumour. However, in the US it is only the poor/middle class who get killed, and there are way too many cases of innocence, particularly black males.

Sackerson said...

Points taken, P. Maybe we'll leave things as they are in the UK until we have real equal treatment under the law. The murder trial I witnessed made me seriously doubt the system.