Keyboard worrier

Saturday, January 18, 2014


(Click to achieve enlightenment)
The image of Tianmen Square's giant TVs broadcasting the sunrise to relieve the smoggy gloom struck me as a metaphor for much more than China's industry and environment.

If we tore our eyes and ears away from the agenda-infested media, what conclusions would we draw from our own experience? What plans of action would we form?

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A K Haart said...

"If we tore our eyes and ears away from the agenda-infested media, what conclusions would we draw from our own experience? What plans of action would we form?"

I sometimes ask myself that question but find it difficult to answer.

I often end up admitting that I like the sense of engagement, however misleading and frustrating it may be.

Sackerson said...

Ditto. Is it a weakness?

Wolfie said...

How about the west take back manufacturing as we can do it far cleaner?

Sackerson said...

Wolfie: The smog is just the Chinese version of an old-fashioned "London particular". At least they try to cheer the people up.

From our side, we're more likely to sell them clean / cleanup technology. They've already got widescreen TVs, it seems.