Keyboard worrier

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A reading from the Book of Santa, Ch. III, vv. 15 - 18

15When the king thus showed favour to their brother, the reindeer spake privily one to another, saying, surely we shall suffer wrath if we do as we have done heretofore.
16Let us honour Rudolph in the sight of our master, that his countenance shall smile upon us also.
17Then came they to Rudolph and praised him with loud voices, crying, thy name shall be remembered among us, yea, even to the seventh generation.
18Yet in their hearts was much bitterness, seeing that he had been set up over them.

1 comment:

A K Haart said...

Again I say unto you, it is easier for a fat man to clamber down chimneys than for a man to become poorer when he hath friends in high places.