Keyboard worrier

Monday, August 24, 2009

More on Al-Megrahi

Should an innocent man stay in jail to assuage our feelings about Colonel Gaddafi? A member of the Scottish Parliament thinks not.

And the total number of visitors to Professor Robert Black's blog has leapt 50% in the last week. They also serve, who only stand and wait.


James Higham said...

This is one where our righteous indignation appears to be faltering and we're seeing there is another sie to this. I'm hoping the focus will now be on those who couldn't get it right in the first place because form them, it's a short jump to an expose of the people really running the show in this country.

Paddington said...
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Paddington said...

Well, when Reagan bombed Libya, and killed one of Ghaddafi's children, over the Berlin disco bombings, it was known that the real culprits were supported by Syria.

dearieme said...

Mind you, the claim about Ghaddafi's child turned out to be bogus, didn't it?

Paddington said...

dearieme: that I don't remember, but you could be right. The point is that we intentionally lashed out at the 'wrong' enemy, just as we did in Iraq.