Keyboard worrier

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Cash vs the stock market: an inconvenient truth

Mish looks at certificates of deposit vs returns from stocks. Investors, take note.

The folly of buy-and-hold may also apply to houses.

"Holding stocks, you have to hold your breath, as the smell may be fatal" - wepollock (htp: Jesse)


James Higham said...

Houses are hardly stocks though.

Sackerson said...

I've said for a long time, what you treat as an investment will behave like one.

Paddington said...

Like Mr. Macawber (?) in Great Expectations, I treat my home like a castle, but I don't have a moat (unlike some MP's).

Mohit Jain said...

I think those people who are positive on the stock markets should stay invested because though doubts remain the market will in the long run move upwards hereon.

For those who have doubts about the market then day trading is the best option to trade with each session.

Buy on dips and short on highs this is the best way for Day traders as money making opportunities are aplenty and €500 a week is something that is achievable.

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UK Day Trading
Day Trading

James Higham said...

Buy on dips and short on highs this is the best way for Day traders as money making opportunities are aplenty and €500 a week is something that is achievable.

This seems sound. And if everyone is doing this?

Sackerson said...

Then we'll all get rich, of course.

Gold IRA said...

The stock market and cash both are depend of each other. And this blog has provided to us much information about this point.Watch a free video on Gold IRA.