Keyboard worrier

Monday, December 17, 2007

Snippets, straws in the wind

Randy's Credit Crunch Update pictures a cycle of emotions in relation to the markets, and forecasts first deflation, then inflation;

Nadeem Walayat predicts another brightening of the FTSE's candle flame, before it flutters again;

Jas Jain says "total household debt growth below $300B annual rate will lead to outright deflation within months" and this is why the Fed has to keep trying to stimulate lending, with ever-diminishing responses;

Ghassan Abdallah counsels against trying to short the market, what with many forces attempting to support it - best to sit out the dance;

AFP interprets the slide in world stocks as a disappointed response to the Fed's limited interest rate cut, and a sign of fear of inflation - something Alex Wallenwein predicted recently;

Finally, Captain Hook plays with ideas that have occupied me for some time (rubric mine):

... If what we are witnessing is at a minimum a Grand Super-Cycle Degree event, then a total collapse of stock, bond, and currency markets world-wide could be in store as the globe reverts back to more regionalized economies, and localized currencies...

... the swings in the markets are enough to curl one's spine these days, so speculator exhaustion could play a role in curbing interest in speculation. This is a natural considering the aging western populations at this point and will play a big role in curbing the demand for financial assets moving forward as retirees attempt to spend their savings.

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