Keyboard worrier

Friday, October 12, 2007

How would money buy this?

Many a truth is spoken in jest: at his request, Herriman's ashes were scattered in Monument Valley, Utah. Here is his love, expressed in a backhanded way that reveals more than it conceals.

This week, again, I spent time with clients talking not about money and how to invest it, but about what they wanted from life. It's so easy to let your mind become trapped in attempts to beat the top score on the pinball machine.


James Higham said...

It's not too facile to say that money should work for us, as our servant and not be allowed to become our master. Good article, Sackerson.

Anonymous said...

"about what they wanted from life": to be 26 again.

Sackerson said...

DM: I managed that 3 years ago! Working on my third now.